Just raves, reviews, requests, rants & other related witty-isms from my so-called life along w/occasional freebies & coupons. You may NOT use MY words & other vitriolic criticisms(which are my own opinion of certain things, humans, etc... & I am NOT compensated whatsoever; I just have a big mouth & lots to say) without written consent fr: me, please. Yes; it's my stuff & you can't use it willy-nilly all over w/out permission. Thanks! The management.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Keep your "true" friends for the new year and forever...
A fantastic article one of my followers sent me for Christmas from a magazine she read some time ago:
What is a real friend?
There aren’t many people who are true friends. That spot is reserved for only a select few. In my life, God has given me some friends who have laughed with me (and sometimes at me), cried with me, listened for hours to whatever I wanted to say, overlooked a lot of stupid things I said and did, and never broke our confidence. I want to make a list of those characteristics of true friends. (I thought about making up a rating scale for each of these. You could give each of your friends a composite score. But then I realized it wouldn’t exactly encourage friendship if you said things like, “Well, Jim, you only got a 6.354 on my friendship scale.” Or “Sarah, you ranked a lot higher on my friendship scale than Beth. Way to go!” So let’s drop that idea, okay?)
1. A true friend is loyal - There have been a few people in my life that I could have complete confidence that no matter what I told them, they’d never breathe a word of it to anybody if I asked them not to. Loyalty is one of the chief characteristics of friendship, and it goes way beyond keeping your mouth shut. A true friend “sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). He or she is committed to you no matter what. Even if (and when) you do something completely stupid, a friend will stand by you. One of my favorite memories is of the NCAA National Championship Basketball Game several years ago. Georgetown was playing North Carolina. The game was in the final seconds, and Michael Jordan had just put the Tar Heels in front. Georgetown took the ball down court for a final game-winning shot. The Georgetown guard passed mid-court with eight seconds left on the clock. He passed the ball-to a North Carolina player! The clock ran out, and Georgetown lost the game. Everybody on the court, in the stands, and watching on television was stunned. The guy had made a tremendous blunder and cost the national championship! The TV camera stayed on Georgetown coach, John Thompson. He walked over to the young player who was obviously devastated by what he had done, and Thompson put his big arms around him and hugged him for a long, long time. That’s loyalty. That’s true friendship.
In Ecclesiastes 4:10, Solomon says, “If one falls down, his friend can help him up, but pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.” We need friends who can help us in tough times, who will be there for us, and who will stick closer than a brother.
In one of the most beautiful stories in the Bible, we read in I Samuel of the friendship between David and Jonathan, King Saul’s son. David had killed Goliath and saved the nation, but Saul was jealous over David’s popularity. He wanted to have the young warrior killed. Jonathan risked his own life time and again to defend David, and Jonathan supported his friend when no one else in the kingdom was willing to help him. In one of the classic descriptions of true friendship in all of literature, the Bible says that “the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David.” These men truly loved each other and were prepared to die for each other. That kind of loyalty is sometimes stated, but seldom is real. Jonathan and David had the real thing.
2. A true friend is honest - Sometimes we enjoy a friend being honest with us. Solomon wrote, “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips” (Proverbs 24:26). We like that-well, sometimes! But one of the tests of friendship is whether people are willing to speak the truth to each other and risk a negative reaction. Solomon also wrote, “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses” (Proverbs 27:6). There have been times that close friends, like my wife, have the courage to say, “Mark, I really care about you, and I need to tell you something.” At that point, I know the bombay doors are opening and the bomb is about to drop! I have the choice at that point to value my friend’s courage and honesty, or to hunker down in my emotional bomb shelter and hope the truth goes away. I don’t really like to hear things like that, but I’ve learned to value this kind of honesty even more than much of the encouragement I get.
3. A true friend is forgiving - In any real friendship, people’s feelings are going to be hurt. Many years ago, a movie called Love Story had a line in it: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” After careful analysis and deep reflection, I’d have to say, “That’s bunk!” Love means being willing to say you’re sorry! Sometimes we need to overlook somebody’s bad day. Maybe she’s so rude because she just found out Tony asked somebody else to the dance. Maybe he’s sulking because he struck out in the last inning with the bases loaded. Whatever. We give people some space to get over whatever is bothering them.
But sometimes we are genuinely offended. We are hurt and angry. This is not the time to say, “Hey, it doesn’t matter. I’ll just blow it off.” It’s time to forgive. If we don’t forgive-and resolve the underlying problem-then a wedge will be driven between the two people. As more hurts are inflicted, the wedge is driven deeper and deeper until the relationship is shattered. Don’t let that happen. True friends are good forgivers.
Paul wrote to the believers in Colossae, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Col 3:13). Forgiveness means we acknowledge how hurt we are, but we choose to not hold the offense against that person. As we reflect on the forgiveness we have experienced from Christ, we are more motivated to forgive other people. When we are hurt, everything in us cries out for revenge. We want to hurt that person by gossiping, withdrawing, or attacking. Don’t do it! A true friend forgives when he or she has been hurt.
4. A true friend is realistic - Friends don’t sign up to be our parents, our teachers, or to fill the role of God in our lives. Don’t expect them to do more than be a friend. When we expect (or demand) more than friendship, we put a tremendous strain on the relationship. In college, a friend of mine developed relationships with a lot of girls. But he was really drawn to one particular girl. She was really kind and sweet. He pursued her and tried to spend as much time with her as possible, but soon I noticed something was wrong. The more he pursued, the more she backed off. I knew this guy was from a tough background. His parents were divorced. His dad was an alcoholic. I think he was looking for more than friendship. He was hoping this girl would fill up the hole in his heart left by his family’s hurts. That’s too much to expect of a friendship! Before long, the girl backed off completely, leaving him devastated.
One of the things I’ve also noticed about the reality of friendships is that they sometimes end. Someone moves away. Someone changes values and lifestyle. Someone gets in with a different crowd. Many times, we can stay friends even at a distance, but it’s just not the same as seeing the person regularly and sharing dreams and dreads on a daily basis. It hurts when two friends are separated. Depending on the circumstances, they can continue the friendship for many, many years from a distance. I know people who are really old (like 30!) who have moved away but stay in touch with high school buddies. They enjoy catching up with each other, but they have developed other close friendships in their new hometowns.
There aren’t any perfect friendships because there aren’t two perfect people to have one. But there are many great friendships because two people are loyal to each other, they speak the truth even when it hurts because they care, they forgive when they are hurt and work through the problem, and they are realistic. In Romans 12:9, Paul wrote, “Let love be without hypocrisy.”
True friends don’t play mind games with each other. True friends don't measure your merit with what you buy for them or what you do for them; or don't do for them. They are there for you thick and thin just as you should be. Friends are a tremendous blessing from Allah according to Islamics. Friendship is such a beautiful gift. A friend in need is a friend in deed after all
Ain't that the truth? And it's funny how women seem to be the ones who are riddled with hatred, jealousy, drama. To quote Dr. Sheldon Cooper from "Big Bang Theory," 'bitches be crazy."
Happy new year! I hope you're all blessed with the love of true friendship next year and in the future!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
And...Comcast does it again!
Not only have my connection issues not been resolved but we're STILL getting crap service; dropped calls, signals for internet and cable. And they're raising the rates! I have a blind friend who has had nothing but troubles w/Comcast as well; same issues as I and they're not informing him of his rate hikes untill he paid his bill. Their reasoning? We mailed you info. ???? He's blind!
Shitty horrible service. I'm begging my landlord to let us get DirecTV. I know he requested we not get another dish but I'm begging him.
Shitty horrible service. I'm begging my landlord to let us get DirecTV. I know he requested we not get another dish but I'm begging him.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Here's some flight info for Chicago December 20th, 2012
American Airlines announced that all domestic flights leaving Chicago after 8PM tonight are cancelled due to incliment weather....call ahead for your flight arrangements and be safe! The link for flight info for AA is HERE or call 1-800-433-7300 and just keep hitting "0" until you speak to a live human being or an alien. Not too sure if it applies to both O'Hare or Midway but double check.
Also, Midway Airport's Southwest Airlines has already cancelled every flight as of.....NOW. Southwest Airlines info is right HERE OR call 1-800-435-9792.
FYI: apparently they've decided to name the winter storms because snow felt out of the game without names ala hurricanes, typhoons, etc...so now this is Winter Storm Draco...mmm? I kinda like the sound of that as it reminds me of Hogwarts and Harry Potter.
ABC7Chicago.com has doppler weather maps and school closing info right now re: tomorrow. Sounds like another "snowpocolypse" going down, wouldn't you say?
Have a safe trip!
Also, Midway Airport's Southwest Airlines has already cancelled every flight as of.....NOW. Southwest Airlines info is right HERE OR call 1-800-435-9792.
FYI: apparently they've decided to name the winter storms because snow felt out of the game without names ala hurricanes, typhoons, etc...so now this is Winter Storm Draco...mmm? I kinda like the sound of that as it reminds me of Hogwarts and Harry Potter.
ABC7Chicago.com has doppler weather maps and school closing info right now re: tomorrow. Sounds like another "snowpocolypse" going down, wouldn't you say?
Have a safe trip!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
OK, yo! Crunch time!
Yesh, it's crunch time in so many ways, re: Christmas. This is the last weekend to shop unless you're Orthodox and do Christmas on Epiphany. Nonetheless, reminder of the great deals all the stores may have so hit their websites for further details. RE: Delivery? Well, Amazon is alluding that they shall make it by December 24th delivery on most items...but we shall see, no? Not I as I'm not ordering online this year.
Don't forget to patronize your local business for your last minute gift ideas!
If I don't see you Merry Christmas!~ And yes, I say Merry Christmas....
Don't forget to patronize your local business for your last minute gift ideas!
If I don't see you Merry Christmas!~ And yes, I say Merry Christmas....
Monday, December 17, 2012
Don't forget about Santa at Daley Plaza
Until Christmas Eve, Santa will be at Daley Plaza every day from 11AM til 8PM; he lunches and feeds the reindeer from 3-4PM. Pluuuus, visit the Christkindlmarket tomorrow, Tuesday, December 18 from 3-5pm for a special children's afternoon.
Small businesses in the western 'burbs of Chicago ROCK!
So, I've been doing loads of interviewing and viewing of small businesses in and out of the city itself and I am one tired beeesh. I find as of late the 'burbs seem to be a bit more open and receptive in regard to having their business plugged by a consumer/RN/writing momma who has a big mouth and loads of friends, especially well over 600 contacts on a certain social network where I more than freely express my opinion...than the city businesses. Perhaps I should have a cameraman behind me ala "Ben Loves Chicago" but that's hard to do w/a limited income and a zoo of kids and a service dog in tow. You'd think that just the word of mouth and a verbal agreement of a promise of a blog of said business would suffice; but alas! Perhaps it's also the old mentality of Chicago business owners having to grease palms of certain individuals to keep their business afloat thwarted their mindset for free publicity, as I get no compensation from my yapper nor really had receptive responses from some city businesses.
Well, during Berwyn's annual "Deck the Depot" which occurred December 8th I along w/my zoo had the honor of patronizing a fabulous little store in Berwyn called "Fly Right Gifts." Just down the street from the Berwyn Metra depot at 6902 Windsor this little treasure is filled with so many adorable goodies to satisfy any age and budget! There are environmentally "right" toys, cosmetics and cleaning products as well as recycled jewelry at great prices! There are dog toys, other handmade goodies made by local artists, water bottles that don't look stupid according to proprietess Laurie; even a 'fridge magnet that states "Berwyn" on it.
Wouldn't that make Svengoolie proud?
The shop is tiny yet cozy and has an old-school feel; along the lines of the dime stores/Ben Franklins from days gone by. Laurie will even let little ones fill out a shopping list of sorts to make for Santa which will go to both parents and Santa.
Stand up straight and to "Fly Right" click on the link for Laurie's website and blog HERE!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Free food coupons!!!
Get thee over to my facebook page GET YOU SOME!!!!!!! See what I have 'cooking' over there for your eating pleasure! GET YOU SOME is in all caps with seven exclamation points!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
IT CAME FROM BERWYN...OR....Check the Decked out Depot @ Burlington Northern Berwyn stop.
So, this weekend Berwyn will host their annual Deck the Depot festival of lights dealie. It's going to be a few hours of holiday fun with a live reindeer and petting zoo in theMunicipal Parking Facility at 3310 S Grove, horsedrawn sleigh, free trolley rides in a heated trolley, free pics with Santa at the Bounce Sports Multiplex and compimentary goodies courtesy of local businesses all up and down Windsor Avenue between Harlem and East Avenues.
Hours are 5-9PM this Saturday December 8th. For more details click on the link HERE
And guess what? It's FREEEEEEE!
Speaking of something or "IT" coming from Berwyn, does anyone know how Rich Koz is doing? I heard he had a heart attack a while back. Any news? Anyone? Hmmmm? Let us know if you know, eh? Thanks....the management.
Hours are 5-9PM this Saturday December 8th. For more details click on the link HERE
And guess what? It's FREEEEEEE!
Speaking of something or "IT" coming from Berwyn, does anyone know how Rich Koz is doing? I heard he had a heart attack a while back. Any news? Anyone? Hmmmm? Let us know if you know, eh? Thanks....the management.
Some more holiday happenings around the ChiTown area...
You know I really hate when these things just creep up on ya....or when organizations plan these events waaaay before Christmas. I just found out the CTA Holiday Train already was on the Orange Line which is the train closest to us....humpf! Well, anyway, The Chicago Transit Authority is getting into the Christmas spirit with their popular Holiday Train! Santa and his elves will ride the train passing out candy canes and Christmas greetings.
The train is an amazing and..uh...scary sight - during the daytime and at night! You'll get a warm and funny feeling just watching it come up at your stop. The outside of the six-car train is adorned with holiday seasonal images. Thousands of twinkling (flashing...hope you don't have seizures...ha ha) lights outline the shape of the train and windows, with even more lights running across the tops of the cars. Let me tell ya; it's quite busy and blinding! If you're going or coming from work take pictures and post them on Facebook! It's really funny and cool to see!
Inside the cars are totally decked out with loads of multi-colored flashing lights, red bows, garland, and red and green overhead lighting. The hand poles are wrapped to look like candy canes or a barber pole if you're Jewish, Pagan, Buddhist, Muslim, etc...
As the train pulls into each station, Santa waves eagerly to the boarding passengers (and those just standing on the platform astounded by the sight of a Griswald-esque image of a CTA train in real life) from his sleigh on an open-air flatcar carrying his reindeer and brightly decorated holiday trees freezing his "bucks" off. Poor thing; I hope he's bundled up, eh? Think he has a bit of booze meshed into his hot cocoa?
Just so you know if you happen to be traveling to and from work you can take the Holiday Train. Just take pictures and share, eh?
The Holiday Train will travel all CTA rail lines in December as part of regular rail service and generally operates from about 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on select weekdays (schedules for each rail line will vary), and will make stops at all stations along the respective routes. The holiday train is the same price of a regular train/bus ride. Below are the current and upcoming dates and train lines the Holiday Train will travel upon:
Blue Line:
12/6 - Thu
12/7 - Fri
12/8 - Sat (Photo w/Santa day)
Red Line:
12/12 - Wed
Purple Line:
12/13 - Thu
Red Line:
12/14 - Fri
Red Line & Purple Line:
12/15 - Sat (Photo with Santa day.)
Red Line:
12/18 - Tue
Purple Line:
12/19 - Wed
Yellow Line:
12/20 - Thu
Red Line & Purple Line:
12/22 - Sat
FOR ACTUAL TIMES CLICK HERE and click on the light blue dates of the schedule.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
It's the Great Charlie Brown EXHIBIT!
Weeeeeell, it's not THAT great; IE, great in size...or greatness in the sense of it being anywhere near the "WOW" factor. I was slightly disappointed, let me tell you.
So, along with a patient of mine we went on the last free day of the 2012 year to the Museum of Science and Industry and made our way to the Charlie Brown Exhibit.
With a small $5 fee for the exhibit you get access to a small yet somewhat interesting view of the inside world of Sparky, aka Charles Schultz.
And I'm not kidding; this exhibit is reeeally, really small.
There's a bit of a bio on Sparky along with letters and other notes from the creator of Snoopy along with images of Sparky as a child. There are also notes of when certain characters came to be (Like Schroeder, who was introduced as a baby in 1951) along with a view of the original strip some of the characters came to be. There's a good sized step piano reminiscent of the movie "Big" with Tom Hanks but this piano is no where near the size of the one F.A.O Scwartz had from the movie "Big," there are life-sized plastic characters of Charlie Brown and Snoopy snoozing on his dog house for photo ops, a lot of interaction kiddie activities like an art area and a dress up area. There are cartoon cells of most of the TV specials, a bit of a wall with an homage to "Joe Cool" which I never liked personally....sorry; but I DO love Snoopy!
It seemed like it was geared more for kids. Little kids, but big kids all over who adore Snoopy and Charlie Brown can dig this exhibit. I just didn't think the $5 charge was necessary IMO and don't be surprised if you're slightly disappointed. There was a bit of a teaser for this "great" exhibit before the main hall where the Christmas trees from around the world are displayed; a huge Charlie Brown themed decorated tree that was quite impressive.
This goes along with the deal of products being smaller and servings, service, etc...being shorter and smaller but the price remains the same. Lots of the usual exhibits were not as big as they used to be even a few years ago.
Like the Christmas trees from around the world wasn't as extensive as it usually is and IMO I think some of the countries who decorated their respective trees could have put a bit more "UMPF" in their tree decorating skills. I mean, come on; after all, thousands and thousands of people from all over the world would be looking at these and you'd think they'd put more thought and creativity in their trees. Like the tree from England? Loads of ornaments with the image of Queen Elizabeth and replicas of her crown with a few other doo-dads on it. I don't recall seeing more than one Union Jack flag. The tree from Colombia looked more like it was from Mexico than the tree from Mexico. Very disappointing as well.
The highlight of our trip was the fact that we can purchase a "Big Bang Theory" t-shirt for the kids with the ubiquitous saying of Dr. Sheldon Cooper.
The exhibit runs until February 18th, 2013. Want more info on the Charlie Brown exhibit or the Museum of Science/Industry just click HERE
So, believe this or not positive and exciting things DO happen in the McKinley Park neighborhood of Chicago.
It creeps up on ya, I swear!
What creeps up on ya!?
Important dates; holidays, etc....I had absolutely no idea the Toys for Tots parade was this past weekend, and considering the close proximation of Western Avenue to our house, I trekked there with the Zoo in tow (IE, the kiddies both two legged and four legged kinds). They were quite excited about going and were shocked at the noise and enthralled at the sights of the Christmas themed bikes and various military vehibles that flowed freely across 35th Street on Western. With the weather warm as early June or September more spectators were present then previously years, and more bikers participated!
Ubiquitous Santas, Elves, reindeer antlers, biker leather and even the sights of Vespas and Honda scooters, I was watching with envy, even at the scooters. This really looks like such fun regardless of the weather...and it's for such a wonderful cause.
Every year I'm standing there and feel the warm, fuzzy and overwhelming feeling of love and joy! The energy you feel from just standing there watching all the participants smiling, waving, pointing at the American flag with a salute and waves to us especially to the kids who were enthusiastically waving back and yelling...."
It literally brings tears to my eyes....every.....single.....year. I get choked up.
You can still drop off donations up until December 16th and if you'd like, make a monetary donation online. The link for the Chicagoland area website with more infomation is HERE
Sunday, December 2, 2012
FYI, small business alert!`
Just to let you know I'll be paying a visit to a few small businesses this week to review and let you all know what's what in regard to what they have available, where, etc...just in time for Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate this time of the year.
If you have any comments or ideas of places you'd like us to visit w/in the next three weeks, PM or comment me and we'll take the zoo w/us and get cracking! There's no time like the present to shop locally to bring your fellow Americans out of the financial funk and back to reality; truth, justice and the American way, aka Capitalism!
If you have any comments or ideas of places you'd like us to visit w/in the next three weeks, PM or comment me and we'll take the zoo w/us and get cracking! There's no time like the present to shop locally to bring your fellow Americans out of the financial funk and back to reality; truth, justice and the American way, aka Capitalism!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Wha' choo gonna do this weekend?
Well, I'mma gonna rehab as I've had the viral thing that wouldn't leave for the past 7+ days, but if you'd like to do some fun stuff, here's whuzzup this weekend!
A Christmas Carol is at the Goodman Theater through the holiday season....contact the Goodman or Ticketmaster for more details.
The Magnificent Mile Lights Festival kicks off the holiday season on Michigan Avenue tonight; and it's going to be a warm night too! Too weird, IMO. The parade starts (or ends, I forget) on Michigan near Fort Dearborn memorial. Various businesses like Argo Tea at 435 N. Michigan and Harry Carey's at 33 West Kinzie will give out free hot chocolate to get you warmed up (??? It's not going to be below 45 tonight) and into the holiday spirit. Check out various Michigan Avenue businesses for specail deals and coupons/savings! Here's the link for the holiday guide so just click HERE
Don't forget Macy's has their windows set up for Christmas as do several other businesses, so this will be a great day to check things out since it's not too cold out.
The Chicago Toy and Game show is at Navy Pier this weekend, so to save $2 on cover click HERE
Be safe and have fun!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Remembering our Vets on Veteran's Day.
Unbeknownst to me we here in Chicago have quite a bit of Civil War history. You're probably thinking "uh, say what? How can that be? The battles were fought all way down yonder in Dixie. Well, a bit of Civil War trivia re: Illinois, and ChiTown:
Illinois contributed over 250,000 Union Soldiers ranking us fourth in terms of the total man power in US military service.
Illinois was one of the major suppliers of goods necessary for Union Soldiers, IE: military supplies, food, and clothing.
Illinois troops fought mainly in the Western Theater (IE: East of Mississippi River and West of the Appalachains.
Camp Douglas which was located in Chicago was one of the largest training facilities for the war effort; and ended up being one of the largest Confederate POW prisons, with thousands of said Confederate soldiers buried in neighboring Oak Woods Cemetary. Word is there are over 6,000 Confederate troops buried at Oak Woods and next to the buried is a tribute statue. Camp Douglas was located on Cottage Grove and 31st to 33rd Place and MLK Drive.
Elmer Ellsworth, a New Yorker who moved to Chicago to please his wife (so the legend goes) was the leader of the U.S. Zouave Cadets in Chicago and was a martyr for us and of the Civil War by getting shot for taking down a Confederate flat in Virginia. The Zouave were an elite military "militia" type of group out of French Northern Africa; along the lines of the Foreign Legion who's leader was a fencing instructor in Chicago. He took young Ellsworth and trained him into the leader he was. He was the first officer killed during the Civil War.
Along with that we have several other cemetaries in our fair area who give tribute to the fallen Civil War soldiers. Something to think of as over 600,000 American soldiers (we'll say soldiers as there were plenty of women who posed as men sporting a "full metal corset" if you will) were killed or died during this conflict.
The Rosehill Cemetary has a Vet tribute on Veteran's Day ( I just learned, quite upset btw as it's too late to attend!) with volunteers dressed in uniforms from every American conflict to represent and remember the Vets with the release of cannons and 21 gun salutes. Rosehill is located at 5800 North Ravenswood in Chicago.
Oak Woods is at 1035 E. 67th St., Chicago
with the over 6,000 Confederate soldiers resting.
Calvary Cemetary at 301 Chicago Ave. in Evanston is the resting place of several high ranking officers and soldiers, including Patrick McGuire, the Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. He was a Private in the Chicago Mercantile Battery, and was awarded the medal for Vicksburg, Mississippi. The grave of another Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Hugh Molloy, (who was in the Navy) and James Mulligan’s grave (not a Medal of Honor recipient). Originally from Ireland, Mulligan founded the 23rd Illinois infantry which was known for its Irish connections. After losing a battle he went to Camp Douglas where he was the commandant. He was killed in the 2nd Battle of Kernstown in Virginia in 1864.
And remember Abe Lincoln was living in Illinois before he lived in the White House.
So let's remember our Vets; from which ever way they've served. And you cute girls? Go ahead and let a WW2 Vet pinch your tushy. I've had that done and as I mentioned to him (him being Grandpa Soldier) if he does that again he'll pull back a bloody stump. He laughed and I said, "you couldn't handle all this; who do you think you are? Hugh Hefner?" He was a Poppy seller and an USS Indianapolis survivor...so I let him get a grab....well, a pinch. It didn't hurt and it was a bit creepy; but the smile on his face and the way his blue eyes sparkled and him saying "woof! I love me redheads!" I had to laugh it off, letting all the creepiness leave my brain and spirit and buy me a few poppies.
Illinois contributed over 250,000 Union Soldiers ranking us fourth in terms of the total man power in US military service.
Illinois was one of the major suppliers of goods necessary for Union Soldiers, IE: military supplies, food, and clothing.
Illinois troops fought mainly in the Western Theater (IE: East of Mississippi River and West of the Appalachains.
Camp Douglas which was located in Chicago was one of the largest training facilities for the war effort; and ended up being one of the largest Confederate POW prisons, with thousands of said Confederate soldiers buried in neighboring Oak Woods Cemetary. Word is there are over 6,000 Confederate troops buried at Oak Woods and next to the buried is a tribute statue. Camp Douglas was located on Cottage Grove and 31st to 33rd Place and MLK Drive.
Elmer Ellsworth, a New Yorker who moved to Chicago to please his wife (so the legend goes) was the leader of the U.S. Zouave Cadets in Chicago and was a martyr for us and of the Civil War by getting shot for taking down a Confederate flat in Virginia. The Zouave were an elite military "militia" type of group out of French Northern Africa; along the lines of the Foreign Legion who's leader was a fencing instructor in Chicago. He took young Ellsworth and trained him into the leader he was. He was the first officer killed during the Civil War.
Along with that we have several other cemetaries in our fair area who give tribute to the fallen Civil War soldiers. Something to think of as over 600,000 American soldiers (we'll say soldiers as there were plenty of women who posed as men sporting a "full metal corset" if you will) were killed or died during this conflict.
The Rosehill Cemetary has a Vet tribute on Veteran's Day ( I just learned, quite upset btw as it's too late to attend!) with volunteers dressed in uniforms from every American conflict to represent and remember the Vets with the release of cannons and 21 gun salutes. Rosehill is located at 5800 North Ravenswood in Chicago.
Oak Woods is at 1035 E. 67th St., Chicago
with the over 6,000 Confederate soldiers resting.
Calvary Cemetary at 301 Chicago Ave. in Evanston is the resting place of several high ranking officers and soldiers, including Patrick McGuire, the Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. He was a Private in the Chicago Mercantile Battery, and was awarded the medal for Vicksburg, Mississippi. The grave of another Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Hugh Molloy, (who was in the Navy) and James Mulligan’s grave (not a Medal of Honor recipient). Originally from Ireland, Mulligan founded the 23rd Illinois infantry which was known for its Irish connections. After losing a battle he went to Camp Douglas where he was the commandant. He was killed in the 2nd Battle of Kernstown in Virginia in 1864.
And remember Abe Lincoln was living in Illinois before he lived in the White House.
So let's remember our Vets; from which ever way they've served. And you cute girls? Go ahead and let a WW2 Vet pinch your tushy. I've had that done and as I mentioned to him (him being Grandpa Soldier) if he does that again he'll pull back a bloody stump. He laughed and I said, "you couldn't handle all this; who do you think you are? Hugh Hefner?" He was a Poppy seller and an USS Indianapolis survivor...so I let him get a grab....well, a pinch. It didn't hurt and it was a bit creepy; but the smile on his face and the way his blue eyes sparkled and him saying "woof! I love me redheads!" I had to laugh it off, letting all the creepiness leave my brain and spirit and buy me a few poppies.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Contact w/Jodi Foster
I find it ironic that in the movie "Contact" who had corporate sponsors for their "space project" was a bit of a pre-cursor of things to come....
Case in point? Red Bull and Felix Baumgartner....what kind of sick world is this that NASA isn't the space agency it used to be due to tax dollars? Why can't NASA work on getting huge corporate sponsors, like Red Bull or Virgin Atlantic?
Yesh, I know it's just a movie, but then again fact can be stranger than fiction.
Huh? HUH!? Why don't they sponsor NASA?
I ask rhetorically, of course.
Anywho...getting that knotted rag up my bum....just venting....
Relish in the gorgeous image of Mr. Baumgartner taking in the beauty and awe of our great planet. I can't help but think of Louis Armstrong singing "What a Wonderful World."
Case in point? Red Bull and Felix Baumgartner....what kind of sick world is this that NASA isn't the space agency it used to be due to tax dollars? Why can't NASA work on getting huge corporate sponsors, like Red Bull or Virgin Atlantic?
Yesh, I know it's just a movie, but then again fact can be stranger than fiction.
Huh? HUH!? Why don't they sponsor NASA?
I ask rhetorically, of course.
Anywho...getting that knotted rag up my bum....just venting....
Relish in the gorgeous image of Mr. Baumgartner taking in the beauty and awe of our great planet. I can't help but think of Louis Armstrong singing "What a Wonderful World."
Still have issues w/Comcast...grrrr!
So, a few weeks ago in regard to my problems with Comcast I received a phone call from a "Mario" from corporate offices of Comcast w/his inane and repeated questioning about my horrible service. It's a shame that we spend so much money on something such as this and it's ....bad! No matter how much I explain...and repeatedly explain...and explain and basically...explain some more...what good will it actually do us?
Yes, unresolved w/Comcast; still have had dropped signals and just terrible reception. I really don't know what else to do or say especially to corporate. Bad is ..is bad does...and no matter how much it's sugar coated, it's still bad service. It needs to be revamped, investigated, dissected, etc....ad nauseum! As a consumer who used to be on of the biggest cheerleaders for Comcast I am now exhausted and looking for better options out there.
And what really sucks is we really need the internet because of our autistic son's tutoring program which he is about to get back into this month.
I hate having to rely on such unreliable sources....
And I shall have my 1st Amendment say about this....
Yes, unresolved w/Comcast; still have had dropped signals and just terrible reception. I really don't know what else to do or say especially to corporate. Bad is ..is bad does...and no matter how much it's sugar coated, it's still bad service. It needs to be revamped, investigated, dissected, etc....ad nauseum! As a consumer who used to be on of the biggest cheerleaders for Comcast I am now exhausted and looking for better options out there.
And what really sucks is we really need the internet because of our autistic son's tutoring program which he is about to get back into this month.
I hate having to rely on such unreliable sources....
And I shall have my 1st Amendment say about this....
Monday, November 5, 2012
Try Wen? What say you?
Yesh, I am on that eternal hunt for the pseudo fountain of youth I can buy in a jar within a reasonable price range. I was, for some time using the Ojon hair products for coloured hair along with the Ojon Oil Restorative Hair Treatment, which gave the illusion of energy and brightness to my so-called natural hair color.
I'm not Emmylou Harris but I don't want white hair.....yet.
And I get that often, IE: "your hair IS amazing! What do you do?" I use what's called a so-called sulfate free very expensive shampoo I initially tried w/a sample (that was a reluctant thing to produce from the Ojon reps at Sephora, but that little sample made a huge difference, thus I am now an Ojon lover...samples DO work, yo!).
Anywho, I'd like to know if anyone has personally tried Wen and if so, how great is it? You know how informercials plug everything up, have annoying hosts (in God awful sweaters) and just have the worse writers for their scripts. I think the McKinley High Sober Students Improv Group from "Freaks and Geeks" could have done a better infomercial, IMO.
Let us know, please? I thank you evah so!
I'm not Emmylou Harris but I don't want white hair.....yet.
And I get that often, IE: "your hair IS amazing! What do you do?" I use what's called a so-called sulfate free very expensive shampoo I initially tried w/a sample (that was a reluctant thing to produce from the Ojon reps at Sephora, but that little sample made a huge difference, thus I am now an Ojon lover...samples DO work, yo!).
Anywho, I'd like to know if anyone has personally tried Wen and if so, how great is it? You know how informercials plug everything up, have annoying hosts (in God awful sweaters) and just have the worse writers for their scripts. I think the McKinley High Sober Students Improv Group from "Freaks and Geeks" could have done a better infomercial, IMO.
Let us know, please? I thank you evah so!
The blueberry mystery is finally solved!
Sorry I've taken so long to get back re: the girls, aka the absolutely gorgeous blueberry bushes. Well, things have been hectic w/a funeral and now I'm ready to settle down for a bit and tell you the ending of our story.
Bret Ritter from Glenn Walters Nursery in Dayton Ohio has been more than a customer service rep on behalf of Home Depot (his company provides most of the fruit bearing plants to HD all over the USA). He has come through for us in regard to the problem of HD not knowing the difference between a flowering "bush" for decoration and blueberries and was not only an informative rep for Glenn Walters, but a gentleman to boot! Something very rare these days. I know; I'm quite the Jane Austen addict and expect a man to behave accordingly, and Mr. Ritter did so. It boiled down to lack of communication via Home Depot and their employees, which is a sad thing especially for someone such as I (IE: a big mouthed, very opinionated consumer who isn't afraid to flex a few hand muscles to type out a complaint to whom it may concern.
You know I'll give the devil "his" due but if you provide crap service, I shall write crap of said service.
So, nyah!
The girls are ready to go to sleep for the winter and will be hopefully full bloom by the end of spring and I'm hoping we get fruit out of them by summer's end. I will take pics! Promise! If you're ever in southern Ohio, check out Glenn Walters and say "hi" to Bret for me.
On a sadder note, let us give a moment of silence to a fallen hero. Chicago Fire Captain Herbie Johnson lost his life last week in the line of duty. I had the honor of meeting Herbie and his wife Susan at a function some time ago on the south side and couldn't have met a more pleasant, hilarious and just plain fun couple. Absolutely charming. Information is via the link below, funeral arrangements will be this Wednesday at St. Rita's on Western Avenue (the old Quigley South Seminary). For more info re: services and a fund set up for Herbie and his family go HERE
God bless the Johnsons!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Octonovemcember!!!! It hasn't ended yet! What do you wanna do this weekend in Chicago?
So, right on Halloween night I saw Christmas commercials; Kohl's, Petsmart, Target to name a few....crikey! And...just heard Macy's on State Street is putting up the window displays and they should be open and ready to view this weekend.
Now, I know I didn't really post anything for Halloween because all we do for Halloween is go w/friends of mine and their kids and their friends and the whole gaggle of us "trick or treat." My kiddies are too young for the scariness of a good haunted house or ghost tour. But next year! Just you wait!
Anyway, hitting downtown Chicago to see the windows up? Now? That's something you can do for free...granted if you go into Macy's and end up shopping, but otherwise, that's something you can do as well as check out the other good eats on State Street. I do believe there are some Estee Lauder freebies if you're inclined to flash out the cash for your skincare items. Macy's will also light the Christmas tree in the legendary Walnut Room.
Ringling Brothers Circus opens this weekend at the old Rosemont Horizon/new AllState Arena (Still call it the Horizon)...take the kiddies to freak 'em out over clowns!
Navy Pier is having the SOFA Art Fair in their festival hall.
The Fine Art of Fiber will be the exhibit at the Chicago Botanical Gardens this weekend. From quilts, clothes and dolls there will also be some holiday items up for sale.
The GNOME hunt is up and hidden all over the Morton Arboretum! Kids can hunt for gnomes every daily from now til February.
When you're finished take a trek to the border of Bridgeport and Chinatown and get thee into Bertucci's Corner,300 West 24th Street phone #(312) 225-2848. I was inspired by "The Beat Cops' Guide to Chicago Eats" by Sgt. David Haynes and Chris Garlington which is the ultimate guide for anyone who lives here and wants to find great places to chow that won't bust your wallet but an essential guide for hotel concierge to have as a text book for his/her guests.
IMO, next to cops, teacher and firefighters know where to get the good and cheap eats in any city. Ask one! The link for the book and the good Sgt.'s blog is RIGHT HERE
And you may think the hotel people know? Nah...you need a 'hood person that works as a concierge in these hotels to give great food advice to tourists. They want to taste the amazing blend of ethnic flavors our fair city has. I know when I worked at a coffee shop (corporate name, no need to mention it as it was bad to me and doesn't deserve my praise) downtown I had loads of tourists asking for cheap eats in the neighborhoods; NOT downtown. Bertucci's gives you a "Goodfellas" or "Sopranos" groove. You almost feel like you're on the east coast w/out hurricane damage and high hair. The food is rustic and Italian/American, prices fair and you do get a lot for your buck. I had ordered gnocci and it was fantastic! My kids call gnocci "dragon's eggs." Well, I DO actually, to get them to eat them...lol!
Garden! Get your berry bushes buried, clear out the muck and guck, cut down your old plants and make it nice and purdy for the winter so everyone can have a nice nap.
Shampoo your rug! It's the holiday season! Ya want everyone visiting you w/your smelly old rug just stinkin' up the house?
Not I...
Your local Ace and Food4Less has them there to rent Rug Doctors). Hit the Rug Doctor website HERE to find your store (enter zip) and to obtain a couple of coupons that will make your day much better.
I may do all the above actually...and then seek out a new copy of Beat Cop's Guide as my sister stole mine! Grrrrr! I'm still waiting for a replacement of my "Chicago Haunts" by Ursula Bielski. Click on this link right HERE for more 411 on Ms. Bielski.
Let me know what you end up doing....
Now, I know I didn't really post anything for Halloween because all we do for Halloween is go w/friends of mine and their kids and their friends and the whole gaggle of us "trick or treat." My kiddies are too young for the scariness of a good haunted house or ghost tour. But next year! Just you wait!
Anyway, hitting downtown Chicago to see the windows up? Now? That's something you can do for free...granted if you go into Macy's and end up shopping, but otherwise, that's something you can do as well as check out the other good eats on State Street. I do believe there are some Estee Lauder freebies if you're inclined to flash out the cash for your skincare items. Macy's will also light the Christmas tree in the legendary Walnut Room.
Ringling Brothers Circus opens this weekend at the old Rosemont Horizon/new AllState Arena (Still call it the Horizon)...take the kiddies to freak 'em out over clowns!
Navy Pier is having the SOFA Art Fair in their festival hall.
The Fine Art of Fiber will be the exhibit at the Chicago Botanical Gardens this weekend. From quilts, clothes and dolls there will also be some holiday items up for sale.
The GNOME hunt is up and hidden all over the Morton Arboretum! Kids can hunt for gnomes every daily from now til February.
When you're finished take a trek to the border of Bridgeport and Chinatown and get thee into Bertucci's Corner,300 West 24th Street phone #(312) 225-2848. I was inspired by "The Beat Cops' Guide to Chicago Eats" by Sgt. David Haynes and Chris Garlington which is the ultimate guide for anyone who lives here and wants to find great places to chow that won't bust your wallet but an essential guide for hotel concierge to have as a text book for his/her guests.
IMO, next to cops, teacher and firefighters know where to get the good and cheap eats in any city. Ask one! The link for the book and the good Sgt.'s blog is RIGHT HERE
And you may think the hotel people know? Nah...you need a 'hood person that works as a concierge in these hotels to give great food advice to tourists. They want to taste the amazing blend of ethnic flavors our fair city has. I know when I worked at a coffee shop (corporate name, no need to mention it as it was bad to me and doesn't deserve my praise) downtown I had loads of tourists asking for cheap eats in the neighborhoods; NOT downtown. Bertucci's gives you a "Goodfellas" or "Sopranos" groove. You almost feel like you're on the east coast w/out hurricane damage and high hair. The food is rustic and Italian/American, prices fair and you do get a lot for your buck. I had ordered gnocci and it was fantastic! My kids call gnocci "dragon's eggs." Well, I DO actually, to get them to eat them...lol!
Garden! Get your berry bushes buried, clear out the muck and guck, cut down your old plants and make it nice and purdy for the winter so everyone can have a nice nap.
Shampoo your rug! It's the holiday season! Ya want everyone visiting you w/your smelly old rug just stinkin' up the house?
Not I...
Your local Ace and Food4Less has them there to rent Rug Doctors). Hit the Rug Doctor website HERE to find your store (enter zip) and to obtain a couple of coupons that will make your day much better.
I may do all the above actually...and then seek out a new copy of Beat Cop's Guide as my sister stole mine! Grrrrr! I'm still waiting for a replacement of my "Chicago Haunts" by Ursula Bielski. Click on this link right HERE for more 411 on Ms. Bielski.
Let me know what you end up doing....
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Vitamin C junkie here
You know, if you really knew me you'd laugh at the fact how I'm all about Vitamin C.
I don't want to say Vitamin C freak as it downplays the fact I am smart and sensible, and not a hippie freak addicted to Vitamin C (as I'm just a hippie freak) that I'll only take a cold medicine that contains Vitamin C (like in that Vicks commercial from some time ago? Such a flake I almost gave up taking Vitamin C I was so mortified! Idiots...)
Yesh, I most certainly a huge fan as I've literally seen huge improvements in my body; IE, my face, my health, I've noticed warts disappear, my immune system improves, I hardly have wrinkles....uh, yesh. Huge believer in da C!
I'm in my mid 40s and no one is "none the wiser" re: my true age. I'm constantly carded for hooch which cracks me up and freaks out cashiers, but the fact that I look even younger than my 33 year old sister (sorry, girl! LOL) I am convinced it's the Vitamin C. Even Dr. Oz has recently touted Vitamin C with being a great way to stay young!
Now I personally take anywhere between 500-2000 mgs of Ester C. Winter I poke it up to 2000mgs, but overall I take 500mgs a day. When I feel like bleech, I poke it up to 2000mgs.
I use a Vitamin C facial cream from my local vitamin store that contains 3-10% Vitamin C.
I try to wash my face every night but I found it dries me out and I get plugged pores, so every other night I either use my Vitamin C/CoEnzyme facial cleanser or just warm water.
I exfoliate my facial skin every other day (at night time only), cream it up w/the Vite C and every AM just use H20 (warm).
I try my hardest to ingest as much Vitamin C, I take a multi-vite, CoEnzyme Q10 & 3000mgs of Fish Oil/Omega threes.
Thanks what I do to keep my age a deep and dark secret!
I don't want to say Vitamin C freak as it downplays the fact I am smart and sensible, and not a hippie freak addicted to Vitamin C (as I'm just a hippie freak) that I'll only take a cold medicine that contains Vitamin C (like in that Vicks commercial from some time ago? Such a flake I almost gave up taking Vitamin C I was so mortified! Idiots...)
Yesh, I most certainly a huge fan as I've literally seen huge improvements in my body; IE, my face, my health, I've noticed warts disappear, my immune system improves, I hardly have wrinkles....uh, yesh. Huge believer in da C!
I'm in my mid 40s and no one is "none the wiser" re: my true age. I'm constantly carded for hooch which cracks me up and freaks out cashiers, but the fact that I look even younger than my 33 year old sister (sorry, girl! LOL) I am convinced it's the Vitamin C. Even Dr. Oz has recently touted Vitamin C with being a great way to stay young!
Now I personally take anywhere between 500-2000 mgs of Ester C. Winter I poke it up to 2000mgs, but overall I take 500mgs a day. When I feel like bleech, I poke it up to 2000mgs.
I use a Vitamin C facial cream from my local vitamin store that contains 3-10% Vitamin C.
I try to wash my face every night but I found it dries me out and I get plugged pores, so every other night I either use my Vitamin C/CoEnzyme facial cleanser or just warm water.
I exfoliate my facial skin every other day (at night time only), cream it up w/the Vite C and every AM just use H20 (warm).
I try my hardest to ingest as much Vitamin C, I take a multi-vite, CoEnzyme Q10 & 3000mgs of Fish Oil/Omega threes.
Thanks what I do to keep my age a deep and dark secret!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Boss, yo!
Anyone ever watch "Boss" on Starz?
I keep forgetting about this show. Been trying to get into Chicago Fire which to me, IMO reminds me of ER. It's like Diet ER w/more firefighters, same melodrama and more Chicago shots.
Not the kind you drink, btw....
What say YOU? Have YOU as a Chicagoan seen either Boss or Chicago Fire?
I keep forgetting about this show. Been trying to get into Chicago Fire which to me, IMO reminds me of ER. It's like Diet ER w/more firefighters, same melodrama and more Chicago shots.
Not the kind you drink, btw....
What say YOU? Have YOU as a Chicagoan seen either Boss or Chicago Fire?
Chicago "Trick or Treat" hours, 2012
Weeeell, there really isn't a "rule" per se as I've researched this topid ad nauseum....however, since it IS a weekday, I'd presume to be polite and kind to folks not only w/kids who have to get them ready for bed for school but those who do NOT have kids and want to unwind after working all day then getting up and down from stairs, couch, etc...all evening to a bunch of trick or treaters.
I would think 8-ish/8:30PM is a good time to quit. The 'burbs like Riverside, LaGrange, etc..have hours so google their website or the town/village name w/the words "trick or treat" hours.
I've heard some towns having trick or treat over the weekend!
Have fun and be safe!
Indiana Jones and the Diaper of Doom....
I would think 8-ish/8:30PM is a good time to quit. The 'burbs like Riverside, LaGrange, etc..have hours so google their website or the town/village name w/the words "trick or treat" hours.
I've heard some towns having trick or treat over the weekend!
Have fun and be safe!
Indiana Jones and the Diaper of Doom....
I feel like Matt Dillon's character from the 1992 movie, "Singles."
You know? Lead singer of "Citizen Dick?"
Club Interviewer: Talking here with Cliff Poncier. Cliff, any comments on the "Seattle Sound" and Citizen Dick's place in it?
Cliff Poncier: Well, I don't like to reduce us to just being part of the "Seattle Sound." I'd like to think of us as expanding more. Like, we're huge in Europe right now. I mean, we've got records... uh, a big record just broke in Belgium.
Club Interviewer: Now, a song like "Touch Me, I'm Dick" is about... what?
Cliff Poncier: Well, I think "Touch Me, I'm Dick," in essence, speaks for itself, you know. I think that, you know, that's basically what the song is, um... about... is about, you know... I-I think a lot of people might think it's actually about, you know,"My name is Dick, and, you know, you can touch me," but, I think, you know, it can be seen either way.
"Where are the anthems for our youth? What happened to music that meant something? The Who at the Kingdome, or Kiss at the Coliseum... Where is the "Misty Mountain Hop," where is the, is the "Smoke on the Water"... Where is the "Iron Man" of today?"
Apparently I'm not doing too badly there either!
You know? Lead singer of "Citizen Dick?"
Club Interviewer: Talking here with Cliff Poncier. Cliff, any comments on the "Seattle Sound" and Citizen Dick's place in it?
Cliff Poncier: Well, I don't like to reduce us to just being part of the "Seattle Sound." I'd like to think of us as expanding more. Like, we're huge in Europe right now. I mean, we've got records... uh, a big record just broke in Belgium.
Club Interviewer: Now, a song like "Touch Me, I'm Dick" is about... what?
Cliff Poncier: Well, I think "Touch Me, I'm Dick," in essence, speaks for itself, you know. I think that, you know, that's basically what the song is, um... about... is about, you know... I-I think a lot of people might think it's actually about, you know,"My name is Dick, and, you know, you can touch me," but, I think, you know, it can be seen either way.
"Where are the anthems for our youth? What happened to music that meant something? The Who at the Kingdome, or Kiss at the Coliseum... Where is the "Misty Mountain Hop," where is the, is the "Smoke on the Water"... Where is the "Iron Man" of today?"
Apparently I'm not doing too badly there either!
Edward Scissorhands!!!
I forgot how dark, disturbed yet romantic and sweet this movie is!
I'm about to tear up watching the last of Vincent Price....one of my favorite actors of all time. Dr. Phibes, the Raven, The Song of Bernadette, House of Usher, the Ten Commandments...even that corny Hawaiian episode of "The Brady Bunch!"
I loved me some Price! Especially in period garb!
I'm about to tear up watching the last of Vincent Price....one of my favorite actors of all time. Dr. Phibes, the Raven, The Song of Bernadette, House of Usher, the Ten Commandments...even that corny Hawaiian episode of "The Brady Bunch!"
I loved me some Price! Especially in period garb!
The plot of the blueberry dilemma is still...a plot!
OK, it's going to be too fricken' cold for me to garden save for cutting down the remainder of my toMAHto plants, raspberries, and harvesting a few stragglie basil and oregano. It's been a rough year for Chicago w/weather; brutal hot summer, now freezing cold autumn. I used to swear up and down Chicago only has two seasons:
Winter and construction.
Alas, I digress.
This is the most recent occurances that went down w/Home Depot and their store on Western and 47th in Chicago. Granted, it's a busy business as my husband worked at an HD back in the day but to put aside customer service or just ignore it is plain rude and ridiculously unprofessional. Yeah, it's retail. It's still a profession. If you don't want to work in an industry that deals w/the public and has to help said public even with the most inane questions and requests...
...go do phone sex at home by yourself.
Here's the email I sent to the wonderful nursery manager and to HD's corporate rep. I felt she should know a bit of what does down w/that store and why we go out of our way driving for over half an hour to get good customer service.
"Hi Bret:
Thanks again for all your help. FYI, this is why we initially dealt w/the Chicago Ridge Store instead of the Western/47th St. Store regardless of the fact it's a few minutes from our house:
When you initially emailed me about the blueberries (IE, they're at the garden center) we were all sick with strep so I left a message with the store manager at customer service telling them when we'd come. I left a call back number and I never heard from them again. When we arrived today..
1st. (reason why we don't come to this HD store) after I inquired w/the garden center re: the plants they directed me to customer service as the cashier there had no idea what I was talking about and only did "pick ups."
2nd. I asked for either the store or garden manager who was called; then I waited....and waited. About half an hour for someone to show up. I noticed a few people popping up behind the service counter yet no one said anything to either me or ask if I was helped nor did the clerks let whomever was supposed to help me to help me. I've never met the managers much less any workers here, I have no idea what he/she looks like. I finally asked, "did you forget about me?" and the service clerks realized I was still there and informed a young man who was milling around behind the girls for a few minutes. Granted, it probably IS up to me to speak up and perhaps I should have done so sooner, however, for a department manager and customer service rep who knows I'm waiting for service from said manager didn't say a word to the garden manager. And I retract that remark..it is NOT up to me to keep asking for help; the girls behind the counter knew I was waiting for the garden manager and not one of them said "here's a customer waiting to speak to you re:....whatever." I was not acknowledged whatsoever until I finally spoke up.
3rd. The garden manager had absolutely no idea of what was going on re: the blueberries (IE: there was nothing put on hold for anyone in the past month much less two weeks ago.), then I called you, Bret. That really stinks as you're a busy guy I'm sure and the last thing you need to mess about with is an unruly customer who wants her berries replaced from the toxic ones she purchased back in spring.
I don't know about Home Depot's customer service rules and regulations but in my opinion w/my many years in retail, being an occasional secret shopper, running a blog and running various doctor's office; you don't leave people waiting uninformed.
Jose, the garden manager has my information and said he'll contact me tomorrow if and when the berries come in. It's going to be interesting to see what unfolds.
Again, Bret; I cannot thank you for your great support in this matter. It's so hard to get good much less great customer service.
OK, still waiting for my berries and looks like momma will be gardening this weekend. I don't mind. I've done gardening when it was this cold but just the springtime.
And here's stupid me! Still not quite over the strep we were all afflicted with and slightly "high" off the cold meds I've been taking for two weeks, I forgot to write down the name of the rep @ the HD I spoke to re: this matter.
What did I hope to achieve w/this? Well, we WERE given the wrong plants so me getting new ones is a step in the right direction. We've received a toxic plant which grows to resemble both a Huckleberry or a small round blueberry. When I planted all three of my plants there was absolutely NOTHING in the ginormous hole me and the kids dug up. Just plant feeding dirt, eggshells and lots of coffee grounds.
I'm so glad I pulled those plants out before my toddler, my autistic son and my dogs ate from them...as they tend to do that since pretty much everything in our yard is edible save the furniture and mulch....
...and mom and dad when they grill
I was hoping HD would do a quick research in regard to this as I sincerely hope no one else received the wrong plants from their local Home Depot. That's what I really hoped to have achieved by this plot.
I'm not being a "whistle blower;" I just don't want to die nor my family.
Winter and construction.
Alas, I digress.
This is the most recent occurances that went down w/Home Depot and their store on Western and 47th in Chicago. Granted, it's a busy business as my husband worked at an HD back in the day but to put aside customer service or just ignore it is plain rude and ridiculously unprofessional. Yeah, it's retail. It's still a profession. If you don't want to work in an industry that deals w/the public and has to help said public even with the most inane questions and requests...
...go do phone sex at home by yourself.
Here's the email I sent to the wonderful nursery manager and to HD's corporate rep. I felt she should know a bit of what does down w/that store and why we go out of our way driving for over half an hour to get good customer service.
"Hi Bret:
Thanks again for all your help. FYI, this is why we initially dealt w/the Chicago Ridge Store instead of the Western/47th St. Store regardless of the fact it's a few minutes from our house:
When you initially emailed me about the blueberries (IE, they're at the garden center) we were all sick with strep so I left a message with the store manager at customer service telling them when we'd come. I left a call back number and I never heard from them again. When we arrived today..
1st. (reason why we don't come to this HD store) after I inquired w/the garden center re: the plants they directed me to customer service as the cashier there had no idea what I was talking about and only did "pick ups."
2nd. I asked for either the store or garden manager who was called; then I waited....and waited. About half an hour for someone to show up. I noticed a few people popping up behind the service counter yet no one said anything to either me or ask if I was helped nor did the clerks let whomever was supposed to help me to help me. I've never met the managers much less any workers here, I have no idea what he/she looks like. I finally asked, "did you forget about me?" and the service clerks realized I was still there and informed a young man who was milling around behind the girls for a few minutes. Granted, it probably IS up to me to speak up and perhaps I should have done so sooner, however, for a department manager and customer service rep who knows I'm waiting for service from said manager didn't say a word to the garden manager. And I retract that remark..it is NOT up to me to keep asking for help; the girls behind the counter knew I was waiting for the garden manager and not one of them said "here's a customer waiting to speak to you re:....whatever." I was not acknowledged whatsoever until I finally spoke up.
3rd. The garden manager had absolutely no idea of what was going on re: the blueberries (IE: there was nothing put on hold for anyone in the past month much less two weeks ago.), then I called you, Bret. That really stinks as you're a busy guy I'm sure and the last thing you need to mess about with is an unruly customer who wants her berries replaced from the toxic ones she purchased back in spring.
I don't know about Home Depot's customer service rules and regulations but in my opinion w/my many years in retail, being an occasional secret shopper, running a blog and running various doctor's office; you don't leave people waiting uninformed.
Jose, the garden manager has my information and said he'll contact me tomorrow if and when the berries come in. It's going to be interesting to see what unfolds.
Again, Bret; I cannot thank you for your great support in this matter. It's so hard to get good much less great customer service.
OK, still waiting for my berries and looks like momma will be gardening this weekend. I don't mind. I've done gardening when it was this cold but just the springtime.
And here's stupid me! Still not quite over the strep we were all afflicted with and slightly "high" off the cold meds I've been taking for two weeks, I forgot to write down the name of the rep @ the HD I spoke to re: this matter.
What did I hope to achieve w/this? Well, we WERE given the wrong plants so me getting new ones is a step in the right direction. We've received a toxic plant which grows to resemble both a Huckleberry or a small round blueberry. When I planted all three of my plants there was absolutely NOTHING in the ginormous hole me and the kids dug up. Just plant feeding dirt, eggshells and lots of coffee grounds.
I'm so glad I pulled those plants out before my toddler, my autistic son and my dogs ate from them...as they tend to do that since pretty much everything in our yard is edible save the furniture and mulch....
...and mom and dad when they grill
I was hoping HD would do a quick research in regard to this as I sincerely hope no one else received the wrong plants from their local Home Depot. That's what I really hoped to have achieved by this plot.
I'm not being a "whistle blower;" I just don't want to die nor my family.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
What is wrong with Mayor Emanual!!!
I don't even care I mispelled his name! What a horrible human being; horrible mayor; pompous creep!
He ended the CAPS program in Chicago. CAPS was a joint effort of neighborhood residents who worked with their local police department. Link below:
link to news about our horrible mayor
He ended the CAPS program in Chicago. CAPS was a joint effort of neighborhood residents who worked with their local police department. Link below:
link to news about our horrible mayor
I think if I watch any more....
....of either Addams Family movies I'll go mad! I am beginning to think it may be better to be tossed nekkid into a Turkish prison than endure another showing of any...Addams Family movie...
By the way....we've watched both Addams Family movies at least ten times today.
I find myself reciting lines from the movies....
Like when Morticia goes into labor and the kids are in the waiting room and that little girl is babbling...
..."and then mommy kissed daddy..and the angel told the stork; and the stork flew down from heaven and left a diamond under a leaf...in a cabbage patch. And the diamond turned into a baby!"
Pugsly: "Our parents are having a baby too."
Wednesday: "They had sex."
When the Addams' met Debbie the new nanny....
Debbie (re: Gomez) "Isn't he a lady killer?"
Gomez: "Acquitted!"
And I found myself singing the ridiculous Thanksgiving songs that the insane camp directors created for their camp play....."happy happy turkey day...hunger pangs will go away..."
Save me....someone.....PLEASE?
By the way....we've watched both Addams Family movies at least ten times today.
I find myself reciting lines from the movies....
Like when Morticia goes into labor and the kids are in the waiting room and that little girl is babbling...
..."and then mommy kissed daddy..and the angel told the stork; and the stork flew down from heaven and left a diamond under a leaf...in a cabbage patch. And the diamond turned into a baby!"
Pugsly: "Our parents are having a baby too."
Wednesday: "They had sex."
When the Addams' met Debbie the new nanny....
Debbie (re: Gomez) "Isn't he a lady killer?"
Gomez: "Acquitted!"
And I found myself singing the ridiculous Thanksgiving songs that the insane camp directors created for their camp play....."happy happy turkey day...hunger pangs will go away..."
Save me....someone.....PLEASE?
Do you realise...
...how odd it is that men buy all this stuff for the car, IE; wipers, window washer solution, oil, interior wipes, etc....and don't put it on the car?
Or in the car?
Or even in the trunk of the car?
Nah...it just sits....on our back porch...still in the bag from the store he bought it from...sitting for about a month..
Or in the car?
Or even in the trunk of the car?
Nah...it just sits....on our back porch...still in the bag from the store he bought it from...sitting for about a month..
There's always time for Titanic
So, many thanks to mah friends at The Video Strip at 3307 S. Archer (off 33rd/Wood St. and Archer)who just had their 17th anniversary and celebrated by giving us customers an amazing deal on DVD/game rentals. Remember the old days when you trekked to the local video shop to pick out a game or a movie and pick up some accoutrements (IE: junk food!!!)? I indulged in renting the Blu-Ray version of Titanic...and it was glorious but not as sharp and crisp as I thought it would be like how it looked on HBO...must be the Ãœber cable technology they have that gives us the HD experience we know and love today.
Anyway, I once again...after about 25 times....watched Titanic.
So this now makes....26 times.
Yeah, yeah yeah.. back off, man. I know! So, here's the woman who's scrambling around to figure out when the Notre Dame football game was on, wondering when NHL's lockout will end, being asked by both male and female friends/family what the score is for the World Series and here she is; making a huge deal out of a "chick flick," period film that cost (to film) close to the Gross National Income of the United States.
But thanks to Joe and his wonderful shop w/a 17 cent per movie/game rental...how can I resist? So, I indulged...dove right in head first and got all soaked up into Titanic...no pun intended. I absorbed it, relished it, tasted it with as many senses and just soaked into it until my brain and fingers got pruny.
Yes, I know; it's trite, it's a chick flick, Rose resembled me at that time, it's visual and mental masterbation with the CGI effects, the costumes are amazing, James Horner's music is mesmerizing, I make costumes, I'm mad for period films especially Edwardian/Victorian era, I'm a history nerd and a sucker for a good love story; Good grief I still get goosebumps from the ubiquitous sound of Celine belting out "You're hear...there's nothing I fear....!" No, I am not tired of "My Heart Will Go On,"
....so "bleh."
As I watched knowing what happened at the end I checked out the deleted scenes, which in my opinion should have been kept in the film I was again, still mesmirized. The part where Rose is running to jump off the back of Titanic? The precursor of that scene was important as she went on about how her society expected her to be. She goes into her stateroom after dinner and called for her lady-in-waiting to help her undress. She thus became frustrated with her life and showed us she was frustrated with the woman she had become; unable to undress herself much less do anything else but what society expected her to do; marry a rich man who will decorate her to his liking, have her eat, drink, think and read what he says and just...live.
There were so many scenes that should have been in the movie, then again the movie would have been a good four hours long.
So what?
Do an intermission type of thing like "Gone w/the Wind" and "Giant," etc.... We need more classic epic films for our era. We spend ridiculous amounts of money at the box office because the bloody box office pays ridiculous amounts of money to the actors so if we want to watch a movie, we either suck it up, go to a matinee or get in on a Groupon/Living Social deal...OR RENT FROM YOUR LOCAL DVD/VIDEO/GAME SHOP. A movie nowadays is only as good as it's box office intake...which in my opinion is manure!
It seems that Titanic is one of the last (well, as of late in my opinion) of the great epic films that not only women can relate to but men as well. As I sat watching Titanic back in the day when it was out for a while as we (me and my husband) wanted to see "Good Will Hunting" but relented for Titanic because Good Will was sold out; we took in the amazing graphics which my husband appreciated and I took in the story of Rose.
(SPOILER ALERT! OK, what rock do you live under if you've not seen Titanic?)
The over-privileged, "poor little rich girl" story who comes out of the foof and fluff to become her own woman....on her own made a small yet important impact on me even then. Even I at the tender age of.....nevermind (well over 21, btw) saw that anything can be accomplished. Despite it was "just a movie" it still moved me to think this adorable old lady yakking about her memories about being on the Titanic, talking about one of the most erotic moments of her life and the images of her and her accomplishments on her nightstand as she slept one last time AFTER she tossed the diamond back into the ocean resonated with me. It was a gentle reminder that what a good friend of mine said is absolutely true; the world IS my oyster.
Now lemmie find that pearl!
Or in this case, the "Heart of the Ocean."
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Oooooh JEEEEEESH! More feckin' taxes?
Seriously? Who in the city of Chicago is truly going to benefit from all these taxes being thrust upon us working schmoes? Toni Preckwinkle, our "beloved" Cook County Board President is now proposing of raising taxes on the following:
Ciggies: (Again? Seriously? She wants it up an extra dollar. Toni states, "As the leading provider of public health services in our region; I believe if you choose to smoke, you should have a hand in paying for the healthcare consequences of your decisions." Ciggies are currently anywhere from $11-12.50 a pack. Eeeee! I am quitting to save moolah for Dr. Perricone stuff!
Guns: $25 firearm tax. OK, then.
Bullets: and extra nickle a bullet, so if you buy a pack of 20 bullets, it's an extra buck.
That's just a few she has in mind.
I actually voted for her; and mind you these are just proposals, but they are a bit of a pain as we smokers and working schmoes who pack heat to protect our loved ones and our home aren't too thrilled about this.
And on top of Preckwinkle's taxes, Gov. Pat Quinn wants to raise ciggie tax....ANOTHER dollar.
I guess they need to find a way to replace all the money former gov. and current jailbird Blago lost, spent, mishandled, used, etc... thus making the state of Illinois the laughing stock of the USA.
OK, now be nice and please stop laughing at my state, aka "The Land of Lincoln." Now if you'll forgive me as sign off to go to sleep to get some rest for my 20 minute drive to Indiana to purchase a $12 pack of ciggies for $7.
Ciggies: (Again? Seriously? She wants it up an extra dollar. Toni states, "As the leading provider of public health services in our region; I believe if you choose to smoke, you should have a hand in paying for the healthcare consequences of your decisions." Ciggies are currently anywhere from $11-12.50 a pack. Eeeee! I am quitting to save moolah for Dr. Perricone stuff!
Guns: $25 firearm tax. OK, then.
Bullets: and extra nickle a bullet, so if you buy a pack of 20 bullets, it's an extra buck.
That's just a few she has in mind.
I actually voted for her; and mind you these are just proposals, but they are a bit of a pain as we smokers and working schmoes who pack heat to protect our loved ones and our home aren't too thrilled about this.
And on top of Preckwinkle's taxes, Gov. Pat Quinn wants to raise ciggie tax....ANOTHER dollar.
I guess they need to find a way to replace all the money former gov. and current jailbird Blago lost, spent, mishandled, used, etc... thus making the state of Illinois the laughing stock of the USA.
OK, now be nice and please stop laughing at my state, aka "The Land of Lincoln." Now if you'll forgive me as sign off to go to sleep to get some rest for my 20 minute drive to Indiana to purchase a $12 pack of ciggies for $7.
What to do in the south 'burbs of Chicago....?
You know, I'm terribly fascinated those big "things to do in the City of Chicago" websites hardly have anything near our 'hood (our 'hood being Bridgeport, McKinley Park, Brighton Park, Garfield Ridge, etc.... It's pretty much South Loop, Loop, Bronzeville, Near Northside, Gold Coast, River North and of course Lincoln Park/Lakeview/Andersonville/Ravenswood/Roscoe Village ad nauseum. As if up north is the only place to get a good meal but if you venture down south you're not to be disappointed at the fact you'll find a great place with decent prices to grab a few beers that won't cost you your gas/CTA moolah for the week. Something nearby us as well is what we look for and know of and out south in the 'burbs as we venture out south more often then up north.
Just less congested...and less expensive.
So a very good friend of mine has set up a bit of a website that focuses on the south 'burbs of ChiTown; IE, I355 to the west.. Kedzie to the east.. I55 to the north and route 30 to the west (directions indicated above are from ChiTown, btw), Burbank, Bridgeview, Palos Hills, Palos Heights, Oak Lawn, Lemont, Lockport, Homer Glenn, Orland Hills, Orland Park, Tinley Park, Midlothian, Oak Forest, Mokena, Burr Ridge, Willow Springs, Summit to name a few. He's got the skinny on the haps for after hours and then some; listings of great eats w/great deals as well, so when you get a chance and want to find something to do, IE, a place to eat, listen to a good band and find some discounts as well, check THIS LINK HERE for more details.
As trite as it may sound, there IS lots to do on the south side and the southern 'burbs. If you can't figure it out or can't find something, check out Dave's site above and just ask....
Just less congested...and less expensive.
So a very good friend of mine has set up a bit of a website that focuses on the south 'burbs of ChiTown; IE, I355 to the west.. Kedzie to the east.. I55 to the north and route 30 to the west (directions indicated above are from ChiTown, btw), Burbank, Bridgeview, Palos Hills, Palos Heights, Oak Lawn, Lemont, Lockport, Homer Glenn, Orland Hills, Orland Park, Tinley Park, Midlothian, Oak Forest, Mokena, Burr Ridge, Willow Springs, Summit to name a few. He's got the skinny on the haps for after hours and then some; listings of great eats w/great deals as well, so when you get a chance and want to find something to do, IE, a place to eat, listen to a good band and find some discounts as well, check THIS LINK HERE for more details.
As trite as it may sound, there IS lots to do on the south side and the southern 'burbs. If you can't figure it out or can't find something, check out Dave's site above and just ask....
I promised you I'd post the newest contest!
Wanna win a 25 thousand bones kitchen make-over? Check this out, yo!
It's via Facebook w/International Delights:
Follow direct-sheeeones, "like" ID, and play their little reindeer games to qualify and find out what your "ideal" International Delights flavor is based on a quiz they provide...very scientific and whatnot...(cough cough). You may also score a coupon or two!
It's via Facebook w/International Delights:
Follow direct-sheeeones, "like" ID, and play their little reindeer games to qualify and find out what your "ideal" International Delights flavor is based on a quiz they provide...very scientific and whatnot...(cough cough). You may also score a coupon or two!
I won something!
HEY! I just won a free bag of Lays chips, a chip clip....aaaaaaaand a $50 Visa gift card from Lays! Woooooot!!! Very exciting! You think they liked either my Dark Chocolate Bacon and Himalayan Salt chips or Sour Cream Chive and Garlic chips?
I entered via facebook Lay's "Do us a Flavor" contest which gave out daily prizes with you suggesting flavors for the next chip.
I know, I'm sorry I didn't post the info re: the contest. I got busy w/various stuff and barely had a week to enter myself. I promise next time there's a contest online I'll hollar at y'all. Here's the link for the LAY'S info of the contest where you can sign up for an email reminder to let you know what the three finalist flavors are as well as obtain a free coupon emailed to you for a $1. off chips. Buy those chips at a BOGO sale and get a dollar off? Excellent deal!
I entered via facebook Lay's "Do us a Flavor" contest which gave out daily prizes with you suggesting flavors for the next chip.
I know, I'm sorry I didn't post the info re: the contest. I got busy w/various stuff and barely had a week to enter myself. I promise next time there's a contest online I'll hollar at y'all. Here's the link for the LAY'S info of the contest where you can sign up for an email reminder to let you know what the three finalist flavors are as well as obtain a free coupon emailed to you for a $1. off chips. Buy those chips at a BOGO sale and get a dollar off? Excellent deal!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Thanks Home Depot for digging your customers!
No pun intended as...well, I had a gardening issue.
I've heard horror stories and had personal experiences w/workers at Home Depot (my husband worked for a while there on the grave yard shift...and hated it on so many levels). Alas, I digress. This is more of a consumer issue.
With THAT out of your mind I can now inform you of a bit of a mishap. I purchased three blueberry bushes from HD back in spring...now they're grown quite a bit but the berries on them do not resemble blueberries. I thought they were huckleberries and a friend of mine who is quite the amazing gardener told me to be cautious as they may be a bit more toxic.
Which they were.
Turns out after taking the above noted precautions not as seriously initially since I ate a berry and did not have explosive and scary bodily functions, I made it a point to inform the Home Depot gardening department about my weird blueberries via email and sending along pictures; they are indeed black nightshade. ???? Somehow my blueberry bush morphed into this scary weed that is prevalent in our region (our region being the midwest) and was under the guise of being a type of blueberry. So, now I was asked repeatedly how I had planted the bushes and I explained I pulled EVERYTHING out prior to planting and made a huge hole; big enough to plant my family but they behaved well and I had no need for that hole aside from our new residents, the Bleue Berries.
So with my little scare and concern I was expeditious in not only giving info re: weird blueberries, but I was not treated like a chump as most corporations do; IE, repeatedly ask annoying, condescending questions as if you can't find your butt with two hands, but they too were expeditious in returning emails and phone calls as well.
But I did speak to the manager of the nursery who handles most of Home Depot's plants and not only was I informed of the nightshade and that I should get rid of them immediately, but am getting a credit of blueberry plants I actually plant now as the autumn is actually a better time to plant berries in the midwest (well, anywhere from what I read as well) according to the nursery manager.
Now who woulda thunk on both counts, IE, having such a nice and quick response to my problem and amazing gardening tips and advice? Now I have much more respect for the corporate section of Home Depot with their kind and generous offer, the timely manner in which this was handled and the wonderful advice that I took notes of for future reference; it's all good!
I'm very excited about my new blueberries, about the bevy of info Home Depot's reps gave me, and the fact that they treated me with respect. I actually cannot wait to dig out the icky Nightshades and plant up my berries which I hope will grow beautifully by next September.
Well, let me get my plants first, then I'll REALLY sing Home Depot praises and probably dig on Joey Logano even more-so (Tony Stewart is my guy and I was a bit disappointed when he left Home Depot).
Now, let me get an application to apply at a Home Depot.....snicker.....no, not really.
I've heard horror stories and had personal experiences w/workers at Home Depot (my husband worked for a while there on the grave yard shift...and hated it on so many levels). Alas, I digress. This is more of a consumer issue.
With THAT out of your mind I can now inform you of a bit of a mishap. I purchased three blueberry bushes from HD back in spring...now they're grown quite a bit but the berries on them do not resemble blueberries. I thought they were huckleberries and a friend of mine who is quite the amazing gardener told me to be cautious as they may be a bit more toxic.
Which they were.
Turns out after taking the above noted precautions not as seriously initially since I ate a berry and did not have explosive and scary bodily functions, I made it a point to inform the Home Depot gardening department about my weird blueberries via email and sending along pictures; they are indeed black nightshade. ???? Somehow my blueberry bush morphed into this scary weed that is prevalent in our region (our region being the midwest) and was under the guise of being a type of blueberry. So, now I was asked repeatedly how I had planted the bushes and I explained I pulled EVERYTHING out prior to planting and made a huge hole; big enough to plant my family but they behaved well and I had no need for that hole aside from our new residents, the Bleue Berries.
So with my little scare and concern I was expeditious in not only giving info re: weird blueberries, but I was not treated like a chump as most corporations do; IE, repeatedly ask annoying, condescending questions as if you can't find your butt with two hands, but they too were expeditious in returning emails and phone calls as well.
But I did speak to the manager of the nursery who handles most of Home Depot's plants and not only was I informed of the nightshade and that I should get rid of them immediately, but am getting a credit of blueberry plants I actually plant now as the autumn is actually a better time to plant berries in the midwest (well, anywhere from what I read as well) according to the nursery manager.
Now who woulda thunk on both counts, IE, having such a nice and quick response to my problem and amazing gardening tips and advice? Now I have much more respect for the corporate section of Home Depot with their kind and generous offer, the timely manner in which this was handled and the wonderful advice that I took notes of for future reference; it's all good!
I'm very excited about my new blueberries, about the bevy of info Home Depot's reps gave me, and the fact that they treated me with respect. I actually cannot wait to dig out the icky Nightshades and plant up my berries which I hope will grow beautifully by next September.
Well, let me get my plants first, then I'll REALLY sing Home Depot praises and probably dig on Joey Logano even more-so (Tony Stewart is my guy and I was a bit disappointed when he left Home Depot).
Now, let me get an application to apply at a Home Depot.....snicker.....no, not really.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Get your heart into shape and start now!
So, I've just been to the doctor thanks to the many people in my life affected by high cholesterol and heart disease...and they're all under the age of 50!
My cousin just died about a month ago w/almost 100 percent blockage in several heart arteries, a friend of mine? Exact same thing. Another friend of mine has heart disease caused by sleep apnea; under 45, My father died of a massive heart attack (4th one actually) UNDER 40, and my aunt at the age of 45; heart attack.
And despite your family screams, and begs and pleads with you to stop smoking...nothing resonates more when your family doctor of about 20 years hears your story about your family and friends' history; then he slowly turns around, gives you a pleading look and sincerely states:
"Please stop smoking."
Now, how many of you can actually say your doctor cares so much about you they'd do that? I hope most of you have that wonderful doctor/patient relationship.
Now with that family history in mind let me tell you; I've decided to start a crusade of sorts in this battle of heart disease. I am already a poster child for anti-aging unfortunately not along the lines of Suzanne Somers, but if I had the bread you can bet your bottom dollar I'd be right there with her getting all that therapy and alternative medical treatment. I am anal about keeping my skin and hair as moisterized has humanly possible, I don't have any wrinkles except for a bit of tiny forehead lines that have been slowly been disappearing. I find the moisterize, moisterize, moisterize motto so true and I'm a product of this philosophy.
Time to apply it to my arteries.
Well, not the moisterize bit. I think I'll lay off the refined carbs, uber fats
and add more exercise in my lifestyle.
My cousin just died about a month ago w/almost 100 percent blockage in several heart arteries, a friend of mine? Exact same thing. Another friend of mine has heart disease caused by sleep apnea; under 45, My father died of a massive heart attack (4th one actually) UNDER 40, and my aunt at the age of 45; heart attack.
And despite your family screams, and begs and pleads with you to stop smoking...nothing resonates more when your family doctor of about 20 years hears your story about your family and friends' history; then he slowly turns around, gives you a pleading look and sincerely states:
"Please stop smoking."
Now, how many of you can actually say your doctor cares so much about you they'd do that? I hope most of you have that wonderful doctor/patient relationship.
Now with that family history in mind let me tell you; I've decided to start a crusade of sorts in this battle of heart disease. I am already a poster child for anti-aging unfortunately not along the lines of Suzanne Somers, but if I had the bread you can bet your bottom dollar I'd be right there with her getting all that therapy and alternative medical treatment. I am anal about keeping my skin and hair as moisterized has humanly possible, I don't have any wrinkles except for a bit of tiny forehead lines that have been slowly been disappearing. I find the moisterize, moisterize, moisterize motto so true and I'm a product of this philosophy.
Time to apply it to my arteries.
Well, not the moisterize bit. I think I'll lay off the refined carbs, uber fats
and add more exercise in my lifestyle.
Friday, September 28, 2012
The "IN" Convenient Stores of ...Speedway...
So, I love Speedway! I've had one of their reward cards for years! They have great sales, they give you points for buying certain items, IE, water, chips, etc...you can redeem points for either freebies (like soda, chips, hot dogs which are actually pretty good, etc...) and they'll send you emails..in fact, here's a coupon for a free Powerade using this coupon and your rewards card HERE
You can earn for money off gas; so if you have 8750 points you can get .50 off gas.
Well, for some reason last time I went I not only had issues w/my Speedway card and my credit card, causing me to repeatedly go to the counter leaving my three kids and two dogs...It really disturbed me. Well, it seems that due to inactivity over 9 months as the Speedway near my house closed thus the inactivity. So, my old rewards card was canceled and I had to have a new one issued when I filled up my car. Turns out, I was able to salvage some of my lost points via their very friendly customer service that is available 8:30-5PM EST (New York time, btw). So, despite I had used the old one about three weeks ago and it registered...???? Weird. Anywho, I called Speedway, they replaced my old points but not the ones I had just earned (which were about 1200 points) and added them to my new card. Sigh....so, as I mentioned, aside from that blip Speedway has great rewards and I really think if you use them or are near one, go sign up and use it! And every, single, time you gas up, pull out your card from your wallet and scan it at the pump (as your little key thingy won't scan at the pump). Go to speedway.com and register that card...
Just don't leave it inactive for more than 6-9 months
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Illinois Department of Unemployment hates parents of special needs children.
Well, that's the impression I'm getting as I endured a hateful, spiteful and angry little person who interviewed me last week. With the talking over me as this person asked me a question and demanding me to make a work search sheet (didn't suggest or mention, DEMANDED), the condescending nature of her call when I asked questions as I have no idea what this entails and where do I go to look for information and her demanded I find someone to take care of my kids which includes an autistic kid who also has seizures, just deal with it, leave my kids alone at home no matter what the schedule or time is and work...which I'd love to do, BUT I have no one to care for my kids. Literally, everyone works, child care for after school is expensive especially for special needs children with seizures. And now after receiving two courses of unemployment they are demanding I pay it back.
Doesn't this make the state of Illinois sound like a dictator state?
Wow, what else can this state do to us, right? Corrupt government, over taxation, nothing for kids w/high functioning autism, ah, jeeze I do not have the space to write everything wrong with this state. It saddens me that the little people who are vulnerable like us unemployed who have worked most their lives cannot reap some of the so-called benefits we actually paid into. Funny thing about politicians as well, a bit O/T? They think WE work for them....not the other way around. IDES and other tha work in the government sector need to remember that as well! OUR tax dollars fills up their gas tanks, pays for their kids meds, meals, school fees and care...uh, HELLO!
Just a it of a rant. And I'm STILL waiting for the Illinois Department of Unemployment to get back to me.
Doesn't this make the state of Illinois sound like a dictator state?
Wow, what else can this state do to us, right? Corrupt government, over taxation, nothing for kids w/high functioning autism, ah, jeeze I do not have the space to write everything wrong with this state. It saddens me that the little people who are vulnerable like us unemployed who have worked most their lives cannot reap some of the so-called benefits we actually paid into. Funny thing about politicians as well, a bit O/T? They think WE work for them....not the other way around. IDES and other tha work in the government sector need to remember that as well! OUR tax dollars fills up their gas tanks, pays for their kids meds, meals, school fees and care...uh, HELLO!
Just a it of a rant. And I'm STILL waiting for the Illinois Department of Unemployment to get back to me.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Busy, busy busy!!!
So much for blogitis!
I guess I'm kinda cured thanks so much to the business of dealing w/family, home, work, and just trying to keep my head above water with the fact that I'm middle aged and it's ridiculously impossible to lose weight!
I have so much catching up I've not even finished settling things and issues w/Comcast (still have dropped signals), Wonder Bread (an entire loaf was jacked, IE, the top of the crust was all off and hanging, getting stuck in our toaster), Home Depot (we supposedly bought a blueberry bush but it resembles a Huckleberry bush and I don't know for a fact and no one has an answer), Speedway (for some reason my Speedway club card was compromised and all the points I've accrued have been lost in the black hole of our good customer service) and giving kudos to Petco for doing such a fabulous job with our puppy. He looks like a cross between a show cocker spaniel, Gonk from Elvira; Mistress of the Dark and a cupcake. Smelled like one too!
I do have a great shout out re: hair care. I'm pretty anal about my teeth and hair, and I've discovered (like I'm Columbus or something...LOL) Macadamia Oil, Moroccon Oil and Matrix Silk Wonder Oil. When I color my hair I use L'Oreal's HiColor (Excellence) for dark hair as my hair is a rainbow of red, dark auburn, brown and white.
Yesh, I said white........EEEEK! I kid you not by the time my hair is more than half white I'm just gonna dye it all white ala Emmy Lou Harris.
Anyway...so I pour in the hair dye, the 40 max lift volume cream stabilizer, then along with all that add a total of 1/2 shot/ounce of Hask Macadamia Oil, Argan/Moroccon Oil and the Matrix Silk Wonder. Then, after all is rinsed off I use an after Argan Moroccon Oil based cream conditioner that I leave on my hair (for about ten minutes) as I do shower stuff and shower off all the hair dye and just give my bod an exfoliating scrub...very much needed at our age.
Then, when every thing is rinsed off and gently toweled dry (never rub your hair dry...it'll cause split ends) I let my hair dry naturally to a slight dampness and add the Ojon Damage Reverse Restorative Hair Treatment along with a couple of drops of all them there oils I mentioned, work it into my hair and dab on some Folicure Formula for thinning hair near my widow's peak...then really gently wrap and roll my hair into a loose bun to finish drying and give it a bit of a curl. No heat, nor curling irons....back in the day I used to use all that along with perming my hair into long, spiral curls. I put bleached blond streaks, used hair dryers on HIGH and let me tell you; heat can be good but too much? Uh uh....
Anyway...I am extremely happy with the results as have impressed various hair designers, who cannot BELIEVE I color my hair as it feels and appears incredibly healthy.
I guess I'm kinda cured thanks so much to the business of dealing w/family, home, work, and just trying to keep my head above water with the fact that I'm middle aged and it's ridiculously impossible to lose weight!
I have so much catching up I've not even finished settling things and issues w/Comcast (still have dropped signals), Wonder Bread (an entire loaf was jacked, IE, the top of the crust was all off and hanging, getting stuck in our toaster), Home Depot (we supposedly bought a blueberry bush but it resembles a Huckleberry bush and I don't know for a fact and no one has an answer), Speedway (for some reason my Speedway club card was compromised and all the points I've accrued have been lost in the black hole of our good customer service) and giving kudos to Petco for doing such a fabulous job with our puppy. He looks like a cross between a show cocker spaniel, Gonk from Elvira; Mistress of the Dark and a cupcake. Smelled like one too!
I do have a great shout out re: hair care. I'm pretty anal about my teeth and hair, and I've discovered (like I'm Columbus or something...LOL) Macadamia Oil, Moroccon Oil and Matrix Silk Wonder Oil. When I color my hair I use L'Oreal's HiColor (Excellence) for dark hair as my hair is a rainbow of red, dark auburn, brown and white.
Yesh, I said white........EEEEK! I kid you not by the time my hair is more than half white I'm just gonna dye it all white ala Emmy Lou Harris.
Anyway...so I pour in the hair dye, the 40 max lift volume cream stabilizer, then along with all that add a total of 1/2 shot/ounce of Hask Macadamia Oil, Argan/Moroccon Oil and the Matrix Silk Wonder. Then, after all is rinsed off I use an after Argan Moroccon Oil based cream conditioner that I leave on my hair (for about ten minutes) as I do shower stuff and shower off all the hair dye and just give my bod an exfoliating scrub...very much needed at our age.
Then, when every thing is rinsed off and gently toweled dry (never rub your hair dry...it'll cause split ends) I let my hair dry naturally to a slight dampness and add the Ojon Damage Reverse Restorative Hair Treatment along with a couple of drops of all them there oils I mentioned, work it into my hair and dab on some Folicure Formula for thinning hair near my widow's peak...then really gently wrap and roll my hair into a loose bun to finish drying and give it a bit of a curl. No heat, nor curling irons....back in the day I used to use all that along with perming my hair into long, spiral curls. I put bleached blond streaks, used hair dryers on HIGH and let me tell you; heat can be good but too much? Uh uh....
Anyway...I am extremely happy with the results as have impressed various hair designers, who cannot BELIEVE I color my hair as it feels and appears incredibly healthy.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
IDES: No empathy, no manners...
No kidding.....
Just plain old ugly rudeness!
I had an interview today w/the IDES, and was met with a very irate, impatient, angry little person who made it a point to barrel over me verbally when I asked a question as, after all, this is the first time I've ever applied for unemployment. From everyone I've spoken to re: phone interviews they've NEVER been treated this badly. I thought the conversation was going to be short; I attempted at a bit of chitchat mentioning how I'm new at this & didn't get much sleep due to an ill child, but she was condescending and even barked at me, "what you think this is a joke? THIS IS SERIOUS! I'M SERIOUS!" I was asked if I applied for employment and had to be as descriptive as humanly possible even with her asking me "DO YOU HAVE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE WASHING DISHES AND CARING FOR CHILDREN?" She asked what are my skills and I basically said I can do anything but she shouted, "ARE YOU A JUDGE? CAN YOU BE A JUDGE?" I asked, "are judges in need?" I mentioned how I applied for the above mentioned jobs as I need part time work to be with my children and she kept saying I was UNWILLING to work. I am NOT unwilling, I am UNable w/my children who get out of school at a certain time, I don't have daycare, cannot AFFORD daycare and no one in any DAYCARE facility will consider one of my kids due to their autistic nature and seizure disorder; therefore, I must be in the vicinity of my child if, God forbid my child happens to have a seizure. My interviewer made it a point to inform me basically that the system wasn't made to be perfect for me, therefore I have to work when asked and just deal with it.
Uh, yeah...I can now see why some people do go "postal" as the term goes.
Let me toss some numbers your way....
The unemployment rate in the US edged down in August to 8.1 percent, in the state of Illinois it's closer to 9 percent. Since the beginning of this year, the rate has held in a narrow range of 8.1 to 8.3 percent. The number of unemployed persons, at 12.5 million, was little changed in August.
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (7.6 percent),
adult women (7.3 percent), teenagers (24.6 percent), whites (7.2 percent), blacks
(14.1 percent), and Hispanics (10.2 percent) showed little or no change in August.
The jobless rate for Asians was 5.9 percent.
The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to
as involuntary part-time workers) was little changed at 8.0 million in August. These
individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because
they were unable to find a full-time job.
Via ABC News, the percentage of unemployment benefits dropped most likely due to exhaustion of benefits and/or people just not wanting to bother with being treated like some kind of nimrod bottom feeder. As is, this is a very demeaning thing one has to do to make ends meet until something better comes along...and let me tell you, with the lack of professional experience of being a dish washer or a child care provider or lunch room monitor, anything is better than unemployment.
I can see why a show like "Weeds" is so popular among the masses. Furthermore, a friend of mine mentioned about how people who are usually evil, nasty, rude, ugly spirited, etc...are usually the ones who are the most miserable; and misery LOVES company.
Just plain old ugly rudeness!
I had an interview today w/the IDES, and was met with a very irate, impatient, angry little person who made it a point to barrel over me verbally when I asked a question as, after all, this is the first time I've ever applied for unemployment. From everyone I've spoken to re: phone interviews they've NEVER been treated this badly. I thought the conversation was going to be short; I attempted at a bit of chitchat mentioning how I'm new at this & didn't get much sleep due to an ill child, but she was condescending and even barked at me, "what you think this is a joke? THIS IS SERIOUS! I'M SERIOUS!" I was asked if I applied for employment and had to be as descriptive as humanly possible even with her asking me "DO YOU HAVE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE WASHING DISHES AND CARING FOR CHILDREN?" She asked what are my skills and I basically said I can do anything but she shouted, "ARE YOU A JUDGE? CAN YOU BE A JUDGE?" I asked, "are judges in need?" I mentioned how I applied for the above mentioned jobs as I need part time work to be with my children and she kept saying I was UNWILLING to work. I am NOT unwilling, I am UNable w/my children who get out of school at a certain time, I don't have daycare, cannot AFFORD daycare and no one in any DAYCARE facility will consider one of my kids due to their autistic nature and seizure disorder; therefore, I must be in the vicinity of my child if, God forbid my child happens to have a seizure. My interviewer made it a point to inform me basically that the system wasn't made to be perfect for me, therefore I have to work when asked and just deal with it.
Uh, yeah...I can now see why some people do go "postal" as the term goes.
Let me toss some numbers your way....
The unemployment rate in the US edged down in August to 8.1 percent, in the state of Illinois it's closer to 9 percent. Since the beginning of this year, the rate has held in a narrow range of 8.1 to 8.3 percent. The number of unemployed persons, at 12.5 million, was little changed in August.
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (7.6 percent),
adult women (7.3 percent), teenagers (24.6 percent), whites (7.2 percent), blacks
(14.1 percent), and Hispanics (10.2 percent) showed little or no change in August.
The jobless rate for Asians was 5.9 percent.
The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to
as involuntary part-time workers) was little changed at 8.0 million in August. These
individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because
they were unable to find a full-time job.
Via ABC News, the percentage of unemployment benefits dropped most likely due to exhaustion of benefits and/or people just not wanting to bother with being treated like some kind of nimrod bottom feeder. As is, this is a very demeaning thing one has to do to make ends meet until something better comes along...and let me tell you, with the lack of professional experience of being a dish washer or a child care provider or lunch room monitor, anything is better than unemployment.
I can see why a show like "Weeds" is so popular among the masses. Furthermore, a friend of mine mentioned about how people who are usually evil, nasty, rude, ugly spirited, etc...are usually the ones who are the most miserable; and misery LOVES company.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Comcast strikes again....
Now mind you, I AM actually a huge fan of Comcast; in fact, quite the Crusader of Comcast. I love the OnDemand, the free movies, the DVR, the fast internet when it works.....AAAND...they have some of the nicest customer reps and techs out there. When we first started with Comcast two years ago over DirecTV (whom I loved more at that time....) I was the biggest cheerleader for Comcast.
But their actual product really sucks. Seriously? And they're dipping into the cell phone service and home alarm system game? Your signal is jacked on a regular basis and we're going to trust our house and family based on our experiences? Uh....I think not!
So, this is in regard to my issues that I've had since June/July of last year...our service has been horrible! Signal drops constantly with all of our triple play services. In fact, as of late I've been trying to win some money off a radio contest and as I was dialing I was cut off a couple of times due to a dropped signal. The cable goes out constantly, and the internet drops as I'm blogging, or couponing...then if it drops as I'm printing a coupon it shows that I've already printed the coupon when I've actually not done so...and that upsets me terribly, especially if it's a really great coupon.
Back in June of this year I blogged about how Comcast was the only cable company in our area until now; with UVerse via AT&T and I've heard RCN is coming with an internet package as well that I'm about to look into, so thank God we'll have choices and Comcast won't have the monopoly on cable/pay for TV services.
At any rate, my post was met w/a comment from none other than a Mr. Mark Casen, National Customer Operations for Comcast. I was more than surprised especially at the fact that he asked me to email him so we can get our problems resolved.
Well, you KNOW I had to double check and make certain this was legit...because you just don't know how many weirdos can pose as someone asking for your email and account info, what have you...and I just give it up willy-nilly. Anyway....
Well, I ended up being careful w/not only the phone call to Comcast but thorough research re: Mr. Casen, and have found Mr. Casen did in fact comment on my blog...but I wasn't quite convinced.
I called Comcast with my usual problem (IE, dropped signals w/all the above: phone, internet, cable) and was chatting w/"Lovely" (name changed to protect the innocent) who lived up two her pseudonym. Did you ever see the commercial for Discover Card where the two women are chatting it up like sisters; one a customer and one a rep. and they're going on about how they hate that robotic voice, it's nice to speak to a human, blah blah..and then the customer forgets what she called for? Well, that's usually me w/Comcast customer service. Chicagoland area Comcast customer service reps ROCK!
Well, "Lovely" and I had nice chat and she cleared up the Mark Casem deal up for me and even emailed Mr. Casen personally giving him the info of my issues, IE, dropped signals since last year, at least 8 techs over, three different DVR boxes, yadda yadda and how this was on my blog....blah blah. Well, as I was transfered from "Lovely" to schedule ANOTHER tech (our 9th tech in the front room as we; uh...type?) to come by and whilst on hold, Mr. Casem calls me, tells me of my plight, and to not only resend the details of what is and has been wrong but the link to my blog.
So, once again our tech checked signals...things seem fine but he did give us a "modem light 101" lesson where he informed us of certain lights going off or on and what that means, thus a problem or not.
Just in! Our tech was told we "cancelled" our request despite I OKed it via automated Comcast system last night and this morning....AAAARGH! The tech was a bit upset as he won't get paid for the call but we told him to tell his dispatcher to call us and verify he spent 40 minutes with and I took it upon myself to call customer service with this info and the rep stated we DID CANCEL the appointment (huh?) and it was stated by us that everything was in working order (Say what?) and when I informed said rep that the tech was already here, and he was informed he "wasn't" and won't get the credit for this call, she wanted to send me ANOTHER tech (????? Aye....
Dios....Mio). Uh, no, not happening...and is not the case. I verified the auto call to confirm our appointment last night and this morning. Cheese and crackers, I feel like I'm dealing w/my Aspie son with the repeating, and repeating...and more repeating. AAARGH! Another thing I get to tell Mr. Casen along with the fact we've still not been credited three $25 credits that were promised, including the latest one where "Lovely" put it through the system last Friday.
Seriously? Who the hell has the time to pussyfoot w/Comcast? They put you on hold as they try to rectify the problem, call at inconvenient times and messed up me picking up my kids on numerous occasions as well as disturbed meal times where our dogs ended up eating more than my kids....it's maddening! And too constant...and making me seriously reconsider our options.
So now we wait...and see.
Options? Well, if you get a great internet service via Clear or AT&T you can fire your cable/satellite company and use your computer with services like Netflix, Hulu, and various others as well as looking into local business that provide a monthly fee (like our area has a small DVD shop called "The Video Strip" where for about $10 a month you can rent unlimited movies). Then if you use a cell phone with unlimited browsing you don't even have to have an internet provider; just tether your laptop to your cell phone....So take into consideration:
With even the basic cable package you'll be paying (if you bundle the trifecta, IE, internet, cable and phone) along with the DVR payments, insurance to keep your stuff functioning, HD charges (which is included when you pay for the whole Magilla, which...we have) you'll pay (in the Chicagoland area) w/all them there wonderful taxes that aren't funding much of anything) about $150.
Well, if I'm going to get misfunctiong and lousy product with what's supposed to be one of the best cable companies around what's the point of paying so much for exactly the same....thing?
What say you?
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
The whitest teeth are made using.....
So, FYI this is according to my OWN extremely scientific study which entailed of me brushing for two weeks with each of the shown toothpastes. Also, just so you know not a single one of these companies are giving me any compensation. This is just FYI....however, I did use copious amounts of both store and manufacturer coupons, thus giving me quite the amazing discount! First, we'll start with:
Colgate Optic White. I was able to use said coupons w/a sale that gave me three tubes gratis! Now, for one week ONLY I (as according to the packaging claims, their toothpaste will whiten teeth within a week) did the usual brushing...ladeedah...twice/three times a day...whatever, well; actually, I think I missed a day due to being self-medicated for my knee w/a nice cold glass of a dark ale. Perhaps it was actually five pints...I forget. Mind you, I am a coffee/soda drinker (coffee pretty much every day) and a smoker...plus I'm closer to middle age than Middle Earth, so ya know I have some age....
Then, I went to the Crest 3D White Vivid, did the same and missed a day or two as well and paid a whopping dollar for three tubes w/same said coupon procedure.
Then, last but not least I finished up w/Rembrandt Dazzling White I had an old sample of sitting at the bottom of my toiletries shoebox I was organizing.
Well, here is what I've noticed re: these products.
Some work really well, some don't do "jack" except make your breath smell minty..and some kinda sort work.
According to MY very scientific experiment I found that the Colgate did not work in whitening my teeth. Now mind you; according to "their" claims, Colgate states Optic White has the same active ingredients as whitening strips. Well....I beg to differ. The pretty red packaging made me use this first and I really was rooting for Colgate...and I'm usually not a fan of the color red but I liked the idea of a "red carpet" mentality for the TV ad. Now it did leave my breath fresh; not as fresh as I'd like since I still smelled like a minty smoking coffee pot after one of each and breathing on my official tester (AKA, my husband). Uh...whitening? Not quite...it hardly made a difference. It was as if I used a stronger and brighter tasting version of my usual w/out the excessive baking soda taste brand of toothpaste. The tube was easy to maneuver w/a flip top cap, the paste had a soft consistency, somewhat grainy, smelled medicinal, and had much more of a bite in the taste, IE, burnt my tongue a bit which was very uncomfortable. Price wise if you have stackable coupons you can get this for close to nothing as the ballpark price is $2.49 for a 4 oz tuber.
Next after a week break I tried the Crest 3D Vivid, which claims whiter teeth and removal of up to 80% of most stains within 2 weeks...well, I only had one week and I actually saw results....in one week.
ONE WEEK! A friend of mine who is working on taking the stains from years of coffee/ciggies off her teeth and after using Crest 3D I've noticed a big difference in her teeth. Well, hells bells I was sold. I love the bright and big blue box! It reminds me of a Blu-ray DVD. Plus, I LOVE blue! The paste came out easy like soft frosting with a flip top cap, the consistency of the product was soft and creamy...not too spicy re: taste and left a really bright and fresh taste in my mouth even after a ciggie and coffee....according to my scientific official tester. Price is comparable to Colgate w/a ballpark price of $2.99 for a 5.8 oz tuber, then get you stackable coupons...badda bing, voila, yadda yadda...
Then....I tried the Rembrandt.
Now mind you, Rembrandt was a bit more extensive with its directions (IE, specifically brush for about 2.5 minutes and leave on w/out rinsing for another 2.5 minutes..something like that) PLUS it's a four week program. Also, it was a sample. Now what in the name of all that is holy is Rembrandt thinking giving ONE sample of an item you need to use for 4 WEEKS? Humpf! Well, I only gave a timeframe of one week...and with all that plus instructions on putting on a hat (J/K), and would you believe the results? Amazing! My teeth got even whiter w/in a week but my breath didn't feel as fresh as it did w/the Crest 3D. I was excited about the results though. From what I've seen online the packaging is somewhat medicinal looking, as if it's a product from a dentist office...not that I mind that but that's what I thought when I look at the Rembrandt. The paste was really thick and a bit hard to get out of the classic tube (IE, not a flip top tube), grainy and had both a medicinal taste and smell. My mouth didn't burn with this paste either and it made my breath fresh and teeth smooth like glass, but it was a bit of a pain to deal with the 2-3 minute timeframe you need to make this product work. Price is (ballpark) around $12 for a four week supply.
So, my verdict? I personally like the way Rembrandt whitened my teeth pretty quickly, but since I only had a week to test and it was after using the other products and if that's the case re: why my teeth got whiter, than...bully for me! My teeth are whiter and if I skip a day I just use both Rembrandt and Crest 3D...heh, heh.... Overall, re: price and effectiveness, I believe I'll take the Crest 3D if I had coupons and really needed toothpaste, otherwise I'll invest in Rembrandt.
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