Sunday, October 28, 2012

I think if I watch any more....

....of either Addams Family movies I'll go mad! I am beginning to think it may be better to be tossed nekkid into a Turkish prison than endure another showing of any...Addams Family movie...

By the way....we've watched both Addams Family movies at least ten times today.

I find myself reciting lines from the movies....

Like when Morticia goes into labor and the kids are in the waiting room and that little girl is babbling...

..."and then mommy kissed daddy..and the angel told the stork; and the stork flew down from heaven and left a diamond under a a cabbage patch. And the diamond turned into a baby!"

Pugsly: "Our parents are having a baby too."

Wednesday: "They had sex."


When the Addams' met Debbie the new nanny....

Debbie (re: Gomez) "Isn't he a lady killer?"

Gomez: "Acquitted!"

And I found myself singing the ridiculous Thanksgiving songs that the insane camp directors created for their camp play....."happy happy turkey day...hunger pangs will go away..."

Save me....someone.....PLEASE?

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