Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wha' choo gonna do this weekend?

Well, I'mma gonna rehab as I've had the viral thing that wouldn't leave for the past 7+ days, but if you'd like to do some fun stuff, here's whuzzup this weekend!

A Christmas Carol is at the Goodman Theater through the holiday the Goodman or Ticketmaster for more details.

The Magnificent Mile Lights Festival kicks off the holiday season on Michigan Avenue tonight; and it's going to be a warm night too! Too weird, IMO. The parade starts (or ends, I forget) on Michigan near Fort Dearborn memorial. Various businesses like Argo Tea at 435 N. Michigan and Harry Carey's at 33 West Kinzie will give out free hot chocolate to get you warmed up (??? It's not going to be below 45 tonight) and into the holiday spirit. Check out various Michigan Avenue businesses for specail deals and coupons/savings! Here's the link for the holiday guide so just click HERE

Don't forget Macy's has their windows set up for Christmas as do several other businesses, so this will be a great day to check things out since it's not too cold out.

The Chicago Toy and Game show is at Navy Pier this weekend, so to save $2 on cover click HERE

Be safe and have fun!!!

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OK, now here’s the story about that headstone. Back in late summer my kids, mother and I went to Resurrection Cemetery to pay respect to ...