Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Edward Scissorhands!!!

I forgot how dark, disturbed yet romantic and sweet this movie is!

I'm about to tear up watching the last of Vincent of my favorite actors of all time. Dr. Phibes, the Raven, The Song of Bernadette, House of Usher, the Ten Commandments...even that corny Hawaiian episode of "The Brady Bunch!"

I loved me some Price! Especially in period garb!

1 comment:

  1. My Vincent; what a, HAT you have! Crikey I had no idea it'd be this huge! LOL!


Want to voice your opinion or just say "wow, funny article! Wow, funny face, WOW funny kids? Then just do that...right here....

Story of an "unknown" soldier.....

OK, now here’s the story about that headstone. Back in late summer my kids, mother and I went to Resurrection Cemetery to pay respect to ...