To think it was just after we moved into our fantastic new place where we were barely unpacked and at the last minute decided to go to Merrilville, Indiana to the Star Plaza Theater despite the threatening weather that lay both ahead and behind us. At the last minute, despite being financially challanged and not sure if it was really a good idea to do so, we went to take our son to see......
The Monkees.
So, with bad weather in our view either way, a dent in our pocket w/the fact that we had to rent a car to trek out to Indiana and the moolah to purchase the tickets, we went, service dog and all. The theater was incredibly accommodating for our needs, IE, our son w/his service dog and the show was just.....fantastic! Not quite from what I remember when I watched their TV show and their concert in 1997...and without the "Nez," aka Wool Hat; it was still a wonderful experience not only for me, but watching my son have an incredible time enjoying the music of the Monkees.
Why incredible? Well, I personally think despite the Star Plaza Theater is a bit small, it's seating is comparable to the Coliseum in Rome, IE, there ain't a single bad seat in the joint. Every seat in the place has a great view of the stage, accoustics aren't too loud and the seats are pretty roomy.
Plus, the fact that there were so many happy people there, having the time of their lives. You felt the joy and love the fans had still; mainly old, few young. It was like a PBS Doo-Wop special where there didn't seem to be a single person under the age of 30 there, but the joy on everyone's face was noticable. And I noticed it at this show.
And THAT'S what the show was all about! Joy. Fun. Good old fashioned clean fun. And seeing and feeling the joy of the fans; and going back in time even just for a couple of hours was amazing, IMO. Not having to worry about a single, darn thing for those couple of hours. Not even bad weather.
YES, I turn around and look around to see my surroundings or how people are reacting to a show, even in the movie theater; like Amelie.
Being a fan myself as my husband is as well since we both grew up w/the Monkees, I found us despondent over the news of Davy's death, which my husband broke to me at work on February 29th by calling me and saying "are you sitting down? I have bad news." I was shocked! I'm still shocked. No, I didn't expect him to live forever, but he's the age of my parents, so it's a shock, ok? And then having to tell our son as he's an enormously huge fan....was truly one of the hardest things to do.
And seeing his reaction? Just as difficult. He said "I'm so heartbroken." And I am too as I tear up typing, especially at my son's reaction.
I started crying watching an episode where they sing "Daydream Believer." To think that'll never be sung again by Davy. My husband made some interesting observations... funny ones too. He said with sadness, "it feels as if a bit of my childhood has died, as trite as that may sound. Plus, it's reminding me I'm getting friggin' old." He also said, "despite Whitney Houston just died, he's getting pretty much the same attention she did. So Davy's getting the "full Whitney," IE, news coverage, observations, comments, etc.. from the various gossip websites, channels, etc... They even showed some celebs reacting to his death, like Eddie Murphy, who was initially asked about his "relations" with Toni Braxton. When told Davy died, he was truly upset and shocked, saying "oh no! Davy? Seriously?" Will Smith, Al Roker, Eva Longora have tweeted about his death, stating how sad they are with Al mentioning the same thing my husband said, about losing a bit of his childhood.
???? Wow, my husband! He's funny, and very observant.
And how surprised I was to hear so many fellow minorities were into the "Monkees." In fact, funny thing is when we told younger people we went to see them their faces lit up and were excited, asking, "are you serious? That is so cool!" Such enthusiasm for such a fun band!
So, this weekend even though we do own the first season of "The Monkees" TV show, we vegged out in front of the boob tube with Antenna TV tuned to watch "The Monkees" all......day.....since Saturday afternoon. We watched every episode for both seasons and I'm about to tune in and drop out again to the movie "Head."
I wish for peace, love and light to all who know and loved Davy, especially his girls; his daughters and wife, Jessica. You're getting kind thoughts of love and peace from us and all your fans.... and hope you'll get through this with the love and respect you deserve.
Rest in peace, white knight on his steed.
What a warm, funny and touching post! My husband is a huge Monkees fan too! We watched the entire series this past weekend, and were touched by his death. thank you for this lovely post! Sue
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Done and done! Hit me back, girlfriend.