Thursday, December 27, 2012

And...Comcast does it again!

Not only have my connection issues not been resolved but we're STILL getting crap service; dropped calls, signals for internet and cable. And they're raising the rates! I have a blind friend who has had nothing but troubles w/Comcast as well; same issues as I and they're not informing him of his rate hikes untill he paid his bill. Their reasoning? We mailed you info. ???? He's blind!

Shitty horrible service. I'm begging my landlord to let us get DirecTV. I know he requested we not get another dish but I'm begging him.


  1. Sorry for the troubles you are experiencing with your Comcast service. I would like to help in making sure that your concerns are addressed. Please feel free to contact me, provide the account or phone number associated with your account and the link to this page for reference.


    Mark Casem
    Comcast Corp.
    National Customer Operations

  2. Hi there!

    I am sorry for the trouble. If you still need assistance, I am here to help. Please feel free to contact me, provide your account info and a link to this page for reference.


    Mark Casem
    Comcast Corp.
    National Customer Operations

  3. I'll be in touch, Comcast. Apparently, Mark from the US customer relation department wants to speak to me again. Whatever you do, do NOT send Mario to speak to me. He was condescending, repeatitive and didn't help with anything.


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