Thursday, December 20, 2012

Here's some flight info for Chicago December 20th, 2012

American Airlines announced that all domestic flights leaving Chicago after 8PM tonight are cancelled due to incliment ahead for your flight arrangements and be safe! The link for flight info for AA is HERE or call 1-800-433-7300 and just keep hitting "0" until you speak to a live human being or an alien. Not too sure if it applies to both O'Hare or Midway but double check.

Also, Midway Airport's Southwest Airlines has already cancelled every flight as of.....NOW. Southwest Airlines info is right HERE OR call 1-800-435-9792.

FYI: apparently they've decided to name the winter storms because snow felt out of the game without names ala hurricanes, typhoons, now this is Winter Storm Draco...mmm? I kinda like the sound of that as it reminds me of Hogwarts and Harry Potter. has doppler weather maps and school closing info right now re: tomorrow. Sounds like another "snowpocolypse" going down, wouldn't you say?

Have a safe trip!

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