Some bonus material, if you will. Yes, the bonus material I speak of is just me rambling a bit if I may. Or is it ranting.....
Part of the "R" detailing I have included in this here blog.
First, ya gotta read my stuff...heh, heh.
I was searching far and wide for excerpts from the TV show "Everybody Loves Raymond" for the episode in particular called "The Letter," from season 2. This was the one where Debra held the Tupperware party but didn't invite Marie(her "out-law") as Marie is...well, a pain in the butt...big time. You know what I'm talking about...you've seen the show I'm sure. After the whole fiasco about Maria barging into Ray and Debra's house going on about how she didn't know about the party, she wasn't invited, she could have "saved" Debra's party because of the crap food she served, ripping one of the party goers nighties for the "guess the nightie" game, you know; the usual intrusive crap Marie puts Debra through; Debra decides to write a letter telling Marie off, and mails it. I think personally, that's sort of a whimpy way to get your point across, in particular with someone like Marie Barone, BUT, it's in the script. I personally would have shoved her out....literally! Yeah, I would! I'm always yelling that when I watch Marie make a fool out of Deb. There have been many a times where I yell at Debra on TV like Joe at the Blackhawks playing against the Detroit Red Wings when they miss a goal.
Well, what made me take notice is Frank. Frank is the real reason I watch the show as he is an equally hilarious yet cantankerous version of my Grandpa Pinky(my daughter and my son's namesake, God bless him!). His constant outburst of "Holy Crap" at the simplest occurrences and his insane remarks(like when he's amazed, he'll say "what in hell's bathroom was that?" Or when Ray was preaching to him about acting the fool at church Frank asks, "since when did you start wearing sandels?" Classic! Yeah, I know it's good writing, BUT work with me, yeah? Plus, it's the fantastic comedic delivery of Peter Boyle)! He just cracks me up every time! Anyway...so to continue about the episode; Debra was angry with Marie and put it down...on paper...and mailed it...to Marie.
Ray went over to his parents house as he was trying to intercept the very angry letter Debra wrote and was using the guise of some of his mail along with coupons may be sent by accident to his parents house, which made everyone all upset and concerned, in particular, Frank. He hollered at Ray for being wasteful with coupons as Ray didn't even have any idea as to what the coupons were for with Ray replying he tosses them if he doesn't use them with Frank flipping out and saying, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? COUPONS ARE MONEY! DO YOU THROW OUT MONEY?"
Needless to say, I laughed my butt off. Frank's anger about Ray's flippant attitude toward coupons resonated with me, as that is my other part-time job; "Coupon Clipping Goddess." Since finally getting ink for my printer, I actually do save more printing online and for the past month just figured w/all that printing from a raggedy little $25 box of black ink, I have saved our household well over $500! Just in coupons! I swear by them, I've been mocked because of them and constantly get dirty looks from other customers in line at the grocery store when I display my tome of coupons w/out the book binding. I swear, I need me a T-shirt with writing on the back that says, "YO! I'll be in line for a while because I'VE got COUPONS, so ya may wanna move..."
Tough crap. It's my time and money, so they can wait. They don't like it? They can bite me where the sun doesn't shine.
Anyway....just a bit of ranting...or rambling...
"Cheap and easy?" Here goes!
Speaking of coupons, I just won a month's worth of Toaster Strudels! Well, I won four coupons for four boxes, so it may or may not last ME a month, as I can eat four of those bad boys in one sitting! Especially the raspberry! Mmmmm! Anyway....Here's the link HERE TO WIN TOASTER STRUDEL
Just fill in our email, fill in the form and play the little "match game" they have set up. You match all three images, you WIN! We've actually won like five times thus far and just got 16 of the coupons via snail mail...so there is no limit to how many you can win, total, but you only play once a day until February 7th.
Good luck!
Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day!
Great story! You have such a way of explaining things & you always crack me up! I wish i was in Chicago because I want that gift card(I'm in Seattle) . The girl at zanar's is Sara Ramirez from "grey's anatomy."
ReplyDeleteBTW, notice there hadn't been coupon inserts in our Sunday paper since thanksgiving. How about by you?
Great blog! Jessie fr: UDUB, Seattle
Thanks, Jessie! Yes, the Zabar's girl is Sara Ramirez from "Grey's Anatomy" and "Spamalot" fame. Jessie from Seattle won but relinquished the gift card as..well, she's in Seattle and the card is good only at "Il Vicinato" in Chicago....Thanks, Jessie! And yes, I too have noticed we've not gotten coupons in our paper for about two weeks. Wonder why....anyone know?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Veronica! Hang out again when you get the chance!