Saturday, January 29, 2011

Al-Jazeera TV just reported the Egyptian citizens are now getting angry @ the US as they pull up bullets & tear gas cans that have on them "Made In United States."


Egyptian citizens are mad @ us because the words UNITED STATES happens to be on the weapons Egyptian police use on the it's the USA's fault Egypt's government is crap & their president is a fascist dictator,  their economy sucks worse than ours, & they are STILL under Emergency Law ...since 1967... & now because the Egyptian government happen to I snicker at this irony... on products made in the USA that they happened to use against protesters so now there is some anger toward the USA...& possibly some sort of weird reasoning the US had SOMETHING nefarious to do w/how things are w/the Egyptian government.

Don't we have enough trouble with our own government?

Well, 1st I am ...laughably & incredibly surprised any country in the world actually has a product that has been made here that isn't. Pop culture related; & even THAT stuff is made elsewhere! But I don't understand why the people think we're to have ANY blame due to that...I mean, if the item was crap to begin with and didn't work? OK;  but to be a country because an item used for battle, war, force, etc...happened to be made there...aye, Dios MIO!  Uh, can anyone think of a lot of faulty stuff made elsewhere that we can protest, or has a government we can. Well, come to think of it...China comes to my mind as pretty much EVERYTHING we use is made in China....

See how stupid that sounds?  

Perhaps it's the despair talking on behalf of Egypt...@ least that's what I sincerely hope.

Oh! I just heard from my friend Sana.  She & her family are fine & staying inside.

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