They're doing the blizzard talk! 18 inches of snow starting Tuesday afternoon! Well, w/all the past yak yak of rain all summer that we didn't get, I'll believe it when I see it. Time to stock up on milk, hamhocks & guitar strings(ala Yukon Cornelius).
I'll take pictures!
Just raves, reviews, requests, rants & other related witty-isms from my so-called life along w/occasional freebies & coupons. You may NOT use MY words & other vitriolic criticisms(which are my own opinion of certain things, humans, etc... & I am NOT compensated whatsoever; I just have a big mouth & lots to say) without written consent fr: me, please. Yes; it's my stuff & you can't use it willy-nilly all over w/out permission. Thanks! The management.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Al-Jazeera TV just reported the Egyptian citizens are now getting angry @ the US as they pull up bullets & tear gas cans that have on them "Made In United States."
Egyptian citizens are mad @ us because the words UNITED STATES happens to be on the weapons Egyptian police use on the it's the USA's fault Egypt's government is crap & their president is a fascist dictator, their economy sucks worse than ours, & they are STILL under Emergency Law ...since 1967... & now because the Egyptian government happen to I snicker at this irony... on products made in the USA that they happened to use against protesters so now there is some anger toward the USA...& possibly some sort of weird reasoning the US had SOMETHING nefarious to do w/how things are w/the Egyptian government.
Don't we have enough trouble with our own government?
Well, 1st I am ...laughably & incredibly surprised any country in the world actually has a product that has been made here that isn't. Pop culture related; & even THAT stuff is made elsewhere! But I don't understand why the people think we're to have ANY blame due to that...I mean, if the item was crap to begin with and didn't work? OK; but to be a country because an item used for battle, war, force, etc...happened to be made there...aye, Dios MIO! Uh, can anyone think of a lot of faulty stuff made elsewhere that we can protest, or has a government we can. Well, come to think of it...China comes to my mind as pretty much EVERYTHING we use is made in China....
See how stupid that sounds?
Perhaps it's the despair talking on behalf of Egypt...@ least that's what I sincerely hope.
Oh! I just heard from my friend Sana. She & her family are fine & staying inside.
Egyptian citizens are mad @ us because the words UNITED STATES happens to be on the weapons Egyptian police use on the it's the USA's fault Egypt's government is crap & their president is a fascist dictator, their economy sucks worse than ours, & they are STILL under Emergency Law ...since 1967... & now because the Egyptian government happen to I snicker at this irony... on products made in the USA that they happened to use against protesters so now there is some anger toward the USA...& possibly some sort of weird reasoning the US had SOMETHING nefarious to do w/how things are w/the Egyptian government.
Don't we have enough trouble with our own government?
Well, 1st I am ...laughably & incredibly surprised any country in the world actually has a product that has been made here that isn't. Pop culture related; & even THAT stuff is made elsewhere! But I don't understand why the people think we're to have ANY blame due to that...I mean, if the item was crap to begin with and didn't work? OK; but to be a country because an item used for battle, war, force, etc...happened to be made there...aye, Dios MIO! Uh, can anyone think of a lot of faulty stuff made elsewhere that we can protest, or has a government we can. Well, come to think of it...China comes to my mind as pretty much EVERYTHING we use is made in China....
See how stupid that sounds?
Perhaps it's the despair talking on behalf of Egypt...@ least that's what I sincerely hope.
Oh! I just heard from my friend Sana. She & her family are fine & staying inside.
A bit of a sad time...
This weekend is the third anniversary of my beautiful cousin's death. He was murdered in San Antonio where he lived. To this day the perpitrators have not been found.
I have so many wonderful & funny memories of George, especially how he teased me jokingly about my affection for the Beatles & rock music in general. FYI: he, along w/his brother(my cuz Richard) were totally in disco. Then, he, along w/my aunt & uncle & other cousins moved from Chicago to San Antonio & when we went to visit them, they were thankfully converted back to rock & roll, loving Led Zepplin...much to my relief!
I love you, primo! I miss you very much! I pray they find the bastards who took you from us.
I have so many wonderful & funny memories of George, especially how he teased me jokingly about my affection for the Beatles & rock music in general. FYI: he, along w/his brother(my cuz Richard) were totally in disco. Then, he, along w/my aunt & uncle & other cousins moved from Chicago to San Antonio & when we went to visit them, they were thankfully converted back to rock & roll, loving Led Zepplin...much to my relief!
I love you, primo! I miss you very much! I pray they find the bastards who took you from us.
Friday, January 28, 2011
First White Sox game actually a spring training game against Milwaukee on March1st. According to their website & calendar online, the game won't be televised, but the first televised spring training game will be on the 10th on Comcast Sports Channel @ 7:40 PM against Arizona. The "first" WGN game will be March 20th @3PM against the Dodgers. I noticed on the schedule online they don't quite have the WGN/WCIU local station channels times ironed out as of yet, but check this link for more details.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Please excuse the typos as I typing on a device meant for teeny ladybugs fingers, not the ones on my paws.
Doing the best I can sans computer....
...using this itty bitty screen in my iPod touch that has a keyboard the size of a saltine!
Speaking of saltines, I've recently lucked out w/a sample from Vocal Point & Nabisco.
A newer version of the old standby Ritz Cracker called "Crackerfuls." The packaging is cute, giving it a rustic almost old world cooking/restaurant feeling to it. The crackers are actually two rectangle ridged, lightly salted wheatesque Ritz crackers w/a schmear of cheese in the center. There are various flavors including garlic & herb, cheddar & bacon & classic cheddar...which is the flavor o tried. They are crazy delicious & the only thing I don't like is the cheese is too soft as it slightly oozes out of the sides of the cracker when you bite into it. Otherwise, this is a great snack for everyone!
Try 'em & let me know what you think! BTW I did NOT earn Amy money or merchandise for this review. Just happened to have a sample.
Speaking of saltines, I've recently lucked out w/a sample from Vocal Point & Nabisco.
A newer version of the old standby Ritz Cracker called "Crackerfuls." The packaging is cute, giving it a rustic almost old world cooking/restaurant feeling to it. The crackers are actually two rectangle ridged, lightly salted wheatesque Ritz crackers w/a schmear of cheese in the center. There are various flavors including garlic & herb, cheddar & bacon & classic cheddar...which is the flavor o tried. They are crazy delicious & the only thing I don't like is the cheese is too soft as it slightly oozes out of the sides of the cracker when you bite into it. Otherwise, this is a great snack for everyone!
Try 'em & let me know what you think! BTW I did NOT earn Amy money or merchandise for this review. Just happened to have a sample.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
So, I'm a bit outta commission
As my PC is down for the moment & will be up & running soon. Meanwhile, catch up on old posts, comment away& GO BEARS!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
So, another thing for me to complain about...
I told you there would be rants! old monitor's plug broke in my VGA card plug that's in the back of my hard drive. Yup, I haven't been on lately due to technical difficulties which are now resolved.
So, I googled "computer repair services" with my zip code and came up with several that were more or less downtown, the "Geek Squad" at Best Buy and a small company in Chinatown called "Advance Electronic Computer" on Archer Avenue in that little Chinatown Square mall next to Walgreens. Tan, I'm assuming the owner of AEC did an amazing and fast job! He had my VGA card up and out replaced with a new one and voila! Here I am...He only took TEN MINUTES! I called other places including the "Geek Squad" with most not even giving me a diagnosis(so to speak) unless I shelled out 50 bones just for them to look at it, and be given a replacement cord, which is not what I needed. I needed the pin out of the female part for the VGA card where you plug in your monitor which is located in the rear of your hard drive tower as one of the pins from the male part/plug came out and is lodged in the female/plug in site on the hard drive. Even after I explained what was wrong I kept getting, "uh, you'll have to bring it in because I have to evaluate the situation."
But not from Tan.
BTW, did you understand me when I mentioned what happened to my computer, because I explained it exactly the way you see it typed up there, and I had pretty much everyone except Tan from AEC not know what the hell I was yakking about. And the funny thing? Everyone who didn't know what I was talking about was full blooded American! Yes, Si, toda Americano Chicago accents, and the wonderful and talented Tan had a total adorable Mandarin accent, and excellet English! So, you tell me? Perhaps the Americans were just 1) Idiots, 2) High, 3) Thinking about the Bears game and Lord of the Rings or 4) All the above.
I pick 1! Want Tan to fix your computer fast and at a great price? Hit me back if you're in the Chicagoland area! I'll give out his info!
So, I googled "computer repair services" with my zip code and came up with several that were more or less downtown, the "Geek Squad" at Best Buy and a small company in Chinatown called "Advance Electronic Computer" on Archer Avenue in that little Chinatown Square mall next to Walgreens. Tan, I'm assuming the owner of AEC did an amazing and fast job! He had my VGA card up and out replaced with a new one and voila! Here I am...He only took TEN MINUTES! I called other places including the "Geek Squad" with most not even giving me a diagnosis(so to speak) unless I shelled out 50 bones just for them to look at it, and be given a replacement cord, which is not what I needed. I needed the pin out of the female part for the VGA card where you plug in your monitor which is located in the rear of your hard drive tower as one of the pins from the male part/plug came out and is lodged in the female/plug in site on the hard drive. Even after I explained what was wrong I kept getting, "uh, you'll have to bring it in because I have to evaluate the situation."
But not from Tan.
BTW, did you understand me when I mentioned what happened to my computer, because I explained it exactly the way you see it typed up there, and I had pretty much everyone except Tan from AEC not know what the hell I was yakking about. And the funny thing? Everyone who didn't know what I was talking about was full blooded American! Yes, Si, toda Americano Chicago accents, and the wonderful and talented Tan had a total adorable Mandarin accent, and excellet English! So, you tell me? Perhaps the Americans were just 1) Idiots, 2) High, 3) Thinking about the Bears game and Lord of the Rings or 4) All the above.
I pick 1! Want Tan to fix your computer fast and at a great price? Hit me back if you're in the Chicagoland area! I'll give out his info!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
"Cheap and easy" honorable mention!
Wanna try a safe and great method of relieving pain, especially in your joints, back, etc...?
Click HERE for a sample of "Salonspas," a pain relieving patch that works wonders! You can pick them up for a great price at your local Costco, and filling out the sample form up there, you'll receive a sample pack of three patches plus a buck off your next purchase. Let me tell you, from my personal experience, these babies work wonders!
Click HERE for a sample of "Salonspas," a pain relieving patch that works wonders! You can pick them up for a great price at your local Costco, and filling out the sample form up there, you'll receive a sample pack of three patches plus a buck off your next purchase. Let me tell you, from my personal experience, these babies work wonders!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Military families?
Anyone know of any military families we(or me) can mail directly my extra and expired coupons? I have read military commissaries will accept coupons expired up to six months for all military personal. I know there are addresses to bases and whatnot, but was wondering if anyone knew of any families personally I can send these to, and if they want can distribute whatever they won't use, need, etc...
And...speaking of challenges....Nonna Beach, one of my lovely and ever-so-wise followers and awesome shopper whom I've had the honor to meet here on blogspot(BTW, here's a shameless plug for her blog HERE FOR NONNA BEACH'S AWESOME BLOG! gave me some great tips for our coupon challenge;
Let's do the coupon thing and sales thing; stick to our list and match/stack our coupons w/the sales and post at the end of the week what we bought and how much we saved! How's that sound? I'll post my results on Sunday nights....
What say you?
BTW, who do you wish to win the NFL wildcard this weekend? I'm hoping the Saints beat the Seahawks as...well, I have a thing for Mr. #9, #9, #9...Drew Brees. What say YOU?
And...speaking of challenges....Nonna Beach, one of my lovely and ever-so-wise followers and awesome shopper whom I've had the honor to meet here on blogspot(BTW, here's a shameless plug for her blog HERE FOR NONNA BEACH'S AWESOME BLOG! gave me some great tips for our coupon challenge;
Let's do the coupon thing and sales thing; stick to our list and match/stack our coupons w/the sales and post at the end of the week what we bought and how much we saved! How's that sound? I'll post my results on Sunday nights....
What say you?
BTW, who do you wish to win the NFL wildcard this weekend? I'm hoping the Saints beat the Seahawks as...well, I have a thing for Mr. #9, #9, #9...Drew Brees. What say YOU?
Friday, January 7, 2011
So, anyone out there ready to take on the "Coupon Challange?"
SOOOOO....I thought it would be a good idea for those of us who try to save as much as we can not only w/sales but using the 'ALMIGHTY' Coupons to comment and see how much we can save for one year. Yes, I just made the first official grocery shopping trip of the year and already on a great foot!
With what I bought along with the coupons I brought for pretty much every item PLUS the store savings, I saved with all the above:
I ended up paying $64,91 for all my groceries. This is just a preview of what I do as I'm wondering what would be conducive in regard to the blog and giving great info for you. I can list what I've bought(I'll do that later, btw! LOL) along w/the coupons I've used and coinciding sales papers and then add the savings and what we've paid up to that point(and at that shopping trip) and let's really see if clipping and printing coupons is worth all it's weight in gold, yeah?
What say you? Give me a comment as to what you think would be a good idea re: the Coupon Challenge, and you TOO should do it, yeah? Come on! Let's save together!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Don't forget! You have until Feb. to get in on this "cheap and easy..."
HERE for a chance at a month of FREE Toaster Strudel!!
They have so many flavors, including Boston Creme Pie, Raspberry, Blueberry, Strawberry, Apple....good stuff for the morning or a snack.
I guess Gretchen Weiners fr: "Mean Girls" won't get much of her allowance with all the free Toaster Strudel coming our way!
Also, be sure to check out all the coupon sites for updated coupons for this week:
They have so many flavors, including Boston Creme Pie, Raspberry, Blueberry, Strawberry, Apple....good stuff for the morning or a snack.
I guess Gretchen Weiners fr: "Mean Girls" won't get much of her allowance with all the free Toaster Strudel coming our way!
Also, be sure to check out all the coupon sites for updated coupons for this week:
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Gerry Rafferty - Right Down the Line
You know I need your love. You got that hold over me
Long as I got your love. You know that I'll never leave.
When I wanted you to share my life, I had no doubt in my mind...
And it's been you; woman, right down the line.
I know how much I lean on you. Only you can see changes that I've been true.
Have left there mark on me, you've been as constant as the northern star.
The brightest light that shines.
It's been you; woman, right down the line.
I just wanna say this is my way..of telling you everything, I could never say before.
Yeah this is my way...of telling you that everyday, I'm loving you so much more.
'cause you believed in me through my darkest night;
Put something better inside of me.
You brought me into the light. Threw away all those crazy dreams;
I put them all behind. And it was you; woman, right down the line.
I just wanna say this is my way of telling you everything I could never say before.
Yeah, this is my way of telling you that everyday, I'm loving you so much more.
If I should doubt myself, if I'm losing ground;
I won't turn to someone else. They'd only let me down.
When I wanted you to share my life, I had no doubt in my mind,
And it's been you, woman; right down the line...
RIP, Gerry.
Monday, January 3, 2011
So, a friend of mine bought this beautiful Paula Deen cookware...

...@ a really great price at Walmart. She basically got the price match from the Kmart flyer just before Christmas...
Yup! It's the Paula Deen cookware, and the one's you see in the image above? Wanna know how they are?
Crap! Terrible, pieces of crap.
Well, this is according to my friend, who uses them. And often, but not every single day like you're supposed to use a pan..or be able to. I wonder if consumer affairs for Ms. Deen's cookware tell consumers this, IE, "You shouldn't use them EVERY single day..." Well, what in the name kind of bull is that? Ya gotta cook every day for the most part, esp. if you have a family, husband, S/O, etc... I mean, come on! Shouldn't there be some sort of disclaimer on the box of pans stating that "Not to be used every single day unless you're single and don't have a family to cook for?"
Now, according to my friend who is a personal experience consumer with these items....they don't conduct heat well at all, the saucepans burn everything and everything sticks in them, the copper coloring is gone after minimal use...IE, they're really ugly now despite the fact she has had them for ONLY a month and took really good care of them...
They are NOTHING like the Rachael Ray cookware.
She(IE, my friend) followed directions on how to "treat" them(IE, you're supposed to soak them in baking soda to get this protective shipping oil off and they're supposed to be marvelous). And from what I've seen, my friend takes very good care of them, doesn't use the EVERY single day...yet...
They are CRAP.
Such a disappointment for a $100 investment, especially one tied in w/the name of Ms Paula Deen, whom I ADORE. I wonder if she's aware of this info.
I found several blogs, posts, etc...regarding the cookware, and they're are NOT pretty. Loads of complaints about the same stuff, not being able to contact anyone from the consumer affairs of Ms. Deen's cookware, not able to get replacements, and/or having to foot the bill on replacement mailing charges.
Now, I don't want to see/read comments saying, "Well, she GOT them at Walmart! What do you expect?"
I buy Wrangler Jeans at Walmart, I buy DVDs and batteries; I've bought a blender, coffee maker, grinder, T-Fal pans, the "generic" and/or Walmart name brand baby soaps and powder and the "White Cloud" brand diapers and I've not had an issue with any of said products. Walmart has nothing to do with the product. It's the actual product, and the way it's manufactured. If you had a slight allergic reaction to an Avon product, would you totally ban the company just because it's AVON and not Chanel, Estee Lauder, or Lancome? Besides, my friend paid 100 bones for the pan set, NOT $39.99; she got the five or ten piece set @ $100, which was the "Black Friday" sales price match down from the "regular" sale price of $129.99. She also owns the Rachael Ray cookware and just ADORES her pans! She's had them between 3-5 years and I've seen them first hand..and they're still pretty. Well, pretty good shape for 3 yr. old pans.
Besides, about a year ago the home shopping giant QVC recalled the Paula Deen cast iron pans due to shattering as they were...uh...used. The link for that is it's NOT a Walmart/Kmart issue. It's just bad product manufacturing, and very bad customer service.
FYI: Kohl's sells BOTH Rachael's and Paula's cookware.
The verdict? Do your research in regard to cookware. Old school T-Fal fails to disappoint, and I've heard nothing but praise from the Rachael Ray cookware. Plus, listening to first hand experience via friends, associates, etc...helps! Oh, and don't invest in this crap cookware. Especially if you're serious about cooking, which is sad as I know Paula is totally serious about her cooking, which is sad. I don't know what way or how the consumer affairs department for Ms. Deen's cookware are trained or what they're allowed to do for customers, which isn't much apparently and according to reviews, which you'll see HERE Not only are there complaints about the actual product, but complaints about the lack of customer service with this company as they tell the consumers to mail at their own expense the defective product to obtain a refund. Don't they realize how expensive it would be to mail a huge package like 5-10 pans via USPO? Even Huggies diapers sent me a SASE for a defective diaper I had. I had me a bad batch of Huggies and when I told them(IE, Huggies), they sent me the SASE and coupons for freebies. Very nice! And this is a little old diaper company. Well, granted, it was just a diaper, but having that option given to me at their expense made me appreciate and like the Kimberly-Clarke Corporation much more.
Anyway...what say you?
Thank you, and GO BLACKHAWKS! Score is 2/1 right now against the LA. Kings....
Shania Twain - Up! HEY! Lookit da 40 year old teenager!
OK, I don't know how many of you like Shania Twain to begin with, but with the start of 2011 and the past crap economy, and past housing market, and past job market, and the current yet hoping to be last of the onslaught of idiotic politicians, past yucky weather, etc.. I thought I'd try to get everyone "UP" from here, as it can only go up from here...
Blessings, love, prayers and hugs to you... all!
PS: BTW, I gotta REPRESENT Canada!!!! Snicker....
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Wow! I've not seen you since last year!
A final thought for ....last year; and this year, if I may.
"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, President Obama, and Albert Einstein."
--H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Author of "Life's Little Instruction Book.
Well, I added the Lennon/Macca and Pres. Obama.
"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, President Obama, and Albert Einstein."
--H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Author of "Life's Little Instruction Book.
Well, I added the Lennon/Macca and Pres. Obama.
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