In 1982...waaay back when the internet was a term used to wonder why dolphins were getting caught in tuna nets and computers were as antiquated as a Queen Anne Chair from the 18th century with it's blocky chunky graphics and two colors; yellow and green on a black screen; Hasbro, Inc, was looking for a foreign toy line to not only outsource(bastards!) but for one they can base cartoons with, then actual toys. They bought rights to several Japanese toy companies; Takara Tomy Car Robots, Micro-Change and Bandai's Machine Robo, which were all die-cast metal robots that operate with a twist here and there making them into some sort of vehicle, like an airplane, or a car. Nearly 20 million sold in Asia alone. Toy company corporate reps thought Hasbro's "Transformers" would be a huge bomb(in a bad way, btw..not "da bomb," but actually crap out) in the good ole' USA as the executives thought the toys were too complicated, too exotic and just not enough for our kids' feeble brains to work or play with in any capacity. The suits just thought all that mess to go through and the "fact" a parent would NEVER pay 10 bones for a dumb toy robot that turns into a car or tank or something like that was just not worth the investment, or the time. Mainly the moolah.
Boy, were they wrong!
By Christmas season 1985, almost 400 MILLION American dollars(when the dollar was worth more than the Canadian dollar) worth of Transformer toys have been sold....along with that you can also add a couple of television cartoon shows, an animated movie and a couple of hit action CGI movies(starring Shia LeBeouf and Megan Fox) that have earned collaboratively over $1.5 BILLION BONES, who was wrong, yeah?
Talk about "more than meets the eye," right?
Dreams do come true! No matter how small or large you dream or where you dreams come from...just keep working to make that dream of yours come true!
And may all your Christmas dreams come true for you and yours!
Love, ChiTown Momma and her clan of misfit dreamers....
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