Everyone ready for Christmas yet? Ya got your tree up? Shopping done? Baking, cooking, dog grooming, housecleaning, you grooming, car ready and packed w/the hidden Christmas toys for the kiddies? Decorating done? Presents wrapped? Donations made?
Well, do NOT ask me because I'm not even half done, y'all.
I do, however; have a goodie to go w/a bonus "cheap and easy" for you followers, but I do need more followers, so give out the good word about my blog and the more followers I get, the more give-aways I can give! Plus, you can see who's following me, whom I'm following(as I am following some pretty cool bloggers here!) and get some great give-aways from them, shopping/coupon advice and just a good old fashioned chuckle; which believe me YOU w/the poopy economy we've got goin' on, we need to laugh much more often.
OK, this giveaway is open to my first 50 followers, so make sure you follow and use the words "I LOVE ITALIAN FOOD" somewhere in your comment. When I get up to 50 followers I will raffle off a $10.00 restaurants.com gift certificate to the legendary "Il Vicinato" restaurant, located at 2435 S. Western Avenue in the "Little Tuscany" neighborhood of Chicago.
Here's the Metromix link for "Il Vicinato" HERE!
Wanna free toilet paper extender? Thanks be to Heather from "Freebies 4 Mom" blog you can have a Charmin toilet paper extender sent to you in the mail. I LOVE freebies via snail mail! It's like Christmas when I bring up envelopes and boxes of samples, coupons and other free goodies! Here's the link to that HERE FOR CHARMIN FREEBIE!
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