That image above really does look like me, IE, long reddish hair, green eyes, sick, sick SICK! Ugh...
How has your year been thus far? Let me tell you a bit 'bout mine, yeah? Well, between the stress of my kid and his autism and seizures, the stress of running after a toddler at my old age, my husband's crap job(over worked, reeeally under paid) and having to move out of our huge and great apartment to one w/one less bedroom, no dining room and less than feasible storage and room, I think my stress levels are way up there, thus making this past year utter crap..for the most part. It hasn't been all bad but let me tell you, it could have been much better.
Therefore, I am SOO looking forward to New Year's Eve.
RE: Stress: It's probably also the reasoning behind my constant cold/illness and lung infections, which I have, AGAIN! I am currently on a steroidal therapy of sorts(cough syrup and Prednisone for my hacking, constant cough) so with that infection going down and the fact I've dramatically lessened my nicotine intake via my foo-foo ciggies(yes, boys and girls; I do believe I am finally done with smoking!), I have been coughing up so much stuff I think I coughed up a shark or a license plate(ala "Jaws?") and Jimmy Hoffa... I seem to resemble Doc Holliday from the OK Corral/Tombstone era. After all, Doc Holliday was a notorious gun-slinging, phlegm hacking-from-his-consumption(aka tuberculosis) tough old dentist and I'm a tough cookie so right now I do not mind being equated with such an individual...Plus, Val Kilmer played him in "Tombstone," and ya cannot get much cooler and cuter than Val Kilmer, IMO.
Well, I may be tough but I really do wish I could stop this hacking!
I don't know about you, but has anyone had the effect of extreme sleepiness from taking Prednisone? I actually prefer the steroidal cough syrup over the Guaifenesin cough syrup that's laced with codeine. The codeine just doped me up and made me groggy whereas the Prednisone syrup lessened my cough and actually helped me sleep peacefully with me not having to wake up in the middle of the night choking on phlegm(yeah, I know, sorry; gross-a-roo). So, along with this treatment I am OD-ing on hot tea and honey, water, Jewish penicillin(aka chicken soup) and just loads of rest, which is not quite possible with the household I have. Now, I did try the gargle w/peroxide/H20 mixture for my sore throat, but that's gone, thank God! After all that, I still feel like crap.
To make matters worse, "I Dream of Jeannie" isn't on today! Bleh....
OKIE DOKIE! A couple of "Cheap and Easy" items to mention: Live near me(Bridgeport area of Chicago), or even in the surrounding 'hoods(Garfield Ridge, Midway, Brighton Park, etc..) and don't mind taking a bit of a car ride to not only get great deals on video game and movie rentals and support a small, local business, check out Joe's "Video Strip," located at 3307 S. Archer Avenue(Archer and Wood Streets respectively).
Their facebook page, directions, etc.. are right
The wind and snow are here...but get your videos before the subzero temps kick in!
Come in now and when you rent one video at regular price each additional video is only 49cents! Limit 6!
Also, here's a coupon for free cheese or butter from Kerry Gold Farms, an Irish based dairy farm which sells their products all over the US. Click
HERE to get to the skinny of things and complete a short survey(hey, it's not totally free as you have a couple of hoops to jump, but it's only a couple of hoops. Don't be so lazy) to obtain your coupon via mail for either cheese or butter. The site also has info on the company, products available and store locations to purchase their products.
Now, back to me attempting to watch "You've Got Mail" w/Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. It's taking me two hours to watch the first half hour. That's a record as it took me three days to watch "La Rose En Vie." Speaking of "You've Got Mail," notice the part where Meg Ryan is shopping for Thanksgiving and went into the "cash only" line at the store but didn't realize where she was so the entire line and the cashier got on her case, then Tom Hanks shows up to help her out by being all charming to everyone(including the cashier?) and the cashier gives Meg the stink eye? I think the Cashier who's name was Rose had like two lines...anyway. The first person to identify the cashier by commenting her name just below (no cheating! No googling please..use your beautiful brains) you will get amazing accolades from me AND if you live near me (Chicago, that is) you'll also win that $10 restaurants.com gift certificate to "Il Vicinato" located right in the heart of "Little Tuscany" on Western Avenue. Awesome Italian food, fabulous prices and very healthy servings AND 10 bones off your order of $20+. You can have a couple of free drinks, or an appetizer, or dessert gratis!
Have a good one, stay well, de-stress anyway you possibly can without choking or killing anyone, eat butter and cheese and rent vids and games from Joe!