So now that I'm no longer breast-
feeding I can eat any-
thing I want, IE, garlic, broccoli, peppers, MORE chocolate, booze.....go on then! You name it! I can eat it! Cool thing is the baby can eat that stuff with me as well! Well, save the booze, she can eat pretty much anything...and will! She almost has an entire mouth full of choppers, with a molar or two on either side of her mouth to fill but she's already eating corn on the cob, like a pro, and loves it! She's just about 18 months now and wanting to crawl, run, walk, etc.. everywhere. I have the walker working full time and Cirque du Soleil baby loves to get up in her high chair and practically balance on one big toe reaching for the light, the remote, the dog, you name it. Aside from the usual IE, working with the kids, the old arsed dog(she's a 15 year old cocker spaniel) and goofball beagle, and my cranky ball and chain, same old same old. I am, however, about to work on my son's Halloween costume, which will be Buddy the Elf from the movie Elf w/Will Farrell(did I spell that correct?). That is Ian's favorite movie and he's always quoting from it. I have green felt galore and all I have to do is purchase a pattern or figure it out freehand, and buy a pair of girls white tights..nice and thick and dye them yellow. I will post images of the costume when I'm finished. I think Pinky will be a lady bug again, B&C will be Indiana Jones again and I will be Janis Joplin. It's been rough dealing w/Ian's transition from his old teacher who was with him since kindergarten to the new "special ed" teacher who doesn't seem to have a clue as to what to do with Ian. Not sure if I mentioned this but Ian has autism.
Anyway, we'll see how the year ends. Hopefully I'll be able to have more energy and I can get back to my clients with their costume needs and my other favorite thing; cooking and baking!
Anyway, we'll see how the year ends. Hopefully I'll be able to have more energy and I can get back to my clients with their costume needs and my other favorite thing; cooking and baking!
We went to Cantigny for the NWTA Revolutionary War reenactment, which is quite an event! Every year it seems to be getting bigger, and better! I have to see an even bigger event true to the era(IE, 18th century) in Southern Indiana called "Feast of the Hunters Moon" which I was told is the same thing as Cantigny, but better, and gynormous(as Buddy the Elf would say). I am so glad they moved this event(Cantigny) earlier in September as it used to be the second weekend of October where it can be quite cold, and rainy...and it usually is/was cold..and quite rainy. This past year it was the second weekend of September and it was gorgeous! 80 degrees, loads of sun, happy people everywhere including happy kid reenactors hanging around the small waterfall at the reenactment as you can see in this photo.
Speaking of festivals and whatnot, we were making plans to visit the Brazil Popcorn festival in Southern Indiana(near INDY) but it's this weekend and Bubba is on call, therefore, we cannot go. Alas, we're now making plans to visit a Renaissance Faire in Eastern Illinois. It's small and not too far(about 2 hours away from Chicago) and we can bring the dogs! It's at a KOA campground and it's next weekend. I am hoping it'll be somewhat warmer than usual or at least Indian Summer. Want info on the faire? Leave me a comment...
Happy autumn to you all and hope you're well! Off to watch a butchered version of "Analyze This" on AMC. Yup! Butchered. I don't care as I absolutely adore Harold Ramis!
Happy autumn to you all and hope you're well! Off to watch a butchered version of "Analyze This" on AMC. Yup! Butchered. I don't care as I absolutely adore Harold Ramis!
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