Friday, September 11, 2009

What do you do when you lose a friendship? I know, it's silly to think all emotionally and whatnot as we're adults and need to "rise above it" and of course, we don't. It's almost like getting a divorce. I was friends with a young woman who was also involved with my son's education. We hung out, did things together, she helped out when I gave birth to my daughter...hell! I even made her my daughter's Godmother which she accepted gladly. She's getting married within a week and we're not invited despite we were told by her we were. She asked if we received the invite two months prior and we didn't; she told us she'd send another. We told her when school started we still didn't get the invites so she said she'd bring one and give it to my son; didn't happen. I reminded her three times this past week and since this shindig is in a week, we still don't have the info so we're not going. I have no idea when and where it is but I do have the impression that it's not happening IE, us going as she probably doesn't want us there in the first place, which is fine. One less major expense we can't afford anyway, but why all this leading on? That's what hurts me actually. If it were an issue to have us at the wedding, why tell us we're invited when we're not and not saying it's an issue to have...oh, I dunno; so many invited to the wedding, blah blah blah. This isn't the first "weird" thing that went down. For the past year every time we asked her to do things with us, come over, etc...she has some catastrophic occurrance go down, thus we're not able to get together. I don't want someone to feel obligated to be my friend. I don't want someone who isn't interested in a friendship with me and my family. Well, it's cool if it's not w/the entire family, but to at least tolerate us. It's just so sad she felt it necessary to lead me on, tell me she wanted to be with me, hang out, etc...then just blow me off. I'm a bit sad as I have to tell her I don't want the friendship anymore and have to make someone else my kids' Godmother. I can't have someone in my life who doesn't accept me for me and doesn't want to be with me. It's really sad when you give so much of yourself to someone, whether it's friendship or a more intimate relationship, and it ends up being a more a give/take deal than and somewhat equal relationship. I know people aren't perfect, but I don't want her to feel obligated to me. I have other friends, yes, but this still hurts.

I really like what this one blogger said in regard to a similar situation: "My advice to you would be to fill your life with people who WANT to be in your life. That way you are able to give and receive equally."

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