I love doing these things(IE, these little website thingies that let you build a Barbie, or a doll, or some sort of character that resembles you). Cracks me up!
Yeah, I know; get a life....etc...
Make your own baby at Luvs by clicking on the link above, and join Luvs online and get a couple of $2.50 off coupons on your next two purchases of Luvs diapers! Wooooooo, better than nothing, right?
Just above is my daughter's Luvs baby; hip and cool Keira...cute, no? Looks just like her! Yeah, really! Big round head, big ole' eyes, hair up like Ace Ventura pet detective...gray eyes...yup! My baby the cartoon....
I recently did a market research study on Luvs and all the other moms never used or knew of Luvs which I found interesting. They were all about Pampers and just didn't want to hear a thing about Luvs until the moderator presented us with a coupon for a free package of Luvs.
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