Friday, October 2, 2009

I love doing these things(IE, these little website thingies that let you build a Barbie, or a doll, or some sort of character that resembles you). Cracks me up!
Yeah, I know; get a life....etc...
Make your own baby at Luvs by clicking on the link above, and join Luvs online and get a couple of $2.50 off coupons on your next two purchases of Luvs diapers! Wooooooo, better than nothing, right?

Just above is my daughter's Luvs baby; hip and cool Keira...cute, no? Looks just like her! Yeah, really! Big round head, big ole' eyes, hair up like Ace Ventura pet detective...gray eyes...yup! My baby the cartoon....
I recently did a market research study on Luvs and all the other moms never used or knew of Luvs which I found interesting. They were all about Pampers and just didn't want to hear a thing about Luvs until the moderator presented us with a coupon for a free package of Luvs.

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Want to voice your opinion or just say "wow, funny article! Wow, funny face, WOW funny kids? Then just do that...right here....

Story of an "unknown" soldier.....

OK, now here’s the story about that headstone. Back in late summer my kids, mother and I went to Resurrection Cemetery to pay respect to ...