Just raves, reviews, requests, rants & other related witty-isms from my so-called life along w/occasional freebies & coupons. You may NOT use MY words & other vitriolic criticisms(which are my own opinion of certain things, humans, etc... & I am NOT compensated whatsoever; I just have a big mouth & lots to say) without written consent fr: me, please. Yes; it's my stuff & you can't use it willy-nilly all over w/out permission. Thanks! The management.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Wha' choo gonna do this weekend?
Well, I'mma gonna rehab as I've had the viral thing that wouldn't leave for the past 7+ days, but if you'd like to do some fun stuff, here's whuzzup this weekend!
A Christmas Carol is at the Goodman Theater through the holiday season....contact the Goodman or Ticketmaster for more details.
The Magnificent Mile Lights Festival kicks off the holiday season on Michigan Avenue tonight; and it's going to be a warm night too! Too weird, IMO. The parade starts (or ends, I forget) on Michigan near Fort Dearborn memorial. Various businesses like Argo Tea at 435 N. Michigan and Harry Carey's at 33 West Kinzie will give out free hot chocolate to get you warmed up (??? It's not going to be below 45 tonight) and into the holiday spirit. Check out various Michigan Avenue businesses for specail deals and coupons/savings! Here's the link for the holiday guide so just click HERE
Don't forget Macy's has their windows set up for Christmas as do several other businesses, so this will be a great day to check things out since it's not too cold out.
The Chicago Toy and Game show is at Navy Pier this weekend, so to save $2 on cover click HERE
Be safe and have fun!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Remembering our Vets on Veteran's Day.
Unbeknownst to me we here in Chicago have quite a bit of Civil War history. You're probably thinking "uh, say what? How can that be? The battles were fought all way down yonder in Dixie. Well, a bit of Civil War trivia re: Illinois, and ChiTown:
Illinois contributed over 250,000 Union Soldiers ranking us fourth in terms of the total man power in US military service.
Illinois was one of the major suppliers of goods necessary for Union Soldiers, IE: military supplies, food, and clothing.
Illinois troops fought mainly in the Western Theater (IE: East of Mississippi River and West of the Appalachains.
Camp Douglas which was located in Chicago was one of the largest training facilities for the war effort; and ended up being one of the largest Confederate POW prisons, with thousands of said Confederate soldiers buried in neighboring Oak Woods Cemetary. Word is there are over 6,000 Confederate troops buried at Oak Woods and next to the buried is a tribute statue. Camp Douglas was located on Cottage Grove and 31st to 33rd Place and MLK Drive.
Elmer Ellsworth, a New Yorker who moved to Chicago to please his wife (so the legend goes) was the leader of the U.S. Zouave Cadets in Chicago and was a martyr for us and of the Civil War by getting shot for taking down a Confederate flat in Virginia. The Zouave were an elite military "militia" type of group out of French Northern Africa; along the lines of the Foreign Legion who's leader was a fencing instructor in Chicago. He took young Ellsworth and trained him into the leader he was. He was the first officer killed during the Civil War.
Along with that we have several other cemetaries in our fair area who give tribute to the fallen Civil War soldiers. Something to think of as over 600,000 American soldiers (we'll say soldiers as there were plenty of women who posed as men sporting a "full metal corset" if you will) were killed or died during this conflict.
The Rosehill Cemetary has a Vet tribute on Veteran's Day ( I just learned, quite upset btw as it's too late to attend!) with volunteers dressed in uniforms from every American conflict to represent and remember the Vets with the release of cannons and 21 gun salutes. Rosehill is located at 5800 North Ravenswood in Chicago.
Oak Woods is at 1035 E. 67th St., Chicago
with the over 6,000 Confederate soldiers resting.
Calvary Cemetary at 301 Chicago Ave. in Evanston is the resting place of several high ranking officers and soldiers, including Patrick McGuire, the Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. He was a Private in the Chicago Mercantile Battery, and was awarded the medal for Vicksburg, Mississippi. The grave of another Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Hugh Molloy, (who was in the Navy) and James Mulligan’s grave (not a Medal of Honor recipient). Originally from Ireland, Mulligan founded the 23rd Illinois infantry which was known for its Irish connections. After losing a battle he went to Camp Douglas where he was the commandant. He was killed in the 2nd Battle of Kernstown in Virginia in 1864.
And remember Abe Lincoln was living in Illinois before he lived in the White House.
So let's remember our Vets; from which ever way they've served. And you cute girls? Go ahead and let a WW2 Vet pinch your tushy. I've had that done and as I mentioned to him (him being Grandpa Soldier) if he does that again he'll pull back a bloody stump. He laughed and I said, "you couldn't handle all this; who do you think you are? Hugh Hefner?" He was a Poppy seller and an USS Indianapolis survivor...so I let him get a grab....well, a pinch. It didn't hurt and it was a bit creepy; but the smile on his face and the way his blue eyes sparkled and him saying "woof! I love me redheads!" I had to laugh it off, letting all the creepiness leave my brain and spirit and buy me a few poppies.
Illinois contributed over 250,000 Union Soldiers ranking us fourth in terms of the total man power in US military service.
Illinois was one of the major suppliers of goods necessary for Union Soldiers, IE: military supplies, food, and clothing.
Illinois troops fought mainly in the Western Theater (IE: East of Mississippi River and West of the Appalachains.
Camp Douglas which was located in Chicago was one of the largest training facilities for the war effort; and ended up being one of the largest Confederate POW prisons, with thousands of said Confederate soldiers buried in neighboring Oak Woods Cemetary. Word is there are over 6,000 Confederate troops buried at Oak Woods and next to the buried is a tribute statue. Camp Douglas was located on Cottage Grove and 31st to 33rd Place and MLK Drive.
Elmer Ellsworth, a New Yorker who moved to Chicago to please his wife (so the legend goes) was the leader of the U.S. Zouave Cadets in Chicago and was a martyr for us and of the Civil War by getting shot for taking down a Confederate flat in Virginia. The Zouave were an elite military "militia" type of group out of French Northern Africa; along the lines of the Foreign Legion who's leader was a fencing instructor in Chicago. He took young Ellsworth and trained him into the leader he was. He was the first officer killed during the Civil War.
Along with that we have several other cemetaries in our fair area who give tribute to the fallen Civil War soldiers. Something to think of as over 600,000 American soldiers (we'll say soldiers as there were plenty of women who posed as men sporting a "full metal corset" if you will) were killed or died during this conflict.
The Rosehill Cemetary has a Vet tribute on Veteran's Day ( I just learned, quite upset btw as it's too late to attend!) with volunteers dressed in uniforms from every American conflict to represent and remember the Vets with the release of cannons and 21 gun salutes. Rosehill is located at 5800 North Ravenswood in Chicago.
Oak Woods is at 1035 E. 67th St., Chicago
with the over 6,000 Confederate soldiers resting.
Calvary Cemetary at 301 Chicago Ave. in Evanston is the resting place of several high ranking officers and soldiers, including Patrick McGuire, the Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. He was a Private in the Chicago Mercantile Battery, and was awarded the medal for Vicksburg, Mississippi. The grave of another Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Hugh Molloy, (who was in the Navy) and James Mulligan’s grave (not a Medal of Honor recipient). Originally from Ireland, Mulligan founded the 23rd Illinois infantry which was known for its Irish connections. After losing a battle he went to Camp Douglas where he was the commandant. He was killed in the 2nd Battle of Kernstown in Virginia in 1864.
And remember Abe Lincoln was living in Illinois before he lived in the White House.
So let's remember our Vets; from which ever way they've served. And you cute girls? Go ahead and let a WW2 Vet pinch your tushy. I've had that done and as I mentioned to him (him being Grandpa Soldier) if he does that again he'll pull back a bloody stump. He laughed and I said, "you couldn't handle all this; who do you think you are? Hugh Hefner?" He was a Poppy seller and an USS Indianapolis survivor...so I let him get a grab....well, a pinch. It didn't hurt and it was a bit creepy; but the smile on his face and the way his blue eyes sparkled and him saying "woof! I love me redheads!" I had to laugh it off, letting all the creepiness leave my brain and spirit and buy me a few poppies.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Contact w/Jodi Foster
I find it ironic that in the movie "Contact" who had corporate sponsors for their "space project" was a bit of a pre-cursor of things to come....
Case in point? Red Bull and Felix Baumgartner....what kind of sick world is this that NASA isn't the space agency it used to be due to tax dollars? Why can't NASA work on getting huge corporate sponsors, like Red Bull or Virgin Atlantic?
Yesh, I know it's just a movie, but then again fact can be stranger than fiction.
Huh? HUH!? Why don't they sponsor NASA?
I ask rhetorically, of course.
Anywho...getting that knotted rag up my bum....just venting....
Relish in the gorgeous image of Mr. Baumgartner taking in the beauty and awe of our great planet. I can't help but think of Louis Armstrong singing "What a Wonderful World."
Case in point? Red Bull and Felix Baumgartner....what kind of sick world is this that NASA isn't the space agency it used to be due to tax dollars? Why can't NASA work on getting huge corporate sponsors, like Red Bull or Virgin Atlantic?
Yesh, I know it's just a movie, but then again fact can be stranger than fiction.
Huh? HUH!? Why don't they sponsor NASA?
I ask rhetorically, of course.
Anywho...getting that knotted rag up my bum....just venting....
Relish in the gorgeous image of Mr. Baumgartner taking in the beauty and awe of our great planet. I can't help but think of Louis Armstrong singing "What a Wonderful World."
Still have issues w/Comcast...grrrr!
So, a few weeks ago in regard to my problems with Comcast I received a phone call from a "Mario" from corporate offices of Comcast w/his inane and repeated questioning about my horrible service. It's a shame that we spend so much money on something such as this and it's ....bad! No matter how much I explain...and repeatedly explain...and explain and basically...explain some more...what good will it actually do us?
Yes, unresolved w/Comcast; still have had dropped signals and just terrible reception. I really don't know what else to do or say especially to corporate. Bad is ..is bad does...and no matter how much it's sugar coated, it's still bad service. It needs to be revamped, investigated, dissected, etc....ad nauseum! As a consumer who used to be on of the biggest cheerleaders for Comcast I am now exhausted and looking for better options out there.
And what really sucks is we really need the internet because of our autistic son's tutoring program which he is about to get back into this month.
I hate having to rely on such unreliable sources....
And I shall have my 1st Amendment say about this....
Yes, unresolved w/Comcast; still have had dropped signals and just terrible reception. I really don't know what else to do or say especially to corporate. Bad is ..is bad does...and no matter how much it's sugar coated, it's still bad service. It needs to be revamped, investigated, dissected, etc....ad nauseum! As a consumer who used to be on of the biggest cheerleaders for Comcast I am now exhausted and looking for better options out there.
And what really sucks is we really need the internet because of our autistic son's tutoring program which he is about to get back into this month.
I hate having to rely on such unreliable sources....
And I shall have my 1st Amendment say about this....
Monday, November 5, 2012
Try Wen? What say you?
Yesh, I am on that eternal hunt for the pseudo fountain of youth I can buy in a jar within a reasonable price range. I was, for some time using the Ojon hair products for coloured hair along with the Ojon Oil Restorative Hair Treatment, which gave the illusion of energy and brightness to my so-called natural hair color.
I'm not Emmylou Harris but I don't want white hair.....yet.
And I get that often, IE: "your hair IS amazing! What do you do?" I use what's called a so-called sulfate free very expensive shampoo I initially tried w/a sample (that was a reluctant thing to produce from the Ojon reps at Sephora, but that little sample made a huge difference, thus I am now an Ojon lover...samples DO work, yo!).
Anywho, I'd like to know if anyone has personally tried Wen and if so, how great is it? You know how informercials plug everything up, have annoying hosts (in God awful sweaters) and just have the worse writers for their scripts. I think the McKinley High Sober Students Improv Group from "Freaks and Geeks" could have done a better infomercial, IMO.
Let us know, please? I thank you evah so!
I'm not Emmylou Harris but I don't want white hair.....yet.
And I get that often, IE: "your hair IS amazing! What do you do?" I use what's called a so-called sulfate free very expensive shampoo I initially tried w/a sample (that was a reluctant thing to produce from the Ojon reps at Sephora, but that little sample made a huge difference, thus I am now an Ojon lover...samples DO work, yo!).
Anywho, I'd like to know if anyone has personally tried Wen and if so, how great is it? You know how informercials plug everything up, have annoying hosts (in God awful sweaters) and just have the worse writers for their scripts. I think the McKinley High Sober Students Improv Group from "Freaks and Geeks" could have done a better infomercial, IMO.
Let us know, please? I thank you evah so!
The blueberry mystery is finally solved!
Sorry I've taken so long to get back re: the girls, aka the absolutely gorgeous blueberry bushes. Well, things have been hectic w/a funeral and now I'm ready to settle down for a bit and tell you the ending of our story.
Bret Ritter from Glenn Walters Nursery in Dayton Ohio has been more than a customer service rep on behalf of Home Depot (his company provides most of the fruit bearing plants to HD all over the USA). He has come through for us in regard to the problem of HD not knowing the difference between a flowering "bush" for decoration and blueberries and was not only an informative rep for Glenn Walters, but a gentleman to boot! Something very rare these days. I know; I'm quite the Jane Austen addict and expect a man to behave accordingly, and Mr. Ritter did so. It boiled down to lack of communication via Home Depot and their employees, which is a sad thing especially for someone such as I (IE: a big mouthed, very opinionated consumer who isn't afraid to flex a few hand muscles to type out a complaint to whom it may concern.
You know I'll give the devil "his" due but if you provide crap service, I shall write crap of said service.
So, nyah!
The girls are ready to go to sleep for the winter and will be hopefully full bloom by the end of spring and I'm hoping we get fruit out of them by summer's end. I will take pics! Promise! If you're ever in southern Ohio, check out Glenn Walters and say "hi" to Bret for me.
On a sadder note, let us give a moment of silence to a fallen hero. Chicago Fire Captain Herbie Johnson lost his life last week in the line of duty. I had the honor of meeting Herbie and his wife Susan at a function some time ago on the south side and couldn't have met a more pleasant, hilarious and just plain fun couple. Absolutely charming. Information is via the link below, funeral arrangements will be this Wednesday at St. Rita's on Western Avenue (the old Quigley South Seminary). For more info re: services and a fund set up for Herbie and his family go HERE
God bless the Johnsons!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Octonovemcember!!!! It hasn't ended yet! What do you wanna do this weekend in Chicago?
So, right on Halloween night I saw Christmas commercials; Kohl's, Petsmart, Target to name a few....crikey! And...just heard Macy's on State Street is putting up the window displays and they should be open and ready to view this weekend.
Now, I know I didn't really post anything for Halloween because all we do for Halloween is go w/friends of mine and their kids and their friends and the whole gaggle of us "trick or treat." My kiddies are too young for the scariness of a good haunted house or ghost tour. But next year! Just you wait!
Anyway, hitting downtown Chicago to see the windows up? Now? That's something you can do for free...granted if you go into Macy's and end up shopping, but otherwise, that's something you can do as well as check out the other good eats on State Street. I do believe there are some Estee Lauder freebies if you're inclined to flash out the cash for your skincare items. Macy's will also light the Christmas tree in the legendary Walnut Room.
Ringling Brothers Circus opens this weekend at the old Rosemont Horizon/new AllState Arena (Still call it the Horizon)...take the kiddies to freak 'em out over clowns!
Navy Pier is having the SOFA Art Fair in their festival hall.
The Fine Art of Fiber will be the exhibit at the Chicago Botanical Gardens this weekend. From quilts, clothes and dolls there will also be some holiday items up for sale.
The GNOME hunt is up and hidden all over the Morton Arboretum! Kids can hunt for gnomes every daily from now til February.
When you're finished take a trek to the border of Bridgeport and Chinatown and get thee into Bertucci's Corner,300 West 24th Street phone #(312) 225-2848. I was inspired by "The Beat Cops' Guide to Chicago Eats" by Sgt. David Haynes and Chris Garlington which is the ultimate guide for anyone who lives here and wants to find great places to chow that won't bust your wallet but an essential guide for hotel concierge to have as a text book for his/her guests.
IMO, next to cops, teacher and firefighters know where to get the good and cheap eats in any city. Ask one! The link for the book and the good Sgt.'s blog is RIGHT HERE
And you may think the hotel people know? Nah...you need a 'hood person that works as a concierge in these hotels to give great food advice to tourists. They want to taste the amazing blend of ethnic flavors our fair city has. I know when I worked at a coffee shop (corporate name, no need to mention it as it was bad to me and doesn't deserve my praise) downtown I had loads of tourists asking for cheap eats in the neighborhoods; NOT downtown. Bertucci's gives you a "Goodfellas" or "Sopranos" groove. You almost feel like you're on the east coast w/out hurricane damage and high hair. The food is rustic and Italian/American, prices fair and you do get a lot for your buck. I had ordered gnocci and it was fantastic! My kids call gnocci "dragon's eggs." Well, I DO actually, to get them to eat them...lol!
Garden! Get your berry bushes buried, clear out the muck and guck, cut down your old plants and make it nice and purdy for the winter so everyone can have a nice nap.
Shampoo your rug! It's the holiday season! Ya want everyone visiting you w/your smelly old rug just stinkin' up the house?
Not I...
Your local Ace and Food4Less has them there to rent Rug Doctors). Hit the Rug Doctor website HERE to find your store (enter zip) and to obtain a couple of coupons that will make your day much better.
I may do all the above actually...and then seek out a new copy of Beat Cop's Guide as my sister stole mine! Grrrrr! I'm still waiting for a replacement of my "Chicago Haunts" by Ursula Bielski. Click on this link right HERE for more 411 on Ms. Bielski.
Let me know what you end up doing....
Now, I know I didn't really post anything for Halloween because all we do for Halloween is go w/friends of mine and their kids and their friends and the whole gaggle of us "trick or treat." My kiddies are too young for the scariness of a good haunted house or ghost tour. But next year! Just you wait!
Anyway, hitting downtown Chicago to see the windows up? Now? That's something you can do for free...granted if you go into Macy's and end up shopping, but otherwise, that's something you can do as well as check out the other good eats on State Street. I do believe there are some Estee Lauder freebies if you're inclined to flash out the cash for your skincare items. Macy's will also light the Christmas tree in the legendary Walnut Room.
Ringling Brothers Circus opens this weekend at the old Rosemont Horizon/new AllState Arena (Still call it the Horizon)...take the kiddies to freak 'em out over clowns!
Navy Pier is having the SOFA Art Fair in their festival hall.
The Fine Art of Fiber will be the exhibit at the Chicago Botanical Gardens this weekend. From quilts, clothes and dolls there will also be some holiday items up for sale.
The GNOME hunt is up and hidden all over the Morton Arboretum! Kids can hunt for gnomes every daily from now til February.
When you're finished take a trek to the border of Bridgeport and Chinatown and get thee into Bertucci's Corner,300 West 24th Street phone #(312) 225-2848. I was inspired by "The Beat Cops' Guide to Chicago Eats" by Sgt. David Haynes and Chris Garlington which is the ultimate guide for anyone who lives here and wants to find great places to chow that won't bust your wallet but an essential guide for hotel concierge to have as a text book for his/her guests.
IMO, next to cops, teacher and firefighters know where to get the good and cheap eats in any city. Ask one! The link for the book and the good Sgt.'s blog is RIGHT HERE
And you may think the hotel people know? Nah...you need a 'hood person that works as a concierge in these hotels to give great food advice to tourists. They want to taste the amazing blend of ethnic flavors our fair city has. I know when I worked at a coffee shop (corporate name, no need to mention it as it was bad to me and doesn't deserve my praise) downtown I had loads of tourists asking for cheap eats in the neighborhoods; NOT downtown. Bertucci's gives you a "Goodfellas" or "Sopranos" groove. You almost feel like you're on the east coast w/out hurricane damage and high hair. The food is rustic and Italian/American, prices fair and you do get a lot for your buck. I had ordered gnocci and it was fantastic! My kids call gnocci "dragon's eggs." Well, I DO actually, to get them to eat them...lol!
Garden! Get your berry bushes buried, clear out the muck and guck, cut down your old plants and make it nice and purdy for the winter so everyone can have a nice nap.
Shampoo your rug! It's the holiday season! Ya want everyone visiting you w/your smelly old rug just stinkin' up the house?
Not I...
Your local Ace and Food4Less has them there to rent Rug Doctors). Hit the Rug Doctor website HERE to find your store (enter zip) and to obtain a couple of coupons that will make your day much better.
I may do all the above actually...and then seek out a new copy of Beat Cop's Guide as my sister stole mine! Grrrrr! I'm still waiting for a replacement of my "Chicago Haunts" by Ursula Bielski. Click on this link right HERE for more 411 on Ms. Bielski.
Let me know what you end up doing....
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Vitamin C junkie here
You know, if you really knew me you'd laugh at the fact how I'm all about Vitamin C.
I don't want to say Vitamin C freak as it downplays the fact I am smart and sensible, and not a hippie freak addicted to Vitamin C (as I'm just a hippie freak) that I'll only take a cold medicine that contains Vitamin C (like in that Vicks commercial from some time ago? Such a flake I almost gave up taking Vitamin C I was so mortified! Idiots...)
Yesh, I most certainly a huge fan as I've literally seen huge improvements in my body; IE, my face, my health, I've noticed warts disappear, my immune system improves, I hardly have wrinkles....uh, yesh. Huge believer in da C!
I'm in my mid 40s and no one is "none the wiser" re: my true age. I'm constantly carded for hooch which cracks me up and freaks out cashiers, but the fact that I look even younger than my 33 year old sister (sorry, girl! LOL) I am convinced it's the Vitamin C. Even Dr. Oz has recently touted Vitamin C with being a great way to stay young!
Now I personally take anywhere between 500-2000 mgs of Ester C. Winter I poke it up to 2000mgs, but overall I take 500mgs a day. When I feel like bleech, I poke it up to 2000mgs.
I use a Vitamin C facial cream from my local vitamin store that contains 3-10% Vitamin C.
I try to wash my face every night but I found it dries me out and I get plugged pores, so every other night I either use my Vitamin C/CoEnzyme facial cleanser or just warm water.
I exfoliate my facial skin every other day (at night time only), cream it up w/the Vite C and every AM just use H20 (warm).
I try my hardest to ingest as much Vitamin C, I take a multi-vite, CoEnzyme Q10 & 3000mgs of Fish Oil/Omega threes.
Thanks what I do to keep my age a deep and dark secret!
I don't want to say Vitamin C freak as it downplays the fact I am smart and sensible, and not a hippie freak addicted to Vitamin C (as I'm just a hippie freak) that I'll only take a cold medicine that contains Vitamin C (like in that Vicks commercial from some time ago? Such a flake I almost gave up taking Vitamin C I was so mortified! Idiots...)
Yesh, I most certainly a huge fan as I've literally seen huge improvements in my body; IE, my face, my health, I've noticed warts disappear, my immune system improves, I hardly have wrinkles....uh, yesh. Huge believer in da C!
I'm in my mid 40s and no one is "none the wiser" re: my true age. I'm constantly carded for hooch which cracks me up and freaks out cashiers, but the fact that I look even younger than my 33 year old sister (sorry, girl! LOL) I am convinced it's the Vitamin C. Even Dr. Oz has recently touted Vitamin C with being a great way to stay young!
Now I personally take anywhere between 500-2000 mgs of Ester C. Winter I poke it up to 2000mgs, but overall I take 500mgs a day. When I feel like bleech, I poke it up to 2000mgs.
I use a Vitamin C facial cream from my local vitamin store that contains 3-10% Vitamin C.
I try to wash my face every night but I found it dries me out and I get plugged pores, so every other night I either use my Vitamin C/CoEnzyme facial cleanser or just warm water.
I exfoliate my facial skin every other day (at night time only), cream it up w/the Vite C and every AM just use H20 (warm).
I try my hardest to ingest as much Vitamin C, I take a multi-vite, CoEnzyme Q10 & 3000mgs of Fish Oil/Omega threes.
Thanks what I do to keep my age a deep and dark secret!
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Story of an "unknown" soldier.....
OK, now here’s the story about that headstone. Back in late summer my kids, mother and I went to Resurrection Cemetery to pay respect to ...

You know, if you really knew me you'd laugh at the fact how I'm all about Vitamin C. I don't want to say Vitamin C freak as it...
We were all ready to sit down and eat dinner when my son had a seizure. It's a horribly scary thing to see your own kid get all rigid, ...
Some bonus material, if you will. Yes, the bonus material I speak of is just me rambling a bit if I may. Or is it ranting..... Part of the...