Just raves, reviews, requests, rants & other related witty-isms from my so-called life along w/occasional freebies & coupons. You may NOT use MY words & other vitriolic criticisms(which are my own opinion of certain things, humans, etc... & I am NOT compensated whatsoever; I just have a big mouth & lots to say) without written consent fr: me, please. Yes; it's my stuff & you can't use it willy-nilly all over w/out permission. Thanks! The management.
Friday, July 13, 2012
So I have a pain in my knee...and my butt...j/k. But the pain in my knee is making me feel like Jimmy Stewart in "Rear Window." I'm slightly immobile, can't get as much done as I'd like and I don't have the room for a wheel chair and am constantly looking out our window. I have the binoculars on me so it's actually kinda fun to "spy" on what my neighbors are up to during the daytime hours. Not a whole lot; so I'm not quite like Jimmy Stewart. Just the immobile bit perhaps.
I did find out that whilst off work for a bit I was able to catch up on things, like my blogging, facebooking, movie watching, couponing and sleeping. I also found up my KUTAS is worse (KUTAS = Kids Up The Arse Syndrome). I know it can be annoying to have my ankle biters at me constantly; and again I have no bathroom privacy, but I figure this:
My son will soon be in high school, so as he's an adolescent he's not annoyed with me, yet. IE, he still tolerates me and I've yet to embarrass him to the point where I have to drop him off a block away from school. Since that's the case, I welcome my son w/his KUTAS. And our daughter is just past toddler-hood so she'll be clinging all the way til SHE'S a teener. Hopefully I'm raising them right, re: they both realize we are family; they're all they have next to mom and dad (which is true); they are brother and sister and thus shouldn't fight with each other.
So, I actually don't mind the intrusions, the constantly "mom, mom, mom, mom, mommy, mom. MAAAAHM!" like a pesty fly buzzing in my ear. I don't mind the constant questions as much anymore, the constant watching of kiddie movies. Before I know it, my kid will be off to college and I'll be missing him...thinking of how much I wish he'd just barge into the bathroom without knocking to ask me what's for dinner, whether I'm on the toilet or not.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Arm and Hammer's new deoderant sucks.
"My, grandma; what a big...uh...container of deoderant you have..." LOL! Wow. It IS quite huge, init?
OK then.
You heard right. I am incredibly disappointed. We recently purchased this newer type of deodorant from Arm and Hammer called "Essentials Natural Deodorant" and were very excited as we be biggin' fans of Arm and Hammer products (the original deodorant, the laundry soap, I use baking soda for almost everything from cleaning to cooking, and...so forth. In fact, if you want a great tip on how to get your whites really white, hit me w/a message or comment and I'll tell ya my secret!!), and the price is a buck at this time at Jewel/Osco, and with a 50cent coupon? Uh, hello?
We have a bit of a concern re: aluminum products in our deodorants and the possible connection to Alzheimer's. We've been pro-active in finding a deodorant/antiperspirent. We saw on a TV show on ION where a young man mentioned deodorants with aluminum don't allow the toxins to be released as you sweat, which is what you need to do when you sweat especially near your nodes. So we finally were thrilled to find Arm and Hammer have a product that has no aluminium yet touts being an anti-perspirant/deodrant.
It does not work at all.
After wearing it for all of an hour it proved it's lack of efficiency; IE, I sweated like mad still, it has a really strong scent before you put it on then an odd aroma (we purchased the scented version) after you wear if for a while. The aroma or "smell" resembles a really bad air freshener, you know the kind that restaurants have in their bathrooms....and gets worse the more you sweat. And you will sweat. You sweat bad...and you stink. And you (well, I do most certainly) smell....and I smell bad....very, very VERY bad. Like stinky old socks that have been on a homeless guy who's walked the entire planet starting with Africa. In fact, I actually smelled worse wearing this product than foregoing deodorant, which I'd rather do with just a touch of powder under the ole' pits.
According to their web site, ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda Essentials Deodorant ingredients consist of natural plant extracts to absorb and fight odor (nope, don't work...see above). Essentials® Deodorant does not contain aluminum, parabens, colorants or animal-derived ingredients (Arm and Hammer doesn't have animal ingredients? Who's ARM is in it then?). This fragrance is sure to leave you feeling fresh (initially when you first put it under your arms) and clean (not really) with its blend of sparkling citrus (what sort of citrus?), fresh lavender (lavender? Naaaah....not lavender. I wear lavender body spray, I have lavender potpourri, body creams/lotions that I use regularly; I grow lavender, I live in lavender! Think I like it a little bit?) and soft florals (the scent is anything but soft...what sort of flower do they speak of? Plastic flowers?). Furthermore, AM/ED has according to the ingredient list triclosan which is is an anti-bacterial in AB soaps and hand sanitizers that contributes to bacterial resistance.
So, uh...yeah; not on my top list of products I'd buy for even a .25 with a coupon. Just too bad of a product.
What say you? Have you tried this as of yet? Did it work for you or no? Hit me back w/a comment!
US Cellular as bad as Comcast
Anyone else have bad experiences w/US Cellular? They really have crap phones as they offer free battery swaps (well, past tense; now it's 4 per year per account) but that had me thinking. Why would they offer that? It makes me really think twice about using this company when our contract is up.
So along w/the crap service we have w/Comcast I caught a commercial that now offers cell service AND home security. With all the problems we've had and other customers continue to have, now Comcast wants to give home security? Seriously? I surely wouldn't trust Comcast w/my life, home, etc....
So along w/the crap service we have w/Comcast I caught a commercial that now offers cell service AND home security. With all the problems we've had and other customers continue to have, now Comcast wants to give home security? Seriously? I surely wouldn't trust Comcast w/my life, home, etc....
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
The evil-ness that is Serta bedding.....
Or "may" be Serta depending on how they finish our issue. I may have a change of heart....
So, we participated in a 2012 President's Day sale via Macy's where the Serta beds that are originally $899 were on sale or $297!!!! Wowsers!!! Aaand...with all my research re: said beds along w/other beds that were on sale during the same time I found via the internet, Consumer Reports, other blogs, etc...that a Serta is actually the best out of all them there beds aside from getting one of them space-age Sleep Number/Tempur Pedic-esque beds that start @ $1000 and up.
So, we were EXTREMELY happy with our Serta and even got a free little sheep that I've had to keep under lock and key away from the wee ones...as I AM a stuffed animal fan even at my ripe old age of... over 18.
We had a 90 day warranty from Macy's, but since the "incident" occurred just after that; turns out we needed to make a report to the Serta customer services reps. We were told if there was significant damage that had nothing to do w/how our bed was set up, it was covered under their 1-10 year limited warranty.
Turns out our bed which is a queen was set up properly, IE, in a queen frame w/the middle support bar. We didn't stand nor do w/stand on it nor allow the kids to jump on it; we don't even let the dogs on our bed.
So thus came the incident: we broke our bed. Not in any fun way mind you...dang! We were just getting down for the night, I on my side my ball/chain on his when we heard a 'CRAAAAAAAAAACK!'
Turns out the boxspring which is totally made out of a cheap pine type of wood broke in three places; in the middle where it rests on the support bar (this was the supporting beam of the boxspring) and two breaks near the head of the bed.
So, today the official Serta Bed Inspector (who really has that title? What sort of training do you need to be an official Serta Bed Inspector? Can you imagine someone telling one at a bar or a single mingle...."uh, yeah; I'm an official bed inspector for Serta customers.' ?? LOL! I'd probably laugh in his face but it's out there, yo! Wonder if that's happened at any single mingles; I must find out!). The inspector didn't even have to look twice; he saw all the damage; assessed our situation and the manner of how the bed was placed and voila. Well, we're now waiting for our replacement which will be w/in a week and I shall post the happs of that...promise!
Losing a friend thanks to boobs....
Yes, you read correctly. I'm in the midst of losing a friend due to my....uhem, boobs. From what I understand according to a very close family member of hers (her name shall remain hidden to protect the idiocy of said individual. Hey, she doesn't read my blog and if she did I have no prob w/her reading THIS) has informed me I make it a point to show off, flash, shimmy, shove my enormous boobs down everyone's throat w/my cleavage revealing blouses, etc.... ???? This individual even went so far to mention I most likely had them "done," thus the enormity of my boobs.
FIRST, I have NOT had my boobs done. If I had them done I'd get other stuff done, IE, liposuction, chin tuck and total mommy make-over due to my baby girl who was a ten lb ham when I gave birth via C-section. My boobs? They're gynourmous due to breastfeeding two kids over a year. I have to wear a bra in the double digits well over the letter "C" and each cup resembles a bowler's hat; and my back hurts all the time, it's a huge pain in the butt as my top is a totally different size than my bottom so dress buying is almost useless... and I'm not thrilled when I notice as I'm speaking to the male gender of our species they sometimes tend to speak to my boobs and make very little eye contact. Furthermore, I wear frickin' t-shirts and scrubs for the most part. Very rarely do I wear "sexy" clothing as I'm middle aged and don't really feel sexy running after two kids, two dogs, a goof-ball DH and my patients. And I actually don't have any "sexy" clothing. I love dresses, have several and some maxi/hippie/sun dresses tend to be a bit top revealing, but it's nothing out of the ordinary. It's not like I'm going to the AVN Awards w/Shyla Stylez.
So basically, this slightly older, immature, menopausal, terribly insecure, petty, sophomoric idiotic twit doesn't want to be friends with me anymore as it's very inappropriate how I present myself to the general public regarding my "dirty pillows." I, being of a "certain age" despite I have little children should be ashamed of myself, consider and remind myself I'm not under 25 anymore, take heed and cover myself and not "shove them" in everyone's face.
Hey, where's my burqa?
Apparently, it bothers her so that she's expressed this to other friends' of ours as well as family members whom I'm friends with and think she's insane for feeling this way. I initially thought it was some sort of joke because she has a wicked and warped sense of humour....kinda like mine which is why we bonded back in the day; we were friends! We were great friends. We went out, did things together w/my family and hers, facebooked and IM each other when we were in the same room and laughed about it. We gave help when needed and support, and shoulders to cry on and even lent out our significant others to help out with moving big furniture, opening jars, killing bugs, etc.
But alas; its not a joke as I kept getting the same, exact story not from just one, but several people. And she's not returned a single phone call from me.
What a sick, sad person. And a coward for not having the balls or the "boobs" as it were to tell me to my face how she felt re: my boobs. But then again, if she did have the balls/boobs to "kindly" mention my boobs are a bit on the revealing side, perhaps I would have gone off on her. Perhaps I would have listened to her, depending on the manner in which she could have chosen to express herself. I know I would have listened to her and taken a long, hard look in the mirror to second guess myself once again as that's what I tend to do; and then I'd be hard on myself as I usually am due to the second guessing and lack of security on my part. Hell, we all have a bit of insecurity on some level. Mine's not as insane as hers.
You know, now that I'm getting older, I am a lot less tolerant of manure from people. I also am coming to a realization re: humanity. Basically, if I have low expectations of certain people...perhaps people in general, then I won't be disappointed or surprised. I've also noticed that I can't put too much thought into the negative people give out not only toward me and my family; just drop the negative crap all together.
And laugh it off, then move on.
So that's exactly what I'm doing with this tidbit of life that initially caused some concern, some sadness at the fact that I'm losing what I thought was a great friend (no longer an issue) and disappointment; I'mma gonna chalk it up to hormones and possibly mental illness on her part ...then just laugh it off....move on, and if I never hear from her again...I know why.
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