Just raves, reviews, requests, rants & other related witty-isms from my so-called life along w/occasional freebies & coupons. You may NOT use MY words & other vitriolic criticisms(which are my own opinion of certain things, humans, etc... & I am NOT compensated whatsoever; I just have a big mouth & lots to say) without written consent fr: me, please. Yes; it's my stuff & you can't use it willy-nilly all over w/out permission. Thanks! The management.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Keep your "true" friends for the new year and forever...
A fantastic article one of my followers sent me for Christmas from a magazine she read some time ago:
What is a real friend?
There aren’t many people who are true friends. That spot is reserved for only a select few. In my life, God has given me some friends who have laughed with me (and sometimes at me), cried with me, listened for hours to whatever I wanted to say, overlooked a lot of stupid things I said and did, and never broke our confidence. I want to make a list of those characteristics of true friends. (I thought about making up a rating scale for each of these. You could give each of your friends a composite score. But then I realized it wouldn’t exactly encourage friendship if you said things like, “Well, Jim, you only got a 6.354 on my friendship scale.” Or “Sarah, you ranked a lot higher on my friendship scale than Beth. Way to go!” So let’s drop that idea, okay?)
1. A true friend is loyal - There have been a few people in my life that I could have complete confidence that no matter what I told them, they’d never breathe a word of it to anybody if I asked them not to. Loyalty is one of the chief characteristics of friendship, and it goes way beyond keeping your mouth shut. A true friend “sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). He or she is committed to you no matter what. Even if (and when) you do something completely stupid, a friend will stand by you. One of my favorite memories is of the NCAA National Championship Basketball Game several years ago. Georgetown was playing North Carolina. The game was in the final seconds, and Michael Jordan had just put the Tar Heels in front. Georgetown took the ball down court for a final game-winning shot. The Georgetown guard passed mid-court with eight seconds left on the clock. He passed the ball-to a North Carolina player! The clock ran out, and Georgetown lost the game. Everybody on the court, in the stands, and watching on television was stunned. The guy had made a tremendous blunder and cost the national championship! The TV camera stayed on Georgetown coach, John Thompson. He walked over to the young player who was obviously devastated by what he had done, and Thompson put his big arms around him and hugged him for a long, long time. That’s loyalty. That’s true friendship.
In Ecclesiastes 4:10, Solomon says, “If one falls down, his friend can help him up, but pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.” We need friends who can help us in tough times, who will be there for us, and who will stick closer than a brother.
In one of the most beautiful stories in the Bible, we read in I Samuel of the friendship between David and Jonathan, King Saul’s son. David had killed Goliath and saved the nation, but Saul was jealous over David’s popularity. He wanted to have the young warrior killed. Jonathan risked his own life time and again to defend David, and Jonathan supported his friend when no one else in the kingdom was willing to help him. In one of the classic descriptions of true friendship in all of literature, the Bible says that “the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David.” These men truly loved each other and were prepared to die for each other. That kind of loyalty is sometimes stated, but seldom is real. Jonathan and David had the real thing.
2. A true friend is honest - Sometimes we enjoy a friend being honest with us. Solomon wrote, “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips” (Proverbs 24:26). We like that-well, sometimes! But one of the tests of friendship is whether people are willing to speak the truth to each other and risk a negative reaction. Solomon also wrote, “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses” (Proverbs 27:6). There have been times that close friends, like my wife, have the courage to say, “Mark, I really care about you, and I need to tell you something.” At that point, I know the bombay doors are opening and the bomb is about to drop! I have the choice at that point to value my friend’s courage and honesty, or to hunker down in my emotional bomb shelter and hope the truth goes away. I don’t really like to hear things like that, but I’ve learned to value this kind of honesty even more than much of the encouragement I get.
3. A true friend is forgiving - In any real friendship, people’s feelings are going to be hurt. Many years ago, a movie called Love Story had a line in it: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” After careful analysis and deep reflection, I’d have to say, “That’s bunk!” Love means being willing to say you’re sorry! Sometimes we need to overlook somebody’s bad day. Maybe she’s so rude because she just found out Tony asked somebody else to the dance. Maybe he’s sulking because he struck out in the last inning with the bases loaded. Whatever. We give people some space to get over whatever is bothering them.
But sometimes we are genuinely offended. We are hurt and angry. This is not the time to say, “Hey, it doesn’t matter. I’ll just blow it off.” It’s time to forgive. If we don’t forgive-and resolve the underlying problem-then a wedge will be driven between the two people. As more hurts are inflicted, the wedge is driven deeper and deeper until the relationship is shattered. Don’t let that happen. True friends are good forgivers.
Paul wrote to the believers in Colossae, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Col 3:13). Forgiveness means we acknowledge how hurt we are, but we choose to not hold the offense against that person. As we reflect on the forgiveness we have experienced from Christ, we are more motivated to forgive other people. When we are hurt, everything in us cries out for revenge. We want to hurt that person by gossiping, withdrawing, or attacking. Don’t do it! A true friend forgives when he or she has been hurt.
4. A true friend is realistic - Friends don’t sign up to be our parents, our teachers, or to fill the role of God in our lives. Don’t expect them to do more than be a friend. When we expect (or demand) more than friendship, we put a tremendous strain on the relationship. In college, a friend of mine developed relationships with a lot of girls. But he was really drawn to one particular girl. She was really kind and sweet. He pursued her and tried to spend as much time with her as possible, but soon I noticed something was wrong. The more he pursued, the more she backed off. I knew this guy was from a tough background. His parents were divorced. His dad was an alcoholic. I think he was looking for more than friendship. He was hoping this girl would fill up the hole in his heart left by his family’s hurts. That’s too much to expect of a friendship! Before long, the girl backed off completely, leaving him devastated.
One of the things I’ve also noticed about the reality of friendships is that they sometimes end. Someone moves away. Someone changes values and lifestyle. Someone gets in with a different crowd. Many times, we can stay friends even at a distance, but it’s just not the same as seeing the person regularly and sharing dreams and dreads on a daily basis. It hurts when two friends are separated. Depending on the circumstances, they can continue the friendship for many, many years from a distance. I know people who are really old (like 30!) who have moved away but stay in touch with high school buddies. They enjoy catching up with each other, but they have developed other close friendships in their new hometowns.
There aren’t any perfect friendships because there aren’t two perfect people to have one. But there are many great friendships because two people are loyal to each other, they speak the truth even when it hurts because they care, they forgive when they are hurt and work through the problem, and they are realistic. In Romans 12:9, Paul wrote, “Let love be without hypocrisy.”
True friends don’t play mind games with each other. True friends don't measure your merit with what you buy for them or what you do for them; or don't do for them. They are there for you thick and thin just as you should be. Friends are a tremendous blessing from Allah according to Islamics. Friendship is such a beautiful gift. A friend in need is a friend in deed after all
Ain't that the truth? And it's funny how women seem to be the ones who are riddled with hatred, jealousy, drama. To quote Dr. Sheldon Cooper from "Big Bang Theory," 'bitches be crazy."
Happy new year! I hope you're all blessed with the love of true friendship next year and in the future!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
And...Comcast does it again!
Not only have my connection issues not been resolved but we're STILL getting crap service; dropped calls, signals for internet and cable. And they're raising the rates! I have a blind friend who has had nothing but troubles w/Comcast as well; same issues as I and they're not informing him of his rate hikes untill he paid his bill. Their reasoning? We mailed you info. ???? He's blind!
Shitty horrible service. I'm begging my landlord to let us get DirecTV. I know he requested we not get another dish but I'm begging him.
Shitty horrible service. I'm begging my landlord to let us get DirecTV. I know he requested we not get another dish but I'm begging him.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Here's some flight info for Chicago December 20th, 2012
American Airlines announced that all domestic flights leaving Chicago after 8PM tonight are cancelled due to incliment weather....call ahead for your flight arrangements and be safe! The link for flight info for AA is HERE or call 1-800-433-7300 and just keep hitting "0" until you speak to a live human being or an alien. Not too sure if it applies to both O'Hare or Midway but double check.
Also, Midway Airport's Southwest Airlines has already cancelled every flight as of.....NOW. Southwest Airlines info is right HERE OR call 1-800-435-9792.
FYI: apparently they've decided to name the winter storms because snow felt out of the game without names ala hurricanes, typhoons, etc...so now this is Winter Storm Draco...mmm? I kinda like the sound of that as it reminds me of Hogwarts and Harry Potter.
ABC7Chicago.com has doppler weather maps and school closing info right now re: tomorrow. Sounds like another "snowpocolypse" going down, wouldn't you say?
Have a safe trip!
Also, Midway Airport's Southwest Airlines has already cancelled every flight as of.....NOW. Southwest Airlines info is right HERE OR call 1-800-435-9792.
FYI: apparently they've decided to name the winter storms because snow felt out of the game without names ala hurricanes, typhoons, etc...so now this is Winter Storm Draco...mmm? I kinda like the sound of that as it reminds me of Hogwarts and Harry Potter.
ABC7Chicago.com has doppler weather maps and school closing info right now re: tomorrow. Sounds like another "snowpocolypse" going down, wouldn't you say?
Have a safe trip!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
OK, yo! Crunch time!
Yesh, it's crunch time in so many ways, re: Christmas. This is the last weekend to shop unless you're Orthodox and do Christmas on Epiphany. Nonetheless, reminder of the great deals all the stores may have so hit their websites for further details. RE: Delivery? Well, Amazon is alluding that they shall make it by December 24th delivery on most items...but we shall see, no? Not I as I'm not ordering online this year.
Don't forget to patronize your local business for your last minute gift ideas!
If I don't see you Merry Christmas!~ And yes, I say Merry Christmas....
Don't forget to patronize your local business for your last minute gift ideas!
If I don't see you Merry Christmas!~ And yes, I say Merry Christmas....
Monday, December 17, 2012
Don't forget about Santa at Daley Plaza
Until Christmas Eve, Santa will be at Daley Plaza every day from 11AM til 8PM; he lunches and feeds the reindeer from 3-4PM. Pluuuus, visit the Christkindlmarket tomorrow, Tuesday, December 18 from 3-5pm for a special children's afternoon.
Small businesses in the western 'burbs of Chicago ROCK!
So, I've been doing loads of interviewing and viewing of small businesses in and out of the city itself and I am one tired beeesh. I find as of late the 'burbs seem to be a bit more open and receptive in regard to having their business plugged by a consumer/RN/writing momma who has a big mouth and loads of friends, especially well over 600 contacts on a certain social network where I more than freely express my opinion...than the city businesses. Perhaps I should have a cameraman behind me ala "Ben Loves Chicago" but that's hard to do w/a limited income and a zoo of kids and a service dog in tow. You'd think that just the word of mouth and a verbal agreement of a promise of a blog of said business would suffice; but alas! Perhaps it's also the old mentality of Chicago business owners having to grease palms of certain individuals to keep their business afloat thwarted their mindset for free publicity, as I get no compensation from my yapper nor really had receptive responses from some city businesses.
Well, during Berwyn's annual "Deck the Depot" which occurred December 8th I along w/my zoo had the honor of patronizing a fabulous little store in Berwyn called "Fly Right Gifts." Just down the street from the Berwyn Metra depot at 6902 Windsor this little treasure is filled with so many adorable goodies to satisfy any age and budget! There are environmentally "right" toys, cosmetics and cleaning products as well as recycled jewelry at great prices! There are dog toys, other handmade goodies made by local artists, water bottles that don't look stupid according to proprietess Laurie; even a 'fridge magnet that states "Berwyn" on it.
Wouldn't that make Svengoolie proud?
The shop is tiny yet cozy and has an old-school feel; along the lines of the dime stores/Ben Franklins from days gone by. Laurie will even let little ones fill out a shopping list of sorts to make for Santa which will go to both parents and Santa.
Stand up straight and to "Fly Right" click on the link for Laurie's website and blog HERE!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Free food coupons!!!
Get thee over to my facebook page GET YOU SOME!!!!!!! See what I have 'cooking' over there for your eating pleasure! GET YOU SOME is in all caps with seven exclamation points!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
IT CAME FROM BERWYN...OR....Check the Decked out Depot @ Burlington Northern Berwyn stop.
So, this weekend Berwyn will host their annual Deck the Depot festival of lights dealie. It's going to be a few hours of holiday fun with a live reindeer and petting zoo in theMunicipal Parking Facility at 3310 S Grove, horsedrawn sleigh, free trolley rides in a heated trolley, free pics with Santa at the Bounce Sports Multiplex and compimentary goodies courtesy of local businesses all up and down Windsor Avenue between Harlem and East Avenues.
Hours are 5-9PM this Saturday December 8th. For more details click on the link HERE
And guess what? It's FREEEEEEE!
Speaking of something or "IT" coming from Berwyn, does anyone know how Rich Koz is doing? I heard he had a heart attack a while back. Any news? Anyone? Hmmmm? Let us know if you know, eh? Thanks....the management.
Hours are 5-9PM this Saturday December 8th. For more details click on the link HERE
And guess what? It's FREEEEEEE!
Speaking of something or "IT" coming from Berwyn, does anyone know how Rich Koz is doing? I heard he had a heart attack a while back. Any news? Anyone? Hmmmm? Let us know if you know, eh? Thanks....the management.
Some more holiday happenings around the ChiTown area...
You know I really hate when these things just creep up on ya....or when organizations plan these events waaaay before Christmas. I just found out the CTA Holiday Train already was on the Orange Line which is the train closest to us....humpf! Well, anyway, The Chicago Transit Authority is getting into the Christmas spirit with their popular Holiday Train! Santa and his elves will ride the train passing out candy canes and Christmas greetings.
The train is an amazing and..uh...scary sight - during the daytime and at night! You'll get a warm and funny feeling just watching it come up at your stop. The outside of the six-car train is adorned with holiday seasonal images. Thousands of twinkling (flashing...hope you don't have seizures...ha ha) lights outline the shape of the train and windows, with even more lights running across the tops of the cars. Let me tell ya; it's quite busy and blinding! If you're going or coming from work take pictures and post them on Facebook! It's really funny and cool to see!
Inside the cars are totally decked out with loads of multi-colored flashing lights, red bows, garland, and red and green overhead lighting. The hand poles are wrapped to look like candy canes or a barber pole if you're Jewish, Pagan, Buddhist, Muslim, etc...
As the train pulls into each station, Santa waves eagerly to the boarding passengers (and those just standing on the platform astounded by the sight of a Griswald-esque image of a CTA train in real life) from his sleigh on an open-air flatcar carrying his reindeer and brightly decorated holiday trees freezing his "bucks" off. Poor thing; I hope he's bundled up, eh? Think he has a bit of booze meshed into his hot cocoa?
Just so you know if you happen to be traveling to and from work you can take the Holiday Train. Just take pictures and share, eh?
The Holiday Train will travel all CTA rail lines in December as part of regular rail service and generally operates from about 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on select weekdays (schedules for each rail line will vary), and will make stops at all stations along the respective routes. The holiday train is the same price of a regular train/bus ride. Below are the current and upcoming dates and train lines the Holiday Train will travel upon:
Blue Line:
12/6 - Thu
12/7 - Fri
12/8 - Sat (Photo w/Santa day)
Red Line:
12/12 - Wed
Purple Line:
12/13 - Thu
Red Line:
12/14 - Fri
Red Line & Purple Line:
12/15 - Sat (Photo with Santa day.)
Red Line:
12/18 - Tue
Purple Line:
12/19 - Wed
Yellow Line:
12/20 - Thu
Red Line & Purple Line:
12/22 - Sat
FOR ACTUAL TIMES CLICK HERE and click on the light blue dates of the schedule.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
It's the Great Charlie Brown EXHIBIT!
Weeeeeell, it's not THAT great; IE, great in size...or greatness in the sense of it being anywhere near the "WOW" factor. I was slightly disappointed, let me tell you.
So, along with a patient of mine we went on the last free day of the 2012 year to the Museum of Science and Industry and made our way to the Charlie Brown Exhibit.
With a small $5 fee for the exhibit you get access to a small yet somewhat interesting view of the inside world of Sparky, aka Charles Schultz.
And I'm not kidding; this exhibit is reeeally, really small.
There's a bit of a bio on Sparky along with letters and other notes from the creator of Snoopy along with images of Sparky as a child. There are also notes of when certain characters came to be (Like Schroeder, who was introduced as a baby in 1951) along with a view of the original strip some of the characters came to be. There's a good sized step piano reminiscent of the movie "Big" with Tom Hanks but this piano is no where near the size of the one F.A.O Scwartz had from the movie "Big," there are life-sized plastic characters of Charlie Brown and Snoopy snoozing on his dog house for photo ops, a lot of interaction kiddie activities like an art area and a dress up area. There are cartoon cells of most of the TV specials, a bit of a wall with an homage to "Joe Cool" which I never liked personally....sorry; but I DO love Snoopy!
It seemed like it was geared more for kids. Little kids, but big kids all over who adore Snoopy and Charlie Brown can dig this exhibit. I just didn't think the $5 charge was necessary IMO and don't be surprised if you're slightly disappointed. There was a bit of a teaser for this "great" exhibit before the main hall where the Christmas trees from around the world are displayed; a huge Charlie Brown themed decorated tree that was quite impressive.
This goes along with the deal of products being smaller and servings, service, etc...being shorter and smaller but the price remains the same. Lots of the usual exhibits were not as big as they used to be even a few years ago.
Like the Christmas trees from around the world wasn't as extensive as it usually is and IMO I think some of the countries who decorated their respective trees could have put a bit more "UMPF" in their tree decorating skills. I mean, come on; after all, thousands and thousands of people from all over the world would be looking at these and you'd think they'd put more thought and creativity in their trees. Like the tree from England? Loads of ornaments with the image of Queen Elizabeth and replicas of her crown with a few other doo-dads on it. I don't recall seeing more than one Union Jack flag. The tree from Colombia looked more like it was from Mexico than the tree from Mexico. Very disappointing as well.
The highlight of our trip was the fact that we can purchase a "Big Bang Theory" t-shirt for the kids with the ubiquitous saying of Dr. Sheldon Cooper.
The exhibit runs until February 18th, 2013. Want more info on the Charlie Brown exhibit or the Museum of Science/Industry just click HERE
So, believe this or not positive and exciting things DO happen in the McKinley Park neighborhood of Chicago.
It creeps up on ya, I swear!
What creeps up on ya!?
Important dates; holidays, etc....I had absolutely no idea the Toys for Tots parade was this past weekend, and considering the close proximation of Western Avenue to our house, I trekked there with the Zoo in tow (IE, the kiddies both two legged and four legged kinds). They were quite excited about going and were shocked at the noise and enthralled at the sights of the Christmas themed bikes and various military vehibles that flowed freely across 35th Street on Western. With the weather warm as early June or September more spectators were present then previously years, and more bikers participated!
Ubiquitous Santas, Elves, reindeer antlers, biker leather and even the sights of Vespas and Honda scooters, I was watching with envy, even at the scooters. This really looks like such fun regardless of the weather...and it's for such a wonderful cause.
Every year I'm standing there and feel the warm, fuzzy and overwhelming feeling of love and joy! The energy you feel from just standing there watching all the participants smiling, waving, pointing at the American flag with a salute and waves to us especially to the kids who were enthusiastically waving back and yelling...."
It literally brings tears to my eyes....every.....single.....year. I get choked up.
You can still drop off donations up until December 16th and if you'd like, make a monetary donation online. The link for the Chicagoland area website with more infomation is HERE
Sunday, December 2, 2012
FYI, small business alert!`
Just to let you know I'll be paying a visit to a few small businesses this week to review and let you all know what's what in regard to what they have available, where, etc...just in time for Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate this time of the year.
If you have any comments or ideas of places you'd like us to visit w/in the next three weeks, PM or comment me and we'll take the zoo w/us and get cracking! There's no time like the present to shop locally to bring your fellow Americans out of the financial funk and back to reality; truth, justice and the American way, aka Capitalism!
If you have any comments or ideas of places you'd like us to visit w/in the next three weeks, PM or comment me and we'll take the zoo w/us and get cracking! There's no time like the present to shop locally to bring your fellow Americans out of the financial funk and back to reality; truth, justice and the American way, aka Capitalism!
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