I mean, I had a great party going on(one of them home parties w/food, btw) where we were going to pair chocolate and beer, but no one was able to come as it's now spring break and pretty much everyone was going to be out of town. I had an exciting day planned but everyone had told me since they got a pretty decent Christmas bonus(literally, everyone I invited had a trip going w/the family or their husbands for the weekend and it seemed weird but everyone was going to either Mexico or Vegas....hmm!). Argh, that makes me so angry! Plus, plans being changed at the last minute, IE, when someone promised to come over, bring this, hang out w/you, blah blah...and then they blow you off at the last minute, especially if it's for them to begin with....THAT really pisses me off. I understand things happen and plans can change but when it happens often and it's on that other person's end even after you make every attempt and way to meet so-and-so no matter how hard it was to do the hook up in the first place.
Funny thing about plans, but I really feel bad for Californians. RE: their state tax refund; they're getting IOU's!!! Can you believe that? So much for using your state tax refund to pay the electric bill, gas bill, Visa bill, etc...who knows when you'll get the moolah. I mean, come on, Cali!! You already are getting a governor for free, so WTF?
And speaking of the governor, anyone catch last week's "Celebrity Apprentice?" Yeah, Blago is STILL a moron, trying to "defend" himself as he ignored Joan River's diner order(ya gotta head over to Hulu.com to check it out) as he yapped, and yapped and did a bit more yapping to diner customers re: his status(or lack thereof) w/the state of Illinois. He really is delusional and he really thinks he did nothing wrong. So, let me get this straight; attempting to sell an empty senator seat for your state for XXX amount of moolah...isn't wrong...and it wasn't what he was doing...as it was all taken out of context. Whatever, Rod. Stop sniffing that Liquid Paper....
Thanks to freakingnews.com for the borrowing of the Rod image....
I love what Sharon Osbourne said about Blago: IE, "his eyes are too close together....he looks weird." ROFL!
ReplyDeleteI still have not caught up with this season of Celebrity Apprentice but you are making me want to catch up. When I get through the last two Caprica's, I'm going to check it out.
ReplyDeleteYou should! Catch up on hulu.com. This weeks was a good one! I swear, I watch more TV now than when I was younger! LOL! But check it out...it's really great, and I'm loving Cyndi Lauper once again...and once again, I can see what a dope and mope Blago is! He is acting as if his ass is on the damn campaign trail! It's really bugging me and aside from this and his ineptness in Illinois, he's so clueless and I am dying for him to get fired! LOL! Hell hath no fury when a woman is scorned, but think of that woman being Latina? It's worse!