Saturday, March 9, 2013

Victoria's Secret and a young "tween girl."

So, I've heard everyone is getting their undies in a bunch (no pun intended) about a blogging mom who took her young pre-teen daughter to Victoria's Secret.

Any comments?

I have some.

I heard some other people freakin' out on this mom AND her kid. The think that pissed me off most was what others were saying about this woman's child. What kind of mess is that to talk smack of someone's kid? Like how I feel when Lutherans diss the Virgin Mary. You're talking about the Mother of God!

Alas, I digress again.

I personally don't see what the gigantic deal is re: this matter. I personally wouldn't shop w/my 9-10 year old daughter as in my opinion kids grow so doggone quick it'd be a total waste of money unless for some reason VS is having a ridiculous sale where normal (in the sense they don't look like lacy, honeymoon gear and aren't thongs) undies are a buck, then yes, I'll buy her drawers there. But until her growth spurts stop and her body growth has reached a happy medium, IE, I don't have to worry about tossing out a few pairs of uexpensive ndies she's only worn twice due her outgrowing them...then fine. And have you SEEN the undie department at Walmart, KMart, Target, etc....? It ain't that much of a PG-13 atmosphere compared to VS.

Fair warning! There will be thongs!!!! There will be teddies, bustiers, garter belts and stockings, lacey under thingys and the like.

But I wouldn't worry as it's not porn star quality, in my humble opinion. Just people butting in and letting their so-called morals kick into overdrive.

If anyone has a brain in their head and has actually gone into a VS, you'll see VS isn't the mothership for honeymoon apparel. They have wonderful clothing, bath products, even the PINK line which IMO gears a bit more to the HS/college set, but is nice....would fare well for tweens and teens, and those of us who consider ourselves perpetual teenagers over the age of 40. As I mentioned, I personally wouldn't take my kid and waste the dough on undies I can get for half the price and she'll end up outgrowing anyway. I would rather I went to VS and got a nice deal on undies, which they do for email subscribers. They send us free undies or a $10 off undie coupon which I love!

I think everyone needs to get a grip, stop thinking about little girls' undies (you pervs!), chill and take a real hard look at a VS in your local mall... live and let live.

And as I like to say to idiots who tend to put their foot in their mouths without knowledge of ..anything in regard to a topic of this nature.....whatever.

1 comment:

  1. How *did* people raise their children in the days before the internet made it possible for strangers to weigh in with opinions on things that didn't concern them at all? I'm at an age where I think it would be nice to have something feminine and pretty, even though it's just for my eyes, but I agree; there's no economic reason for this for a young girl.


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