Friday, May 4, 2012

STILL goony over Titanic.....

I remember the first time I saw Titanic...with my husband. We were newlyweds as this was 2 years BC (Before Children) and we were regulars at the movies; making our usual weekly treks to the local or....NOT so local movie theater to partake in the viewing of whatever was interesting....or worthy, as my DH and I are a couple of movie junkies and may think what is awesome...YOU may think is total tripe. I can recall that time like it was yesterday...and I don't know what happened yesterday. I recalled how Titanic had been out for a while and we were eventually going to see it as it was being compared to "Gone With The Wind" not the case actually as THAT is my favie movie of all time, period. So, as my DH and I aren't one who usually follows the crowd, the fad, etc....and I usually have been known to start trends..we decided to wait til the "hoopla" was down and went to see "Good Will Hunting."

The day we was SOLD relented and saw Titanic. It was gripping, sappy, full of CGI, the gorgeous red hair of Kate Winslet (whom I was mistaken for as I was shopping at Water Tower Place in my fur and sunglasses right around that time..I was mobbed by a group of teeny bopper girls) and amazing costumes! At one of the crucial moments I recalled how the band played "Nearer My God To Thee" as the ship continued to sink; the theater was completely silent when all of a sudden a loud sobbing cry happened at the right of the theater and I along with everyone in front of my slowly...and simultaneously turned to our right to see who was sobbing so pitifully.

Anywho....many mooons later, plus two kids/dogs and wrinkles and poundage on my we are; upon the 100 anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic....I happened upon the ubiquitous sounds of Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" and this day....get chicken skin hearing that song.....

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