Friday, April 6, 2012

Ancestry research???? 1940s Census availability???? BAAAH!

And I MEAN...bah, humbug! I've never been so discouraged with research in my entire life! OK, just venting a bit...buuuuut...we're supposed to be able to find oodles of further info via ancestry(dot)com on the 1940 Census, and I'm finding squat! I may be a bit bitter....but what can I tell you? I have been looking forward to this day to upload and pick up more info on my family's tree and add more but the only progress I've been able to gain is with the itty, bitty info my father-in-law gave me. He gave me the names of his parents, and voila!!! I was able to trace my husband's side way into the Plymouth era of the United States. People, get information from your family and write it down if you want to build a family tree And thanks to that great show on NBC called "Who Do You Think You Are?" the ancestry site is constantly crashing with loads of fellow history nerds taking up all sorts of valuable space at the exact time I wish to research?, off I am to download, research and Google for more of the skinny on our family. I must call my Tia to verify some stuff.....sod the total research at this time.

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