Yes! My wonderful husband relented but not too unwilling as he took me to see Paul McCartney on August 1st for the 4th time(well, 4th time for me, 1st for him, IE, he was a Macca concert virgin). It was almost 20 years ago to the date I saw him last at Soldier Field, which blew me away despite I had just seen him in December of 1989. My husband was completely starstruck as soon as Paul sang, I was in awe as usual despite this was "old hat" and the first time I saw him as an adult I cried like a child as I saw him first as a child, and cried like a baby as Wings Over America thrilled me and my aunt and a boyfriend of hers to see him at the old Chicago Stadium, aka the place where the Blackhawks and Bulls USED to play.
So, we trekked from one baseball field(the good one) to the other one(the "not-so-good one") via CTA's Red Line and were smashed between Macca fans and Yankee/White Sox fans as the Sox played the Yanks that night as well. It was sweltering outside; yes, hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk if you like your eggs that way. After meandering around the Wrigleyville area trying to get our butts in after I indulged in a coffee shake, we finally made it in, still sweating like a couple of Hebrew slaves waiting for Moses to make his appearance and of course to closest thing to being with God was having the most heavenly voice of former Beatle, aka my favorite Beatle.
Walking up to our seats we noticed the pre-concert music was an amazing mix of Wings/Macca and Beatles' tunes set to various styles of music, especially club-esque style which was actually pretty cool. They also had a slide show of sorts showing Paul in various eras, IE, pre-Beatles, Wings, solo, WITH the Beatles, with his family, etc...very lovely and I really wanted to dance to some of the tunes.
After the show and getting a kick out of the incredibly happy and slightly intoxicated patrons who showed not a single bit of aggression whatsoever as...well, it's one of the happiest places on Paul McCartney concert is literally like being in heaven; everyone is joyous, happy, thrilled and just full of love for this wonderful human being who has brought so much happiness to many all over the universe(yes, I believe in ET's and know they listen to Paul and the Beatles), we made our way to get a quick bite and took our happy yet incredibly exhausted booties back on the CTA Red Line toward Dan Ryan/95th only to find out at the last minute the 35th Street bus stops running after 12 midnight.
Yeah, so we finally walked about 2 1/2 miles to get home, happy yet extremely exhausted, literally sleepy and slightly scared at the heinous odor that emitted from the south branch of the Chicago River, aka "Bubbly Creek," which smelled like rotting was so pungent my eyes teared up and we both had our gag reflex kick in, thus waking our sleep-walking butts right up, boy-howdy!(Tejana comes out in me occasionally, bear w/me please, y'all).
So, please enjoy the vid of the best song of the show, and the loudest....and bless your hearts if you were there(HEY! I hear ya!), and I'm so sorry if you couldn't go but if he tours again, get thee out there and see this man!!!!! He's 69, he's still cute and yes, he STILL can jam!!!! Look out Mick!!! He's giving ya a run for your money.
I guess it does pay to eat veggie.
First song of the I kinda go "meh" when I hear it on the radio actually made me giddy, as it did my husband who was COMPLETELY star struck! LOVED IT~! Too, yeah...he did sing a great amount of his hits from both Beatles and Wings, he played for over 3 hours and did TWO encores, including "Golden Slumbers" which was his actual finally. The man is 69, he's still a cutie, and he can still get it on.....on stage(weeell, I'm certain he can otherwise...UH! Vulgarity rearing it's ugly head!)