Sunday, December 5, 2010


I have the WORSE sore throat! Darn kids getting me sick. Anyone got any homeopathic remedies that actually work aside from the gargling w/salt H20?


May the force be with you...Go BLACKHAWKS!!!


  1. When I have a sore throat I gargle 50% hydrogen peroxide with 50% water. Not an instant pain reliever, but it kills the bacteria! Seems to shorten the duration of my illness.


  2. Thanks, Motomomma! I'm giving that a try tonight! I'm desperate for any relief!


Want to voice your opinion or just say "wow, funny article! Wow, funny face, WOW funny kids? Then just do that...right here....

Story of an "unknown" soldier.....

OK, now here’s the story about that headstone. Back in late summer my kids, mother and I went to Resurrection Cemetery to pay respect to ...